A threat to our future

I'm starting to believe that you guys are right.
There is such thing as an actual conspiration against masculinity and traditions.

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>you will marry
Jokes on you, bitch. I'm dying alone!

>yes, you will marry
el oh el

Or that's just a batshit crazy leftie who is trolling you all

>you might end up raising the child of other men

HAHAHAHHAHAHA nice wishful thinking

No, I will Go my Own Way.

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>Yes, you will marry a virgin.
>Yes, you will marry one who has only been with you.
>Yes, you will end up raising children of your own.
See, now isn't that easy to fix?

there is NOTHING morally wrong about dropping out of the race when there are 8b people
>b-but muh be fruitful and multiply
>muh white race
not important enough to the individual to affect anything, also racism shouldn't literally be the reason why we live what the fuck

good luck finding an unicorn that does not exists, fucking incel

Make me

Funny how nihilist incels also say the same thing, not that I would suspect such honest people to false flag. The boomers are correct, there's always more fish in the sea.

you don't really *need* to fish if you don't want to?
>please take care of chads baby
wow thats really hard this must be a conspiracy

Good luck getting married ya ugly hoe

I'm not even nihilist but he is right.
Unless you are a rich chad, where the fuck do you think you will find the virgin pure maiden of your fantasies?

Not saying it's imposible, just saying that you can't do it.


>you will marry that has been around
wow very articulate for a niggress

>you might end up raising the child
stopped reading there

>stopped reading there
can't handle the truth huh?

a nihilist is someone that doesn't care about morality, it's not being an edgy emo little shit

nah nigga i'm gay. i suck dick better than any woman could dream of

>yes you will marry
HA! Nice assumption there, sheboon.

man up and raise tyrones child.

>implying touching any coalburner

I have two half sisters my dad ended up raising them even though they weren't his.
Should I just follow in his footsteps and date single mothers?
Now he is in his villain arc though he disowned them and doesn't talk to them anymore.


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He fucked his life up, you should know better than to try to imitate him

I'm honestly not picky, but my preferences are absolute. I'd rather die alone than deal with some dumb slut forcing her 3 mixed kids on me. I'll be lonely but I can cope or just kill myself.

She'd probably lose her shit if you made a slighlty sexist joke on Twitter in 2010. That's women for you.

>getting married to a single mother

See you later bitch

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AND THAT'S A GOOD THING preach sister

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based boomerpill
butthurt zoomers can stew in their self hatred.

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they just dragged Kevin Hart through the mud ovet shit he said 10 years ago and Ellen told him it was ok. There's still hope just not enough to make a difference.

But I'm an incel.

Nope I'm a trans girl who found a chad with low self esteem from a broken home that I've made into a god.

Enjoy your fucking nigger baby coping tactic you used up aged tarbaby.

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>all men I don't like are virgins
>but female virgins are unicorns
What happened to equality between the sexes?

So you'd be okay with raising Chad's kids, right?

Or I could just not marry unless she's a virgin who has only been with me and has only my children

are there virgin women out there? sure. but chances any of us will get one are slim, unless you're in some super-religious communities.
for average non-crazily-religious and non-autistic grils, they are going to have fucked a couple people by the time they're 20.
get 'em while they're young i guess, my time is passed.
t. 30 yr-old

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Who's this whore nigger?



In my area at least, I don't even see Chads with white girls anymore. They snatch up the Latinas and Asian girls. All the white girls are with Jamal. I have no clue why it is this way, but I see more interracial couples than normal ones tenfold.

i love how it goes from "she's sleepd with a few guys" to "your raising someone elses son bigot!"

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sexual accelerationism, even in just one tweet

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I've been following the vlog on youtube of a single mother who had a kid in her teens. She met this young mid-late 20s relatively fit looking guy 12 months ago, a simp for sure but not bad looking (she is not looking too bad herself, definitely a ton of makeup though). Flash forward 12 months to present day, she is pregnant, morbidly obese due to eating nothing but shitty ass junk food (justified with being pregnant), looks absolutely ghoulish without her makeup on and completely different from her early videos with the male simp where she is all makeuped up, and the poor guy has also gained like 50+ lbs and is starting to look like dogshit himself. These people are both in their mid-late 20s but now look like they are late 30s, the change in 12 months really is quite horrifying you could almost compare it to like a year on meth or hard drugs.

Is single mother pussy really that good? is this the future that awaits us?

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Look back though history there have always been illegitimate children, it's just no one found out because there was no 23andme back then.

Chances are you are probably the product of adultery somewhere in your lineage.

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Such a fucking jump
>not a virgin
>been around
>already has kids from other men

if its out of wedlock just abort. save us all some time and money

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Thank you for not being a religious waste of oxygen like all the people who didn't get aborted

why are mentally ill extremists always so drawn to what other mentally ill extremists say

both factions represent less than 0.1% of the population

>Is single mother pussy really that good?
No and RIP if you have death grip because that pussy is your coffin now

There's a lot of chances
Hell in everyone's lineage there's probably a few cases of incest along the way
If she didn't abort the kids from a religious standpoint she shouldn't be fucking outside of marriage anyway

Religionfags set up guilt shops next to abortion clinics and hire crazy sterile women to scare mexican girls out of aborting because muh Jesus

>If she didn't abort the kids from a religious standpoint she shouldn't be fucking outside of marriage anyway
all niggers believe in god. how's that working for them?

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I'd never be able to get married even if I wanted to. Nice fantasy

Well they're dumb and don't follow the hard rules

Margaret Sanger wanted to racially cleanse the US via eugenic abortion. but she's looked down on so much today.

not by me. my wife literally works for CPS

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>she actually believes this


Technically Bruce is her father. A "female" can still be a "father" and "daddy", welcome to modernity.

>defending thottery
Wow, its pure pottery.

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Statistically speaking, about 1 in 20 children ever born were the product of cuckoldry.

It never existed nor will it ever

>A "female" can still be a "father" and "daddy"
We are inacting an orwellian double-speak distopia. Neat.