Five 15-year-olds were killed in an escape room. LITERALLY TOASTIE ROASTIES

Five 15 year old roasties burned to death in my country a few days ago in a "Escape Room" game during a birthday party.
Oh nononononononono. Literally TOASTIE ROASTIE.

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justice like this being served gives me a sliver of hope for the world. thank you op.

Roasties couldn't escape getting roasted.

>"LMFAO women got killed, oh yeah!!!!! "
>"Why don't women like me, I would like to lose my virginity some day :( :( :("

Yeah, I wonder why

you're next roastie

It's more like:

>Hi women, I like you, you are nice, and beautiful and fun.
>Uhm, women? Why don't you like me? Why do you hate me actually?
>Fuck you women, you can die.

Stop turning it around every time roastie and stop defending your hatred towards non 9/10 chads.

Nothing of value was lost only normies do escape rooms they are the easiest thing ever and they think they have a 1050 iq for escaping

Died of smoke inhalation before the flames got to them. Still toasted though.

That's actually sad, she died a virgin.

I'm jealous. I wish I could die too.

girls have already taken a hundred dicks by the time they turn 12

That's actually pretty sad. I find no joy in the suffer of others

Thsts a lie and u know it

>girls have already taken a hundred dicks by the time they turn 12
You should probably stop watching so much porn
The average girl loses her virginity at age 18

In my country, the average age is 15. Kek.

>being this delusional
Yeah no

5 Kids got burned alive. Very funny

Surely all women are afraid of a basement dwelling nerd like yourself who is too afraid of stepping outside.

OP didn't say it was funny. maybe he's spreading awareness to prevent more roasties from getting toastie

It's very funny when they're Polish jews

Most likely cause of death according the article was them inhaling carbon monoxide. No toastie roasties.
>they're Polish jews

Do you really think that's any less pathetic?

>WAAAAH basic psychology is pathetic
>But of course only if it's applied to men, a woman who got raped by a man as a child can hate men freely, that's not pathetic, that's understandable

Also nice topic change, roastie/roastie enabler.

they're 15. wtf?

>if I'm nice to you, you must have sex with me, otherwise go die you whore bitch

(laughing emoji with tears coming out)

yes? problem normalfag??

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Nice implication faggot. No one here implied it's about not having sex. Let's face it, nowadays 80% of boys/young men don't have sex.
Most of those 80% don't hate women still. Those who become bitter become like that because they were most likely bullied/laughed at/whatever by girls.
Even was talking about LIKING not HAVING SEX, that's what I responded to.

>it's basic psychology to get irrationally angry when you don't get what you want
Maybe for toddlers.

Read and then:

I hope God guides you to the right path.

>nowadays 80% of boys/young men don't have sex
Source: the voices in your head

None of them were virgins

>if the small proportion of women I've interacted with don't give me what I want then completely unrelated children deserve to die
Because a person capable of such astronomically fallacious and contemptible thought was ever worthy of love. Right.

idiots who do stupid risky shit for fun SHOULD die desu
alpinists, drug users, escaperoomers, houseleavers etc

Even if that were the case -and let's face it, it's not most of you were never bullied by women at all you just expected to be- can you really not see how irrational it is to hate all women and celebrate the deaths of strangers because you assume they must be like those few women you don't like?

You're in desperate need of therapy

This post is accurate and I agree with it fully

Not cool man, this guy was one of us.

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What if I do drugs that won't kill me?

In everywhere its 15. Women lose it at 15 and all goodness in them leaves when they are 16, its like they are husks of their formal innocent selves and try to fill the void with as much cock as possible. My sister was a hoe at 15 and my younger one is turning 15 soon. Its awful. Why cant women stay pure? It would be so cute to see an 18 year old girl who hasnt taken miles of shlong.

I'm going to shit a big fat redpill right into your open mouths.

Depression is largely about control. People who feel they lack control over their own lives become depressed because bad things happen and there was nothing they could do to stop it.

You're upset because you think getting with someone else is out of your control, and to a degree it is. So you lash out like this, you laugh when other people's lives go out of control, especially young women who are a symbol of who you perceive to have been in control of your happiness. To some degree it's even as if you're taking control, you wanted those bad things to happen and they did and that makes you feel good. It's sad, it's pathetic.

But there is good news. To become less depressed you don't have to take control over the focus of depression. Actually taking control in other aspects of your life can improve your mental state. Organise a routine, do chores, look after a house plant or grow something in a garden. You'll be amazed how much better you feel

>most of you were never bullied by women
Nailed it.

Incels remind me a lot of the original Grinch story. In the book and 1966 cartoon, the Grinch just assumes the absolute worst of the Whos and is proven wrong. He genuinely thinks that if he steals presents the Whos will break down sobbing, only to discover that they are way better people than he ever gave them credit for.

In other adaptations of the Grinch, they make the Whos shitty people who bullied the Grinch at some point, but that was never the point of the original story. In these adaptations, the Grinch has a "point". That was never Seuss' intention, the Grinch does not have a point at all.

The Grinch doesn't like himself or feels like an outcast, so he assumed preemptively that the Whos will reject him. His delusion and self hatred spirals until he spends his days hovering over the town in his cave languishing over his resentment of the fun he presumes he would not be allowed to participate in.

The moment the Grinch realises that the Whos aren't so bad, he makes his first honest attempt to interact with them. What happens then? They let him carve the Roast Beast.

Incels are like that in a way. They have one or two bad experiences at the most, then sequester themselves in their metaphorical Mount Crumpits convinced that they would never be accepted.

There's a similar scene in The Collector. One of the narrators is a incel lottery winner who kidnaps a beautiful young girl. He insists he had to kidnap her because, "we could never be friends outside". And yet Folwes descriptions make it clear that yes, Miranda would have been his friend.


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Set me up with your sister and I'll make sure she turns out alright user.

>else is out of your control, and to a degree it is. So you lash out like this, you laugh when other people's lives go out of control, especially young women who are a symbol of who you perceive to have been in control of your happiness. To some degree it's even as if you're taking control, you wanted those bad things to happen and they did and that makes you feel good. It's sad, it's pathetic.
>But there is good news. To become less depressed you don't have to take control over the focus of depression. Actually taking control in other aspects of your life can improve your mental state. Organise a routine, do chores, look after a house plant or grow something in a garden. You'll be amazed how much better you feel
You're right about simpletons. The reason you understand these simpletons is because you, yourself, are a simpleton.

But I have bigger reasons for being depressed, such as societal degeneracy and collapse. The pointlessness of modern life. The fact that I have never experienced love, not in my childhood and not in my adult life, not ever, not from parents and not from others.
It's the fact that I see that most other people have it all and I lack it all.


The final comparison I can think of now is that Tragically Hip song, "Montreal", about that guy that shot all those female engineers and their friends because he thought they were feminists preventing him from having a relationship. Gord Downie talks about the expectations the shooter had for these girls, all falsehoods ("she didn't care for...tall thin, millionaires"). Downie echoes the girls' dying whimpers, "Give me a chance to explain" - a plea to at least be understood before they are murdered. Everyone knows you use victim's names in hostage situations to humanise them and prevent the killers from lashing out. The final insult by Downie, "a coward won't die alone", is accurate. To Mark Lapine, I believe his name was, killing women was so much easier than risking a chance to know them.

Thanks user!

This is true, too. Anything that manifests the will upon the world empowers the self.

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absolutely based.

>But I have bigger reasons for being depressed, such as societal degeneracy and collapse. The pointlessness of modern life. The fact that I have never experienced love, not in my childhood and not in my adult life, not ever, not from parents and not from others.
Literally everything you just listed is an example of something out of your control making you depressed.

Instead of thinking you're a unique case who's beyond help (that's learned helplessness by the way), take the advice and take control of your own life

Read faggot and then consider... no - actually COMMIT suicide, please.

Except I don't want to be with someone else so stop with those projections.

The (((whos)))

Wasn't actually something that was said. What was said was you perceive young attractive women to have been in control of your happiness at some point and now lash out at them rather than taking control of your own life

Loog at this faggotty copypasta.

>Y-y-you are butthurt because you can't get a gf.
>But I don't want to get a gf and it wasn't the point of the conversation.
>HA! Every incel would say the same. Thus I will ignore everything you said and I will stay with you wanting but not being able to get a gf, and thus I will sleep well tonight.

>Mark Lapine
it's MARC LEPINE you fucking plebeian

idiot normie

How are 15 year old roasties in control of my life? This projection is getting really pathetic.

>take the advice and take control of your own life
You're espousing silly pop-psychology. I already go to the gym every single day. I already lost 40kg and became underweight, by literally starving myself. I already control my finances and have saved up what is 6 months of rent in my country. Would be 8 months of rent if I hadn't spent money on the company I started (which failed).

I actively try to talk to people, gain new knowledge. I also try to find a partner.

But yes, you're right, these things are outside my control and that IS depressing.

I'd much rather go out and kill some young girls and then commit suicide, to do justice.
But I wouldn't want to bring shame on my family by doing that. Don't worry, LEA reading this. I'm not going to do anything ;)

I read philosophy of religion and have an actual understanding of these things.

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They're a symbol for young attractive women. I was pretty clear about this. I feel like you're deliberately trying to misunderstand so you don't have to acknowledge any advice. Especially as the example of hating young women was just that, an example.

I began by talking about how depression as a whole is about control. If you're depressed for any reason it ultimately comes down to something in your life being out of your control. You an make yourself feel better by having control over other aspects. Have control of yourself and you environment and you will feel better.

That pic has me diamonds

Thank you for reminding me how pathetic this board is.

It's actually not pop-psychology, it's the last couple years of experimental psychological research. Pop-psychology takes a far softer approach where as this is backed with genetic and biological reasoning.
>I already lost 40kg and became underweight, by literally starving myself.
Does serving oneself sound like the action of someone who is in control of themselves? Don't you think a healthy diet and gradual weight loss over time would be more rational?
And speaking of rationality, wanting to kill young women to feel a measure of control over them is basically psychotic.

Reconsider just how much control you really have over your life. It's a meme of JBP's to 'clean your room' but I bet your room really is a mess. I bet you don't care about whole living environment just like you don't care about your psychological well being

schedule: play video games and refresh r9k all day


He doesn't matter.

Not a copypasta.

I don't know about your personal preferences, maybe you're gay or whatever, but most people on this site are heterosexual, want gfs, and their lack of romantic partners is something they openly admit is a source of frustration and despair. Am I imagining all these threads where people commiserate over the fact they never knew high school love?

Where did I ever mention sex? You seem confused.

>Does serving oneself sound like the action of someone who is in control of themselves?
Yes. Most couldn't do it. I have a lot of self-control.

By the way, I don't self-sabotage, I don't play video games, don't do drugs, don't drink or smoke.

Something productive user, you know that. Grow something, make something, clean something. You'll feel better, I promise

Jesus christ, the pretentiousness of this entire post.
It makes one want to vomit forth their lunch.

don't give the idiots attention user, you might encourage them

>posting censored face selfies
for what purpose

Based. I hope these roasts burn in hell

>Does serving oneself sound like the action of someone who is in control of themselves? Don't you think a healthy diet and gradual weight loss over time would be more rational?
so is this about being in control or being rational?
not eating when your body requires food does take a decent amount of control.
it's not rational, but you seem more concerned with your control trip than rationality so which is it

I do this and i don't have depression
it's a genetically inherited illness that causes states of depressed brain activity similar to an anesthetic and trying to relate it to one's own misery just shows how little you know about the subject

Not him but... well, yes? Women are worthless human beings. Men are more interesting partners to talk with and more fun, men are also on the average smarter, funnier, stronger etc.
The only thing women have going for them is their pussy. So when I open the door for them I do it only and solely that they give me Sex as exchange, else why should I even bother to interact with walking fleshlights?

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Its not an external thing, its fully in your own mind. You need to fix your mind, not your external world.

This is on point. There are almost weekly threads about some user "making it", getting a date, fucking a girl, something like that and they're usually like 19-20 years old. A large chunk of these incel posters are in their late teens or early twenties, but have it in their head that they're doomed to inceldom, when in reality most of them will "escape" it eventually. Of course you have some people whose insecurity and possibly other things have completely secluded them from society, but that's not the case for the vast majority

Stay mad and virgin incelscum

So what you're saying is that it was an actual escape room, you die in the game you die in real life
I like it.

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finally some slavs decided to take action, cheers from Croatia :)

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i love how this thread has turned into just shitting on incels. please keep it coming

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>Over 0.00% content.

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>Come to an incel board

>average girl loses her virginity at age 18
Hmmmmmmm like hmmmmmmm but hmmmmmm do you........hmmmmm. have like.....uum.....some.....uhhhhhhh...stats that prove this shit?

Not a single virgin among them. Let us celebrate this great occasion. God smites thots, the great patroller in the sky.

Regarding irrational hated of all women: I think most people with this mentality know deep down that it is irrational. I mean it is irrational but what difference does that make? It doesn't stop people feeling it and feeling justified in feeling it. Human beings are not logic machines.

As someone who has experienced this kind of thing let me tell you something. When people feel wronged by others naturally you feel contempt for that person or group of people. That is normal.

However there comes a point when you have been abused, ridiculed and rejected with such regularity for such an extended period of time that the line in your mind between those that inflicted this upon you and people in general starts to blur. You adopt a mentality of me vs everyone else rather than me vs those who wronged me.

I believe this is why you often see spree killers targeting anyone and everyone rather than those that specifically wronged them.

Imagine being so bitter and stewing in your own resentment that the death of five young people gives you pleasure.

Utter waste of top tier roasties.

Even if they wouldn't have fucked me, they might have done porn.

Based Pollack. See your ass on pol, stay redpeeled my fred.

>ITT: arguing with a tranny

Got more pics OP? Asking for a friend

>The average girl loses her virginity at age 18

>average age is 15
>I'm twice that old and still a virgin
It's not fucking fair bros

>As an insult
>in Jow Forums of all places
lmao, you will never get anywhere in a discussion arguing like that. Calling people pathetic is falling into pure slave morality of what other people tell you to think.

no scary brown people were involved in this one so you won't hear about it incessantly for a fucking month

>how irrational it is to hate all women
Hating women is as irrational as it is to have sex. Human beings are built on irrationality ortherwise we wouldnt be humans and would even be considered living things anymore.
Why is it irrational to hate or not hate women?
People are just following their human instincts like everyone else does.

Seriously, it makes us look bad. This thread is ridiculous.

>this stays up but pedo conversation threads that are more legal than this calling to violence don't stay up and jannies remove them

Probably some of them were but not all.

You know, the eighteen age was set in place due to that being the earliest women want to get married historically on average, has nothing to do with sexualization, people start masturbation far before the end of puberty and often before it ergo sex happens before it ends. It ends at the twenties mark also, begins at around fourteen and twelve.

Hope it was bait and you're not stupid enough to think that people honestly don't start fucking behind their mothers and statistics back far before typical marriage ages.

No one even took the aoc stuff seriously until they realized that women whore around, people need to know this.

That's pretty horrific.
At least they all died together as friends?

I hope they're burning in hell now too, cunts.

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I worked at a school for a few years as a teacher's aide and I had to break up a fist fight between 3 girls and two boys, all of them beating the shit out of each other because they'd slept with each other's boyfriends (the third girl was a friend). The girls were 12 and the boys were 13 and 14.

Don't delude yourself, the only people not first getting laid at 12-15 are the mentally or physically handicapped, for the most part.

why'd you have to be such a faggot?

I will always be rejected,normalfag,and normallfags are bad and should die

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>trying this hard to be edgy anonymously on the internet
you must be 18 years old to post on Jow Forums.

>He disagrees with me!!
>Haha you're an incel loser

Yeah, that will show 'em

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That's very insightful. I completely agree with you, user. Especially the everyone vs me part.

Why does it feel good when roasties get toasty?
I should feel horrible about the death of 5 humans, but all I feel is joy and glee. They died in a hilarious scenario too.

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