Which Daedra is best for Jow Forums to worship?
I think Peryite. He's the most pathetic of the bunch, the other Daedric princes even make fun of him. Quite fitting.
Which Daedra is best for Jow Forums to worship?
I think Peryite. He's the most pathetic of the bunch, the other Daedric princes even make fun of him. Quite fitting.
Peryite or Hircine because always werewolf
Hermaeus Mora t b h
>he doesn't worship Namira
Why deny it, we are all disgusting and repulsive.
Meridia is my waifu.
>lives down in "The Pits"
>no mortalfags allowed
but I'm fucking a real QT gothy bitch and she wants to hang this friday
maybe she just has weird taste
>worshipping anybody but God
there is still time to repent while you can
Acts 2:38
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
>wanting to fuck a literal hoe
senpai she's not even a real Daedra. She's a Magna-Ge who was kicked out of Aetherius for cheating on her partner with big daedra cock she she had to go live with them
gives you "salvation" and nothing else
give you cool shit that actually makes your life better
Boethia, of course.
who is this jyggalag? i've never heard of him.
also molag bal is my favorite but i think sheorogath is a better choice for r9k
No one loving my boy sheo?
>some shit you didn't even need before he sperged out on the human race for eating fruit he fucking gave to them on a silver platter
Sheo's one handsome son of a bitch.
Jyggalag is unironically based and redpilled
Clavicus Vile. "serenity through wish fulfillment." sounds good.
>who is this jyggalag?
Prince of Order and Logic. He was too OP so all the other princes got togethert to BTFO him and turned him into SSheogorath, the Prince of Madness, since it's opposite of what he once was.
ok now i remember him he was in the shivering isles dlc
that's why salvation is in quotes you dummy.
sheo tries too hard to be le random edgy boi
hes more /b/ than Jow Forums
Can we fit each one of them in a board?
lmfao I miss when shit like this got posted all the time
Deadric princes are bitch ass gods.
Jow Forums has clearly devolved into a slaaneshi cult. Drugs for the drug God. Smut for the Smut throne.
Hermaeus Mora is my man, I want to know all the world's secrets.
>Goth goes for the repulsive lovecraftian creature aka robot
It checks out. She probably wants to use your body to summon a demon.
yes let's do this
My suggestions:
- Jow Forums = Mehrunes Dagon
- [s4s] = Sheogorath
- /cgl/ = Mephala
I'm sheogorath. Intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor.
Hermaeus Mora = /x/
Sanguine = /b/ & /d/
Malacath = Jow Forums
Hircine = Jow Forums
i think hermaeus is the most robot Prince Jow Forums is home to forbidden wisdom so ancient and dark it drives normies to insanity
daedra are for plebs, sithis is the one for me
Dagon is about destruction not autism.
Still what other boards would he be? Please make your cancer less obvious
Jow Forums can be Molag Bal because he's the Daedra of Domination and Jow Forums, being the bootlickers that you are, love that stuff.
Jow Forums is not a monolith and I rarely go there, maybe the fact you tick off so many of their boxes is something you should evaluate within yourself? You seem upset that you wouldn't hypothetically fit in there.
Lorkhan, duh.
Or Shor, depending on what meets your defenition of "daedra".
>t. butthurt high elf
A being which was involved in the creation of Mundus & Nirn, by their very definition, is not a Daedra. The Daedra are called the Daedra because they specifically did NOT get involved, while the Aedra are called Aedra because that's the name given to the beings that DID get involved.
stay mad Thalmor scum, Lorkhan greatest Aedra of all time
>Yes, and I've heard others say the same
Fuck I wish I had the autism to pull this off.
Meridia = Jow Forums (a bunch of hateful mutts pretending to be white/a slut hateful aedra pretending to be a daedra)
Sheogorath = [s4s], /mu/
Mephala = /cgl/, /lgbt/
Peryite = /qa/
Jyggalag = /j/
Malacath = Jow Forums, Jow Forums (literally /b/'s poop)
Hermaeus Mora = /sci/, /lit/
Sanguine = /soc/, /h/, /d/
Azura = /a/
Boethiah = /b/
Clavicus Vile = Jow Forums
Hircine = /sp/, /an/
Vaermina = /x/, /f/
Mehrunes Dagon = /v/, Jow Forums
Molag Bal = /hc/
Namira = /ck/
Nocturnal = /jp/
Any objections?
Jow Forums should be Mehrunes Dagon, you made a few other mistakes, but the effort you put into attacking Jow Forums makes me suspect that was the only real reason you made the post.
Mehrunes is more of a manchild kind of rage and destruction with no agenda behind it which I think fits /v/ more, mostly
I'm not attacking Jow Forums but the similarities to Meridia are too big and most Jow Forumsfags would probably worship her because muh purity despite Meridia actively working against Pelinal, one of men's greatest heroes
Based Christian user
this makes zero sense.
Why the fuck would Jow Forums worship Meridia? she was a Magna-Ge who cheated on her partner with Big Daedra Cock and got banished from Aetherius.
Shes the equivalent of a white woman cheating on her husband with BBC. She's everything Jow Forums would hate.
damn, he's thicc
Hypocrisy/irony which I've already explained. Stop being so uptight about your precious board and have some fun.
Jyggalag is fucking nuts. I'm sure the only reason the Thalmor don't worship him is because they still don't know he exists.
See, the fact you have that image saved on top of what you said in your original post, kind of backs up what I was saying.
>Trying to push your miscegenation meme
Nice try, nigger, I see through your attempt.
If you pick anything other than oblivion namira you're not a robot
>the fact you have that image saved
I just looked up Jow Forums meetup on google, that pic came to mind when I thought of the Meridia similarities. Why are you so defensive about this anyway, I shat on plenty of other boards and I don't see you defending those
Yeah, I noted that in my original post, and as I said, the effort you put in and fact it was in response to a post that put Jow Forums as Mehrunes Dagon made me suspect you were just posting to attack Jow Forums.
It's almost as if you haven't figured out they are a bunch of complete and total idiots who simply use hate to deal with their own inadequacies. Keep up dude, pretty much every knows this at this point. Jow Forums is the nigger of the internet.
i doubt this is a Jow Forums meeting, it just doesn't seem right
then again i never really go to Jow Forums
>Malacath = Jow Forums
nigga what
My gods can beat up your god.
>Jow Forums
>clavicus vile
lost it