
necessary evil edition

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Second for there's literally nothing wrong with liking DXM
Anways watcha drug boys on today? I'm on meth/phenibut combo for the first day of the semester. No class but just getting errands and shit done, feeling breddy good.

There is literally nothing wrong with DXM. It is so based it doesn't even cross-tolerate with psychedelics. It can give you a light buzz or a crazy trip and is basically a crazy bang for your buck considering how long it lasts. posting this meme for shits and gigs

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>Anways watcha drug boys on today?

vodka + coffee, just like my third grade teacher way back when

I need to finish working before I can do anything else :^)

I feel blessed that DXM doesn't make me puke, at least at 2nd plat doses that I've tried. Don't really get the itches either
Nice, freshman year of college I used to chug straight vodka

I chase with water since I cannot afford the calories from anything else and am used to it. The coffee is just there to cover up the smell. At 4 shots the normies get suspicious, so I've learned to keep it to a mild 2 or 3 at a time

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Yeah I chased with water too but always was sure to have a snack on hand because water doesn't really get rid of the lingering taste/burn that well.

Trust me, just check with him, make sure it's cool. You don't want any outsiders in your trip, only those who know what's up.

>tfw my thread reached bump limit


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Haven't been here in a few days, did kiwi OD on her fent pressed oxys?

Imagine actually being addicted to opiates....

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nah she's alive

even if you get nausea, you can either try to smoke it away or if you have to vomit the sickness goes away immediately unlike with alcohol where vomiting barely helps

She did have a light OD though, you don't have to die to be an OD. She said she was passing out at work and then puked for hours, definitely signs of an OD.

Smoking weed increases my nausea, do you have any experience with DXM/DPH combo? Heard even just taking a "normal" (ie very light) dose of benadryl can alleviate negative DXM effects.

thats true, pardon my mistake.

Lmao, even heroin would be safer yet still cheaper than buying fent pressed pills.

I hope that the LSD doesn't disappoint me and I don't think "I wish I just bought more heroin instead"

But I've enjoyed it a lot when I used to do it.

Hope you're satisfied with the purchase too, psychs are my all-time favorites because happiness from a trip doesn't feel "manufactured" to me like with something that directly releases feel good chemicals like MDMA.

is that image supposed to be related to what you said? i dont see the correlation
although watching Yuru Yuri and heroin are both some of the most extreme hedonistic activities I've ever indulged in

I'm never doing benadryl again

Such a bad experience, felt like shit, those pink little devils make me sick.

>Have only taken Benadryl twice in my life, not even playing to trip, just for medical use
>1-2 pills puts me straight into a psychotic episode, tripping balls
>1st time I took Benadryl (NyQuil) was to go to sleep
>Had my first and so far only sleep paralysis, kept waking up and falling back to sleep while my room was covered in blood and a demon inched closer to my bed
>Second time I took Benadryl (hospital brand, idk what specifically) I was in the mental ward going through psychosis but I was on the come down of a psychotic episode and I couldn't sleep
>Went straight back into psychosis and started hallucinating things like gods voice telling me I was going to die and spiders and shadow people among other things
>Assumed I was just allergic to Benadryl
>Turns out I was just tripping balls
I also used to get drunk off of one shot of whiskey and high off of half a puff of weed

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>although watching Yuru Yuri and heroin are both some of the most extreme hedonistic activities I've ever indulged in
My best opiate memory is nodding the fuck out to Azumanga Daioh on morphine.

I'm a connoisseur of many drugs, but downer addiction has always freaked me out a bit.

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Yeah, I took 50mg with 600mg of DXM and it stopped the robo itch, but I still threw my guts up and couldn't stop it from happening.

But do you puke on lower doses? Highest I've taken is 300mg DXM and never thrown up but the potential of puking makes me nervous to move up in dose so I was wondering if benadryl would at least help reduce the chance of puking.

This is me, back again
>take meth
>don't spend much longer fapping than normal
>but spend literal hours spamming refresh button on the 20 Jow Forums threads I have open responding to nearly every post and desperate for someone to talk to me
>mfw my long ass blog posts always get ignored because they're obnoxious as shit walls of text

personally, on my 300mg-450mg trips I never puked, but I did puke on my 600mg trip.

>Work is where I cosplay a stable adult for drug money
True but having to pretend you like those fucking normalfag middle class coworkers or that you care about their stupid conventions and mores is annoying as fuck

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Anyone here eaten hash raw before? I've heard its similar to edibles and I have a Q lying around and nothing to do

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meth/amps become their own little hell if you don't something to do

have* something to do. I've been awake for a while and am actually crashing pretty hard.

I need some fuckin food. It's been a few days.

Damn. Oh well, I guess I won't know until I try for myself until I try. People say they don't mind puking on DXM but I doubt it, I hate puking on any drug even one's that are supposedly part of the experience.
Yeah, due to my obsessive Jow Forums habit on stims they never work as "productive drugs" like some people say
Protein powder to make a simple milk/whey powder shake is always useful on meth for me

Is it okay to order multiple darknet mail (like 3-4) in rapid succession? (domestic USA)

There's nothing really out of the ordinary about having multiple packages delivered to your house, especially in this time of the year when people are probably spending Christmas money online.

Have you heard of tricky towers? It's an online tetris on steroids. I fucking loved playing that on amps. That gives you something to do.

and maybe something from canada

huge fucking waste brother.

I'm usually pretty good with eating but this time I just forgot. I think when tolerance builds it's the illusion of sobriety that starts to fuck with you. I also get into obsessive refreshing....Jow Forums is the most powerful and addictive drug there is.

....jerk chicken, from the little caribbean joint. fuck yea. The final adventure of this binge.

>been in bed since I got home Saturday
>have work in thirty minutes
what an awful feel desu

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No, but I have done reaction time tests and such. Good to feel like a superhuman since you're on meth
Since I never go on "binges" when I do meth I never really get overwhelming hunger and so it's nearly impossible to get any food down. First two meth sessions I had I redosed twice both times and skipped a night of sleep, but that skipping sleep makes the comedown so insanely horrible that I don't bother doing that anymore. Only time I've skipped sleep since is the one and only time I smoked meth, I did it at like 11am and didn't redose but somehow couldn't fall asleep that night, probably because I had no idea how much I actually did. That was scary enough to keep me to strictly oral doses since.

Make hot cocoa with milk (2% or whole) and stir a bit of hash into it. Break it down into tiny blobs first.

If you don't wanna cook with it, it will definitely work. That said hash is way easier to cook with, you can just bake it into whatever you're making, just melt the butter first and stir that shit in.

Hi guys, just thought I'd check in for someone to talk to.. Tonight was my second night taking a lethal dose of 120mg of Oxys and I cut tonight short with Naloxone and making myself puke. I'm more surprised I didn't go last night cos i took a dose of phenibut with to add to the cns depression but i woke up today like it didn't even happen yet oblivious to how shit i still felt. I'm on Mirtazapine at the moment annd apparently that activates the opiod receptors which i think is why i havent gotten as high as i should've or maybe that should increase the potency i dunno.... fuck sake i'm so fed up. Sorry for the grammar my spacebar is sticking. I'm so ashamed of who I've become and how I've let my life turn out

I'll take your word on it but for clarity's sake I wasn't planning on eating the Q just like 1/2 a gram

What is hash exactly? It's related to kief right? Or is it a decarbed concentrate like THC butter?

Stay safe user. I know it's meme tier advice and doesn't mean much coming from me since I'm on meth rn but you should really try to stop.

Kief compressed into a brick, stuff does you good as long as you're not getting sold soap bar.

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I'm so fascinated by meth having tried coke and crack with a pipe which is obviously fantastic so the idea of meth fries my brain just thinking about it

Soap bar is nasty shit. After smoking it for a whie, it starts making it really difficult to breathe, like I'm having an asthma attack or something. That never happens if I'm smoking decent hash or buds. Fuck knows what gross adulterants are in it.

Anyone ever done snuff? I've developed a nasal fixation from various powders and crushed pills so now I want to try it. Those old school pipe tobacco shops probably still have it.

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Just get some dip or snus if you're patrician.

Not him but dip was the first drug I ever did, hearing about that brings me back to the end of my straight-edge days.

any anons have recommendations for h to sniff?

>any anons have recommendations for h
Quit the opiates dunce you have no control of yourself already.

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Did your bf finally realize there's no point in banning heroin if you're just gonna waste money on fent presses?
You can snort any h except for black tar, white is the best but most expensive. But really you should try to slow down with the opis kiwi.

anyone got stories of 2k+ DXM trips?
Ive done two 2.7k DXM trips and I have one more planned.

Actual dumbass
I'm not an anti-DXM shitposter like some that frequent this thread but DXM is NOT safe drug to take heroic doses. Anything past 1000mg runs the risk of permanent brain damage and serotonin syndrome.

you need to get off opiates dingbat

kiwi has admitted she's extremely addicted to opiates right? because the denial phase of addiction is super dangerous.

fucking hell kiwi I watched you become one fiending motherfucker over the course of several weeks

ahh forgot to add that it was Polistirex too
Can get to sigma which Ive found to be kind of interesting.

Well that's slightly better, but even if it's polistirex, 2kmg is beyond way too much.
But since it's too late to stop you, what's plateua sigma like? Likely will never try it myself since don't want brain damage but most people find it horrifying, would you agree with that?

it's not fiending I'm not robbing or begging people for stuff
I just wanna feel nice, what the fuck is wrong with that, jeez. If i wanted to stop I could. was just asking for recommendations

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"she" is a literal retard
clearly is a complete newb to opiates who has no idea whats coming

kiwi listen to yourself

get waster extr0denare
your a complete noob and you will hit the skids with time
just wait for it kiddd

your not fiending right now because your high shit-bird
come on
if you were sober youd be dying

you also have ZERO clue how much i empathize and know beyond any doubt what its like to be a junkie and to want to continue to remain one
opiates are amazing drugs but trust me in the end you get mega mega fucked
7 years on heroin taught me plenty

Didn't your OD teach you anything? I'm not one to control people's lives and ban drugs, but if you're gonna be doing opiates regularly, there's many more times like last night to come. It's hard to listen to people who've experience stuff like that and say to avoid it since you always overestimate your own self-control.

I cant really watch anime anymore, especially sober. It makes me overwhelmingly sad that i cant live in the 2d world thats full of cute girls who are all good people and see things in generic male npcs like me.
Opiates do something for me that i think most robots get out of anime. While anime makes me focus on what I dont have, heroin make me feel content with what little I do have.

Been getting this effect where any stims would make me sleepier recently.
>3 hours after I took amp
>something feels off, it's not a complete crash I just feel very fucking sleepy
>fall into shallow sleep for two hours, wake up still a little wired

Its downright fucked up and scary that one dose of opiates can send me spiraling out of control
No one wants to think of themselves like that but its the cold hard truth

did you eat all the pills you got 2 days ago kiwi

Yeah I used to say I was gonna try H some day and that I had the self control, but after trying meth as I've described here I realized my self-control isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Maybe opiates wouldn't be as addictive to me, but I'm just not gonna open that pandora's box and focus on avoiding meth addiction instead.

yeah, feel the smooth glow coming on

You need a trip to the clink and a suboxone prescription. Good luck explaining jack shit, just read your posts in the archives.


Ahem, if I could get your attention please...


stop fucking responding to them

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>the absolute state of opiate addiction

>on mirtazapine at the moment
>trying to kill himself
Checks out, I had the same experience. I stopped taking it two months ago without telling my doctor and I feel so much better
>mirtazapine affects opioid receptors>not getting as high
If this is true then huh, except for my new binge this week, all the times id eber used heroin was while i was also taking 15mg Remeron a day. It sure seemed potent to me then, but then again this dope i have now is unbelievably good, maybe the lack of mirtazapine is part of the reason why.
>check in for someone to talk to
If you want to talk about stuff user, I'm here. I may not respond immediately cause im working on important stuff and nodding tonight but i will respond sooner or later.

Other anons: dont accept a mirtazapine/remeron prescription. It makes you suicidal and in my case it made me so depressed I started using heroin. Thats in addition to dulling you intellectually and emotionally, harming your memory and making you more boring to talk to.

Its kind of hard to remember all of it, but some parts stick out a lot.
The first time I hit it it was scary as fuck, thought I was gonna die at first but accepted it. After about a hour i had some control. After a while I just got on my bed with music, closed my eyes and after about 5mins it looked like i was on a light highway with strings dancing out to the sides.

2nd go at it, i dont remember much but going to the restroom once and once i came out of the bathroom i was stuck in a endless hallway.
Every time i tryed my room i would be back in the same spot. Each time i opened a door the hallway looked a little different. I eventually gave up and watched TV in the living room instead.

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I mean if you're not lazy hash is great for cooking, no straining and whatnot.
I'm just happy I've convinced you to not eat it raw.
Think about the dry niggas in yurop who don't got nothing to smoke before you waste it like that.
Generally though, some of the thc could be decarboxylated in hash depending on a lot of factors, so yeah it could technically get you high. But smoking 2-3 times throughout the day over taking it orally would net you more high for less. So it's just fucking retarded.

What made you want to do so much? You know how insanely bad it is for you right?

do any other meth smokers here get really oily skin after a few hits. I have to wash my face every 2 hours or so. it sucks, even after washing it there's still like a slight "shine/glow"

>any anons have recommendations for h to sniff?
Step one:
Time travel 3 days ago to when i repeatedly told you to just use H, not oxy, then follow my advice, you wouldnt have OD'd on fent, you would have more money and you never even would have had to try fent at all.
What reccomendations, like what kind is good to snort? Or dnm sellers?
#4 (china white) is best for snorting but ignore people who say #3 and black tar cant be snorted, cause it totally can be with very little effort.
You can snort bth. Ive done it dozens of times. You need to make monkey water. Its very easy, even if the bth is very sticky, you just need a few drops of water to dissolve most of it (with some bth it wont all dissolve 100% but thats ok)
Maybe not fiending but def looking for attention in an unhealthy and annoying way
Based, though its too late at this point. The namefags always win.

i get that when I binge on cocaine, but only after the first few grams or so

Meth makes your sweat go into overdrive. Even just oral doses like I usually do I get horrible BO so fast. This is what people confuse with being able to "smell when someone's on meth"

Yea, I know how bad it can be. Thats why i only do it once every few months to give my body some time to recover.

I dont get the effects for 1st and 2nd much but most of the time it kicks in for 3rd and 4th.
I would prob do better to just do something else but all the dealers I know are ether dead or a few states over.

Literally any legal RC psychedelic.
Dissos are based tho.
Don't know about RC dissos

It doesn't really matter how long you wait in between, there's no safe way to do that high a dose of DXM.

Where my stimfap bros at?

what's the closest I can legally get to stimfapping without an rx? or am i shit out of luck here

Benzedrex (or any inhaler containing prophlyexedrine)
Open it up and soak the cotton thing in grapefruit juice for a while. Then toss the cotton out and drink the juice. One cotton is fine.
The drug is somewhat similar to meth

Meth user here but like I said fapping is never that big of a deal to me on stims, I had a quick fap earlier this morning

Blew two loads earlier and slept (10mg amp intranasal). Going to put 10mg of Adderall under my tongue and read a book or something.
What a devilish recommendation lol. He will probably feel something but his dick will be a pea from the vasoconstriction Benzedrex is famous for.

That's just something you gotta deal with for stimfaps. It's not actually that bad to be hard while you're fapping, but if you ever let go of your dick for even one second it shrinks instantly, just a bit inconvenient

On second thought if you can't get a prescription from a clinic just buy some red vein kratom. I just realized oxycodone is barely stronger than morphine. You'll be fine staving off your fiendish ways with kratom (probably).

She tried kratom and said it did nothing, although that's probably because gas stations and smoke shops often sell bunk. Quality makes a huge difference with kratom.

Fuckyou fools. For you know nothing of the gods and their vyvanse. The end game is he only game when you dont have a crash

meth users, do you get really bad anxiety when coming down? I can't handle that, don't even do cocaine much anymore because of the anxiety

Not really, although the few times that I redosed and skipped sleep I would start to get pretty jumpy. Once the comedown hits though I can experience anything from a mild disinterest in life to a horrible crushing depression that leaves me unable to do anything but curl up in a ball and cry all day. Because of that it's not really worth doing meth imo.