I am doing heroin again and it feels so good
I am doing heroin again and it feels so good
What does it feel like, op? How much did it cost?
>ywn do heroin
>just do normalfag shit like smoke
I feel warm inside and I feel more loving and appreciative of everyone
It was $80 for a good amount of it. I probably got 30 doses. I have a low tolerance, though.
Did you do much?
>that dog in the corner looks fucking terrified
Post tits or you're full of shit
When you quit you have to say you will NEVER do it again and commit to being the kind of person who will NEVER do heroin. I know you know that it will fucking ruin your life. Please quit or seek help.
I keep taking little amounts
This is temporary, when I run out I will stop
>short hair
>thick glasses
>rainbow strap
This chick is gonna be in for a ride once she starts needing it. I almost feel bad for her, but those endorphins she's flush on will make her feel better than my depressed ass literally ever will.
thank you for posting my waifu user.
now please stop posting my waifu.
christ what a retard
The pics I am using are not of me
You know her too?
>he uses the brainlet wojak meme
lurk a bit more sweetie pie
>only new memes may be posted
def an SJW
>using sweetie meme
>in this two thousand and nineteenth year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
what a loser lol
l'm proud of you. Based and comfypilled
can you crackheads stop coming to my workplace and asking for needles?
and if you cant do that at least dont bother with weird ass excuses like
> muh diabeetus
and then freaking when I ask you for a script from a doctor
go order some online or something
>can you crackheads stop coming to my workplace and asking for needles?
No. Fuck yourself
can you stop forcing people to use dirty needles and practice some fucking harm reduction and sell (or better yet, give) some needles and information away?
i bet you think narcan should be illegal.
why would I supply you idiots with needles???
how do you feel about narcan user?
should non-medical professionals be allowed to have narcan?
what about without prescription?
Narcan should be illegal, letting the degenerates die is the best option for humanity and stops their repoduction after they overdose
exactly the answer i was expecting. carry on, retard.
>This is temporary, when I run out I will stop
said every junkie ever
what a normie thing to say. I hope you don't get insulin and your foot falls off you fatass american whopper fucker
shut up kid, I wipe my ass with little fucks like you
>degenerate gets aids from dirty needle
>drips blood into your salad at work
>rapes your sister
>gives aids to his gf and her kids are born with aids
>everybody has aids
hm, ya it really would be fucked up to do anything to limit the spread of aids.
not my problem you degenerate loser ;)
Well, if little kids didn't do it, it's not like you could reach there yourself
enjoy lapping up my poopy ass crack bud
stfu and jack off, leave Jow Forums alone with that shit
stop pretending you are a girl also
*bang* *bang*
this is the cringiest thing ive seen in a while
and i shot heroin for about 7 years
get off opiates you faggot
i wish i knew where to get heroin
whats more funny is that whatever that thing is doesnt realize that trying a ribbon around the neck of a guitar is supposed to go ABOVE the strings. fucking retard. dont trust anyone who does anything for looks
The feeling wont ast
Youve already been to hell its created. Go to meetings, get a sponsor, be of service, work the steps
imagine being this socially retarded