Weird shit

Weird shit that happened in your town thread

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We had a tornado once. That's about it

A kid I went to high school with barricaded himself inside his house and killed himself I can't find the link though but it was in vegas and I think the kids name was skylar or skyler if you fags want to look for it

a guy died and a few people protested on the streets against violence while wearing a white shirt.

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A kid jumped in a tiger's cage in the city zoo and got his arm bit off.

Never mind I found it

A guy who hated his life snapped and shot up the FedEx facility he worked at. I wouldn't be surprised if he was one of us. There's tons of warehouses in this town and that's where most young males go to work after high school and apart from the pay it fucking sucks. I was friends with the dude's brother in high school, he was a fedora wearing autist but we had lots of great times in theatre class.

One guy attached a kicksled on the roof of his car in the '90s and no one knew why.

There was this weird guy that had his car PACKED with hundreds of plushies.

Some guy commited sudoku by bursting a gas line in his apartment and then lighting it when the whole apartment filled up with gas. About 6 apartments were uninhabitable after that.

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A guy in my town cut the throats of his three daughters to piss off his wife so they sent him to prison and we built a park for the girls.

I set fire to my old abandoned school

Shit was lit

Some girl dug her eyes out with her hands about a year ago.

this guy kenny has been dancing around town pretty much all day every day for 10+ years.

>negroes fighting in the train
>2 gang up on one really
>everyone else starts getting off all worried about themselves and shit
>heroic weeb unsheathes his katana and breaks up the fight
>in the interview, claims he carries his sword as a limiter, so he doesn't use his full power.
>later banged a tight teen and faked his death

>kid accidentally shot and killed his friend
I knew the dude who shot him. He was a bit of a dick, but not extremely bad, especially considering he was a thirteen year old boy.
>thots protest school dress code being "sexist" because it mostly banned articles of clothing worn by women
Newsflash, men don't dress like whores. Even then, things like muscle shirts were banned as well, so I don't even know what they were whining about. I think they were just looking for something to complain about. I would post an article about it, but I don't want to doxx anyone.

Also, I forgot to mention it, but some girl slashed her wrists in a school bathroom or something, so we had a "mental health awareness day" where they talked about 13 reasons why and norman mental issues. It was something.

One of my neighbors was building grenades inside his apartment and wrecked himself by accident. Nasty burns all over his leg + some jail time.

Isn't that also where Josh Powell blew up his house and kids?

25 years ago a grenade was fired to the city centre on a Friday night during ceasefire. Killed a bunch of kids and young adults. Youngest one was like 6 months.

War is a bitch

I live in a very sleepy village. I guess the weirdest thing is that we thought it was a good idea to build a road over an ancient Druid temple

There is a kid who comes into the next village over from the city to see his friend.
He wears cat ears, bright non-natural female wigs, a pikachu mask, and, a tail.
He pounces on and off buses and paws at the air

A dude went in a supermarket with hashish and weighted it inside the store and then got caught

Link just in case

>hometown is really safe, almost no crime
>every once in a while there will be some crazy murder where someone gets stabbed multiple times or pushed down the stairs

Maybe. I've never heard of him, though. Are you from puyallup? I know another guy from puyallup that also browses this board, but I odubt you;re him.

There's a shit ton of weird things that happened there, from that mad teacher Who got arrested for writting about aliens or the monkey like creature that used to hang out by the morgue, or that girl Who Just fucking died for no reason, that was the weirdest suicide i've heard of, she literaly Just died, Just fucking died for no reason

And people comes here to watch Stones, not even the cooler ones

No, I'm from Bellevue. Josh Powell's wife disappeared like 10 years ago and it was a pretty high profile case. People all thought Josh killed her but there wasn't enough evidence. A few years later he blew up his house with his kids in it and they all died.

What have you heard of the Chmelik's?

I read the Wikipedia page after you mentioned Josh blowing himself up. It said he asphyxiated them with carbon monoxide, though.

Yeah, I guess they must have died from the fumes first, but the house did explode.

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Huh. I had no idea about the whole thing, and I;ve lived there since I was four. Learn something new every day.

Microburst that occurred when I was around 8 knocked a lot of trees down, and all of, and only, the oaks were filled with hundreds of these lime sized grubs.

>arrested for writting about aliens
WTF? sauce!

A 20-something year old Mexican tamale salesman went to the police station in a Guy Fawkes mask and a tuxedo with an AK47 and threatened to do a drive by on them.

Had the first tornado in 50 years or so. Some guy posted on Jow Forums about strangling his gf and posted the pics on/b/ that lived here. Some guy in the next town over that I knew raped, murdered and dismembered a 5 year old girl.

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>be depressed shut in neet
>go to park
>sitting there next to river trying to get a handle on my life
>voice comes to me and says "eyes on you"
>I look up and normie couple is walking toward me
>i go home

No he hacked them to death in the garage first. It's really sad the CPS lady heard it all.

People destroyed the US embassy (mcdonalds) to celebrate winning the footbal championship

We had a guy like that. His name was Virgil. People nicknamed him Radio.

Oh. That's pretty messed up.

A police officer fell through a suspect's roof while placing a recording device.

A teenager was arrested for pedophile molestation a few months ago.

It's wrong to molest pedophiles. Age is no defense.

thomas edison lived here for like, a week, so we erected a statue of him as a boy.

about 5 minutes from where I live this picture was taken last summer. I live in NY state by the way. Some small town fair was going on and a fuckin kangaroo for some reason was part of a petting zoo or some shit. It escaped and people were trying to wrangle it. The black dude in boxers here just decided for whatever reason he was going to try and catch it. Animal control caught it, the black dude couldn't get close enough.

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Two guys took hallucinogens together and one ended up removing the other's heart (while he was alive) and eating it

>pedophile molestation
Was it actual pedophilia or like an 18 year-old with a 15 year-old