>tfw born 15 cm dicklet
why is god so cruel to us?
Tfw born 15 cm dicklet
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw born 5'11 manlet
>tfw born 115 iq brainlet
>tfw born 7/10 facelet
everything below 20cm is a dicklet because women faced with a choice will always go for a bigger one
you can cope whoever you want but that's the truth mate
15cm is big.
All of us dudes watch porn so to us our dicks look small.
it's not, my normalfag friend in highschool had 21 cm and my crush fucked him few times. And she was a shy 6/10 virgin.
every girl wants to try a big cock
Of course I'd rather be stabbed by an 8in knife more than a 7in knife. No, all women are secretly lesbians, if they had the choice they'd go for the female every time.
you are fucking retarded
ask any women under a lie detector if she rather had a boyfriend with 15 cm dick or 21 cm dick
Mine is 8cm.
To be honest most of us don't really think like this exactly. It's not just the bigger dick, it's how it makes you feel. I have fucked a guy with a somewhat larger dick and preferred another guy with a somewhat smaller dick (still large, though) because he knew what to do with it, and because the chemistry was off the charts. The first guy was just a guy I fucked pretty much only because he had a big dick.
Size definitely, absolutely matters, but if you have a big dick it matters a lot less by comparison. An 8.5 inch penis will make me tear up and hit highs of ecstacy in pretty much the same way a 9 or 10 inch penis will. A 6 inch won't.
>it's another sph fetish thread
post feet or tits, please
Preferably feet
what a fucking whore
neck yourself
Being upset about biological reality and calling me a whore for being honest makes you look like a child. When you're posting on your incel board about roasties, make sure to leave your childish attitude out and pretend like it's all our fault, otherwise they'll call you a "fake cel" or whatever.
post your feet please
I will do whatever you want
I'm 17cm and I feel like it's pretty good. I think 15cm is no different.
Maybe mine just seems quite big because of girth and how pleasing it is aesthetically (blue veins)
>5'10 manlet
>114 IQ brainlet
>7/10 facelet
>6" dicklet
>85% gradelet
>patchy beardlet
What did I do to deserve this.
Reminder under 6ft and a dick as small I mean boiclit as small as yours take the pink pill and transition or be a sissy bottom
Faggotty bait thread, my dude.
>had sex with more than one guy
Unironically kys, slut!
this is me but 6/10 face ://////
luckily i can grow a nice ass beard though
Wow. So much for six inches being enough.
You will be unhappy forever. I am genuinely sorry. This world is horribly cruel and not fair at all.
It's "enough" in the sense that it is suitable when we're coping with being cut off from the thing that literally gives our life meaning.
but if you could choose beetwen guys with the same sex skills but one has 6 inch dick and the other 9 inches what would you choose?
9 inch dicks are rare and often women don't have to make this choice, you do realize that right?
If they did all of them and I literally mean all of them would go for black men if anything kek.
Doesn't exactly happen though.
Your boyfriend having a big dick is what gives your life meaning? Am I reading that correctly?
It's not so much about "sex skills" as much as it is natural chemistry. 9 inch is an extreme example, but in my experience guys with bigger dicks happen to have better chemistry with me. Maybe it's psychological? Or maybe guys with big dicks are just naturally more masculine, and thus much more appealing to me? I'm just basing this on my own anecdotal experience, but I've never been surprised when I ended up seeing the penis of a guy I wasn't nearly so attracted to and it was "average" at best.
you're either a troll or someone who I would genuinely be happy hearing about dying alone. once you hit your mid 30s you'll hit the wall and live the rest of your life having peaked in the first quarter of it.
No, the physical bonding with a person who absolutely fulfills me in indescribable ways leading to procreation is what gives my life meaning. That he has a big dick is probably part of it, but not solely because of that, more because that's a part of what makes him who he is.
This is a cope. I'm not a troll, I'm in my late 20s and very happy and fulfilled. I'm sorry you're such an unhappy person that me being honest in this thread asking questions about this stuff makes you hope me, a stranger, is miserable for life. I genuinely feel bad for you.
how can dicklets even compete
I hate this world
you lack any and all self awareness. fucking roasties, I swear
What self awareness? Don't you want to have sex with people you're attracted to? How is big dick any different than nice feet, face or body?
I don't think so, this sounds like a throwaway insult you say to someone when you can't think of how to respond. "Self-awareness" doesn't really play into this conversation at all.
I agree, the argument about porn is dumb, because there are lots of amateur videos and every single one of them has a guy with a big dick how do you explain that? Simple, 80% of males have big cocks and porn IS real with REAL dudes. We're just the unlucky small-dicked bunch, genetic trash.
What I'm getting out of this is that there's no point in even trying, because every girl wants to (and probably has) fucked at least one guy with a porn star dick, and when they're in bed with me they'll be thinking about the other, bigger guy(s) they've had sex with. I am a sexual inferior because of something decided before I was born. Great.
Yep, that sums it up nicely.
this, what's the point of having a gf if every time she sees a big dick or even heards about it she will want to sleep with that guy
even if she doesn't the sole thought she wants to is too much for me
It's not just that they're bigger, it's that they're better in a lot of ways, and chances are having a bigger dick is probably a part of that.
I'm really sorry to break it to you, but that is how things work. The best you can hope for is to make due with what you've got and hopefully find a woman when she's ready to settle, probably after she's had a kid or two. If you realize you're not in the very top tier of men, it really only harms you by not just swallowing your pride and accepting this. You don't have to be miserable, you just have to accept harsh reality and move on.
Rather live and die alone than become a cuck and take care of Chad's offspring.
stop just stop I don't want to hear about it
Honestly I think that's really sad. You could actually be happy with a woman in this situation. Instead because of some false pride (acting like you're "Chad") you would choose to leave her alone and be miserable while "Chad" goes on living his best life. Why? Spite?
I hope you learn to let go and accept that this is just the way the world works. You will be a happier person because of it.
where is honor and pride in raising someone else child? I'd rather wait for day of the rope, to see you all become sex slaves, nothing more nothing less
even tho I will die from the first fired bullet I just want to know you will all suffer
>happier person
Nah, I'd probably kill myself If I had to take care of someone else's kid. You're better off alone and not giving the satisfaction to the roastie or Chad.
You would rather immerse yourself in an actual delusion where you think there's going to be some "day of the rope" and women will somehow get their "comeuppance" for doing exactly what nature and environment has driven us to do, which you would be doing if you were one of us.
You do this because you have an unwarranted sense of pride. I'll never be a sex slave. You'll never cause me to suffer. You're the only one suffering, and you'll continue to do so because you're acting like you deserve to have the pride of a Chad when you know you're genetically inferior.
Know your place. Grow up and learn to accept it, even though it is unfair and cruel. You just might make yourself and a woman happy and provide something to a child who brings you joy, even if they have Chad's genes.
I can only hope you'll come to your senses. You could choose to be happy and live a life that isn't filled with bitterness and spite, but you choose not to because you're angry you didn't win the genetic lottery. It's like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.
It's the cucks who are raising Chad's children the ones who should come to their senses. I'm woke as fuck and see things for what they are and I don't want to be a fucking cuck, I'd rather die alone.
You're so woke that you're living in lonely misery, bitterly lashing out at the world through the internet because you feel like it's not fair you weren't born a Chad.
You only have so many options. If you were honest with yourself, you'd know this. You are choosing the worse option for no other reason than you are spiteful you didn't win, through no choice or doing of your own. Everything after that IS your choice though, and you're choosing the stupid, miserable path.
You didn't deserve to be screwed out of the genetic lottery, but you do deserve to be unhappy if you keep letting the fact that you lost dictate the fact that you'll be miserable forever because you have an unwarranted sense of entitlement and pride.
Why? So she can resent me and view me as a disposable object at best? I'm not doing that. I'll kill myself first. I refuse to believe that the only way for me to find companionship is by cleaning up another man's mess, raising children that aren't mine, and providing for an ingrate. And while we're at it, let me ask you this: if these men are so great, why can't they raise their own children? A real man takes responsibility for what's his.
>because you're acting like you deserve to have the pride of a Chad when you know you're genetically inferior.
not him but there was a genetically inferior guy 90 years ago thac acted like Chad and he caused a lot of suffering
if that user will cause holocaust 2.0 that's on you
The thing about big dicks is there is a direct result from having one. Women preferring big dicks actually makes a difference in their sex lives and stuff. It's not the same as something like height, or race, or even facial features (not aesthetics or symmetry which is innate) as a preference, which are all socially conditioned preferences and which don't actually change the relationship, assuming that the two people like each other. But a big dick vs a small one actually makes a physical difference in the way sex feels for a woman so it's not an irrelevant trait that's inflated via cultural standards like race or height. I don't know how to cope with being a 7 inch dicklet.
I'm not spiteful I didn't win the genetic lottery and I accept that, but I sure as shit am not going to help Chad. I am completely out of the genetic equation and I'm fine with that.
Hello faggot, would you like some rope to neck yourself.
It's not about them being "great" it's about them being genetically viable. Nature doesn't care about silly things like what value you think a man has for raising his own genetic offspring, especially when millions of other men will step up do so because they aren't so stupid and prideful that they realize it's actually better for everyone, themselves included.
You don't sound like someone who is "fine with that" when it's followed up after "I'm sure as shit not going to help Chad." Even if Chad doesn't care (he's already procreated using his superior genetics, what does he care?) and it would lead to a more enjoyable life for you, the woman, and the child.
You're so afraid of being a "cuck" because of internet memes that you let yourself be tricked into horrible lonely misery instead. Being a "cuck" is really not that bad, most guys are, and definitely will be for the foreseeable future. Grow up and accept your place, and you might have a chance at being happy.
what the fuck are you talking about. The vast majority of men reproduce and that isn't changing in the foreseeable future.
Bless your heart. You really believe that.
So you would honestly rather chad get you pregnant and disappear, leaving you to fend for yourself and raise that child alone? Assume you can't find a man to provide for you. What about the child who grows up ten kinds of fucked in the head because he was raised by a single mother? Is that "better for everyone" too?
>What about the child who grows up ten kinds of fucked in the head because he was raised by a single mother? Is that "better for everyone" too?
Huh? Children raised by single mothers doesn't differ in any way from ones that grow up in normal families. Stop blaming your failuires on everyone else but yourself.
it's funny because before porn 15 cm was considered a monster cock
No, I would prefer Chad stay with me, but realistically I'm probably in the same genetic boat as you are. Chad isn't going to stay with me (unless I'm very lucky or can pressure him into it, but that's not likely).
I'll settle for the next best thing. Someone like you. And you're lying to yourself if you think I won't find that.
We'd both be happier. Why not? Because you think you deserve better?
It's not something to "believe", we have data on the topic. Very very few children are from different fathers in the modern era and those that are are usually low-income areas with a lot of social problems.
Besides, in the "forseeable future" what is actually going to happen is advancements in AI and gene-modding will cause states/governments to have an arms-race to produce the most efficient human form possible. You seem to think something like "female selection" is a relevant thing anymore. It's not.
I saw some interesting stats about that recently.
Did you know that in Norway, 1 in 4 men born in 1973 havent managed to reproduce, while only 1 in 10 women hasnt had children? So many women are choosing to be impregnated by a small select pool of men.
These are stats for 48 year olds btw, who were raised in an entirely different world. The stats for people born in 1990 are much worse.
115 IQ is non-ironically a brainlet, though.
You're in severe denial, I can see that. Maybe in 100 years what you're talking about will start to come true, but until then, we hold the cards when it comes to sexual selection. It very much is relevant, and increasingly fewer men are going to be reproducing.
100 years? lmao, it's happening now and the rate of growth is exponential. 10 years from now we will have human-level intelligence in our machines, and gene modding is almost as cheap as dirt. The future is nothing like what you're thinking, and this is just from a technological standpoint. If you think men would just allow you to do that, you don't know biology. This weird idea that a lot of women who read redpill stuff think, where the females are ultimate gatekeepers or something, is just wrong. You do know that male animals rape and kill females who don't put out all the time, right? Male chimps form bands and force the females into little groups to be easily controlled. Young male lions kill females if they refuse them, when they role through to the new area. This weird notion that you have, where if women really did start to bottleneck reproduction (which you wouldn't do anyway) and then men just wouldn't do anything about it, is really cute.
Women probably dont avoid you because they think your sick is small user
men are slaves to pussy and will let women get away with absolutely anything.
Except this isn't true at all, and sadly women are murdered by husbands and men etc. all the fucking time.
this whole thread is ntr bait for guys who want to be cucked by big dicks, trolls who want to scare the under-age who come here and probably /pol for some weird reason
I think it's clear you're living in a rage-fueled delusion where you think men are going to start wholesale raping if they can't subvert female genetic selection. You actually seem like a psychopath at this point, where you are so upset you didn't win the genetic lottery that you've let some hazy Kurzweil-inspired fantasy become a kind of defense mechanism.
"Gene modding" on the scale you're talking about is not "cheap as dirt," it's in its extreme infancy and further still from doing what you're describing. "Human-level intelligence in our machines" I don't think so, we might have some level of AI decision making assistance be more common in a lot of things, but human-level AI that recursively improves itself is largely an unsubstantiated myth. It's also not going to pull you out of this.
Women have sexual selection and agency, and the machine of society is such that you're not going to undo that. The consequences are that you're not going to breed. The sooner you accept that and your role as a "soft cuck," as I like to refer to it, the sooner you will be a happier person, not lashing out bitterly at society because you lost a game of chance, and not retreating into a pathetic and psychotic fantasy where techno-rapists remove female genetic selection.
>I'll settle for the next best thing. Someone like you.
And that right there is why I will never be in such a relationship. According to you, I'm worthless. Why should I do anything for you? You'll surely resent me and compare me to the father of your child, who will more than likely still be in your life in some way.
And, not that this matters, I am six foot three with a six and a quarter inch penis. I'm sure you'd find both lacking but as I said, moot point.
HEY faggots, im 5'9 with a 4.5 inch dick (~11cm) and have made girls scream my name in ecstasy. Im 100% sure that if she isnt a slut then she can get off on anything over 4 inches. Remember this the next time you look down at your thick 6 and feel emasculated you fucking faggots.
you're the hungarian dicklet from Jow Forums?
not for political reasons though.
IMO it shows how feminized society is, because women are allowed to enter a relationship with a good looking man even if he's violent/abusive, then the man kills her or whatever, then after he's released he will find more female partners to abuse thanks to his good looks, and no one will criticize those women's poor choices, instead blaming the entire male gender. in a patriarchal society, no man would be allowed to hoard women like that.
You're not worthless, far from it. You are very likely a worthwhile provider. You can provide for me and my offspring. In exchange we can have a relationship, I will provide you with meaning, companionship, and yes, sexual release, too. Just because it's not going to live up to Chad doesn't mean it's "worthless." I'm not stupid, and you shouldn't be either.
Inb4 the retard comes back with "So you're saying if a girl doesn't out out its ok to kill her??? Incel scum!!"
everything in this makes sense except for the "soft cuck" pessimist bullshit. kys.
Except that I am in the field of artificial intelligence and I'm telling you right now you have literally no idea how fast things are going. I'm not lying about this. I'm sorry but I guess the best thing for now is for you to just see how things play out even over the next 5 years. I'm not angry, nor a psychopath, nor delusional. This stuff will change literally everything, sexual selection and marriage etc. shit isn't even close to the most important change society will undergo.
Also, I'm not a virgin or a "soft cuck". I don't have kids though. So maybe I won't reproduce over my lifetime but I dont see that happening desu.
She's a retarded size queen, ignore
every woman except for lesbians is a size queen
cope dicklet
t. glorious 8 inches
thank you based manlet
keep LARPing faggot. Your penis size is probably the only thing you got going foe you
Ironically I also work in machine learning. I do have an idea how fast things are going, and it's incredible and exciting. It's just not how you're describing. The effects of machine learning / AI, and things like CRISPR, are going to be profound, but there are immediate economic limitations holding things back, as well as some unfortunately uncommon misunderstandings about how AI will be able to recursively improve itself.
You would probably be happier as a "soft cuck," is what I'm saying. Maybe not to you specifically, you might be one of the lucky ones, but the vast majority of people complaining in threads like these are so stupidly filled with a kind of unwarranted pride that it's just going to make their lives worse.
After I have "Chad's" babies, I'm going to be sad and lonely, too after he leaves me. Why can't men just suck it up and realize we'd all be better off if they let go of this posturing, saying things like "I'd rather kill myself than be with a woman like you" when a woman like me is all that's left, and it's exactly the kind of woman you'd be, too, if you were born into this fucked society.
WHY am I a manlet??
WHY is my dick just average at best for you shitty roasties?
WHY I just want to fuck women!
I don't care if you're fat or ugly I will still fuck you
This larp has gone far too long, no way anyone is buying into this
It is the only thing good about me and yet I fucked over 20 girls in last year because of that. You just have to get drunk and accidentally flash it. If any girl will notice she will instantly want to sleep with you.
I probably wouldn't care about raising another man's kid if you also carried at least one of my own kids. Probably more desu. My father had multiple children with multiple women and all my older brothers have reproduced, I dont' see why I'm any different. and desu this weird idea you have where men have to just "suck it up" and arent "allowed" their own children just because you think women are stuck up shits (when they're not) and wont reproduce with "inferior men" makes it sound like women are worse than they actually are.
Also, how are you even defining this? based on female programming form a hundred thousand years ago? GTFO, the modern optimal form for a male human is a 5' tall genius.
>You can provide for me and my offspring. In exchange we can have a relationship, I will provide you with meaning, companionship, and yes, sexual release, too.
You're not doing any of that because you love me, you're doing it because Chad didn't want to be loyal to you. I want a woman who loves me for who I am, not one who deigned to settle with me out of necessity. I don't expect or want stacy, I would much rather have a plain girl who values me and matches my personality. I don't have a mercenary mind in regards to companionship.
>The effects of machine learning / AI, and things like CRISPR, are going to be profound, but there are immediate economic limitations holding things back
It's incredibly likely that within 5 years of genetic engineering of human beings first being used (likely for an incredibly noble end, like the elimination of a particularly gruesome genetic defect or illness) that humans will begin to modify other humans to be their slaves.
There's no way to stop it, once the scientific knowledge of how to do this exists. Too many independent nation states; too many dark corners of the world. And this is a field where first mover advantage will probably go to the LEAST ethical actors.
It's possible that the successful genetic modification of human beings is farther off than current popular estimates. So maybe this isn't even a concern for our lifetimes. But eventually it's coming, and once it does the clock is running on human freedom and dignity. There's too high a premium for too many people on producing a population subset that is engineered to obey. And yes - that obedient population will come in both sexes, with all that implies.
>Why can't men just suck it up and realize we'd all be better off if they let go of this posturing
Not the guy you're arguing with, but you seem to dramatically underestimate the power of spite. Spite conveys more satisfaction than being with you - for many men at least, and it seems like more every day - and so spite will be chosen over "letting go of posturing".
Personally, spite is my favorite emotion. I really can't say enough good things about it.
I dont think most men will accept such a a proposition, its why women were forced to marry whomever the father wanted.
I am very interested in seeing how men will respond to female selection in the future.
As for entering a relationship with women like that, no way, they dont love and will resent you.
lmao at these small dicks ITT, literally just JELQ. we women have problems we cant fix either, like our boobs, but men still are all over us. yall can fix your dick size, so whenever i hear about some scrawny manlet bitch talk about "tfw no gf, my penis is too small" while deadass knowing that women NEED at LEAST 7.5 inches, it just makes me laugh at how lazy yall are
kek, they dont even love themselves
>tfw born 10 cm dicklet
what do i win? a kiss? a hug?
>tfw born with a pencil dick
Do I win something too?
>be a sissy bottom
can i still date women?
Women are stupid and you don't know what 9 inches is. I can say from experience that women don't know jack shit about length. Every time a girl gives me a haircut and I say trim 2 inches, she trims a half inch and thinks that's that.
just look at all these coping robots. a femanon comes in here to tell you the truth and you get so pissed. why not just take the knowledge and adapt? there are small dicks in the population so somehow small dicked dudes reproduce. we just need to eat a lot of pussy, lift, and play head games with these thots. it can be done, penis size be damned.
basically this guy is right, you CAN do it (it is just harder)
>there are small dicks in the population so somehow small dicked dudes reproduce
Sexual traits like penis size arent passed on so simply, you complete retard. But of course you wouldn't bother to do the five minites of research required before talking out of your ass. I really hope no one listens to you, because virgin brainlets like you should have as little influence over other people's lives or opinions as possible
and yet, it is so easy to find size queens, it is almost like... they are normal women.
Link related is from *this week* easy to find similar posts if you look.