Getting 4 wisdom teeth out tomorrow, im scared frends

getting 4 wisdom teeth out tomorrow, im scared frends

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You should be. There are a lot of things that could go wrong and the procedure itself is a bit primitive. They just go in there with drills and chisels and have at it.

I recently got mine taken out. They put me under and took all 4 of mine out. The only shitty part is eating and cleaning the stitched up areas.

if OP needs all 4 of them removed I doubt he has a choice, letting them go would result in unimaginable pain

they'll be asleep anyways

Had mine removed recently, it's not as bad as regular dental work. Takes a while to stop bleeding though.

This. All of mine were growing horizontally and would have grown into, and possibly would have damaged my other teeth.

Youll be ok user :) mine went pretty well, i didnt even have to take any of the loritab they gave me
Just make sure you dont use a slurpy straw for a while and to be gentle with yourself

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Had all mine taken out. It really isn't that bad. The worst that happened was I threw up afterwards due to the anesthetic. After that I regularly took the painkillers and used the cleaner thing they gave me and then it was all fine.

>this post

my god I want to fuck you

yes i didnt need painkillers either but that all depends on how it goes, they do the shit all day every day though so I wouldn't be worried

All 4 at once?
That's pretty rough man, the swelling from my cheeks when only 2 got removed was pretty bad already.

You'll be okay user, it's not the end of the world :(

I still have one left just so dentists could notice it and go "OwO what's this...?"

The worst part is when you wake up from general anesthetic and you start telling the dentist and your mom each of your fetishes in detail.

I fucking hate anasthesia it makes me into an asshole, I even let a tooth I need pulled just because I am afraid of what might happen when I wake up. I do stupid shit while blacked out

Fucking had this done a couple years back.
They will give you pain meds, ONLY TAKE THEM FOR SLEEPING!
Also, clean out those flesh cavities so food doesn't rot in your mouth, just a tip. Use warm water at that to ease the pain.

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>given gas
>remember nothing until leaving the building
>took recommended dose of hydrocodone
>vomit on floor because i'm an oversensitive pussy
>hate the feeling of opiates
>don't take any more meds
>lay in bed and watch star trek

My experience wasn't that bad. You should have someone around to make you jello, though, and keep your gums rinsed so they heal properly.

Let's talk about fucking dry sockets. I considered lopping off my jaw when I had two.

Had top 2 straight but cavity-ridden ones removed within a minute under local anaesthesia. Had to go two separate ways though, and 2 surgeons refused to remove them because the risks outweighed the benefits.

Found a young guy willing to do it. First one popped out easily. The second one was a bit trickier since its roots were crooked. I could hear a lot of cracking noises, and several months later a few thin pieces of jaw bone came out of my gum.

Sucks when you have horizontally growing ones tho. You Americans are crazy to get 2+ teeth extracted at once, especially on both sides of your jaw.

Are they gonna gas you like a kike or give you the sweet release of general anaesthesia?

They put you under and it doesnt hurt. You'll get some percs for the pain. Just eat jello and soup for two days. Dont drink from straws. It's pretty easy. You'll be ok

Do you Americans really get general anaesthesia for a simple wisdom tooth extraction? Wouldn't be surprised if you got oxycodone afterwards

Yes. Got general anesthesia and percocet. Gotta milk that insurance.

Fair enough. In Canada we get a local anaesthetic and an anti inflammatory drug. Gotta love the "free" healthcare