I have a genius iq (tested) but im bad at school
wtf this shit is suppose to be easy for someone like me, what am i doing wrong
I have a genius iq (tested) but im bad at school
Same with me. The guidance counselor told my mommy it's because the work was too easy and I wasn't challenged, so I got sent to a special school for gifted kids, but I did even worse in that school and had to get sent back.
Let me tell you something GROUNDBREAKING.
You're probably dumb as bricks you fucking retard. Lmao
School is mostly useless. Anything past 8th grade you wont need to know unless you have a career that needs that knowledge.
>You're probably dumb as bricks you fucking retard.
If it was tested online you can easily shave off about 40 of those points, no cap.
And in the end iq doesn't exactly mean much except for logic and whatnot, doesn't really apply to your actual capabilities.
So yeah, you're probably stupid.
Set up your own school for big brain boys like you and me.
>If it was tested online
It wasn't.
iq is the capacity to learn, not prepackaged general knowledge
start giving a shit and listen in class
I once knew that feel bro
>if I already understood something, I wouldn't do the work because it seemed pointless to me
>a lot of high school and below is memorization and I not only have a poor memory but also tend to prioritize memorizing information based on how immediately meaningful it is to me
>Doesn't study philosophy
Yea I feel you man, I've got an IQ of 120 but never really have done that good in school. I suspect the problem to be of my ADHD and I am getting medication for it soon so hope that would help.
Well you see, there are two types of IQ, ratio IQ and deviation IQ. The former is bullshit and the latter is not. The bullshit one is often administered to kids.
>you won't need knowledge unless you need it
IQs a fucking meme. Ive been tested at 135 but I have legitimate ADD so my attention span is pretty low, which makes learning things unless Im fully interested hard.
fake ADDers reeeee
ADD is a global deficit of attention, which means it's hard to focus even on the things you are "fully interested hard" in. Your case sounds like generic sloth.
I don't generally mention my iq on the internet because of all these dumbasses going around saying they have an iq of 152 or some shit. I feel you user.
Oh and on top of that
>usually I'd try to understand concepts on my own without doing the work because I'm someone who doesn't follow directions well and usually ends up with a poorer understanding when I do
Teachers literally thought I didn't understand the underlying concepts of worksheets or whatever because I didn't do them but then I would do fine on tests.
I failed multiple classes in high school, but would get As in summer school because the shorter duration meant more tests and less work.
you only study philosophy in order to realize how pointless it is
I'm only studying philosophy because I've realized how pointless it is.
High iq only boosts your autism
>bad at school
well you only need to be competent at life, having social interactions, having your life in order, being healthy, having enough money to have a satisfying lifestyle, taking care of yourself and any loved ones.
school is the route to help most normies. if you can be successful without it, its a hindrance.
>the work was too easy
why don't they just try to get these kids to start a business on the side, difficulty level unlimited.
Oh yes, the best of jobs must require no school certificate, fucking moron.
IQ doesn't really affect school, determination and memorization of facts is far more important. Plus, social skills are 1000000000000000000000000x more important then your school smarts/IQ.
Does anyone here actually know what IQ is?
IQ isn't some physiological component of your brain or a measure of your mental capacity with regard to some kind of objective scale.
IQ is a statistical measurement and all it does it tell you how smart you are relative to the rest of the population.
127-131 IQ here (tested by the Army); OP, if you're anything like me you're a lazy piece of shit who's not living up to their potential. Either switch your degree to something you actually like or take note of what it is that's distracting you and find a way to stop it: replace your smart phone with a nokia, use the school computers in the library rather than your laptop, etc...
if someone was truly a genius they would be more rich than a Dr or Engineer wagecucking with golden shackles
did the iq test put u in a better position or did it make anyone else think differently of you?
also how can you b lazy, don't you get taught extreme dicipline and self control in the army?
>It's another user claims "I'm smart, but too lazy to get work done" episode
It gave me the confidence to go to university rather than settle into a dead end job for the rest of my life. So far things have been going pretty well, even though I practically failed high school.
Re the Army: I quit that shit before I marched out of recruit training, military is a combination of prison and slavery.
>have very high iq
>learning is simple cuz i do it all the time
>but can't do school because being "instructed" and sitting in a room with other people pisses me off
>genius iq
>this shit is suppose
lying brainlet spotted
School doesn't test IQ. It tests raw data retention, obedience and narrow mindedness.
Most schools, anyway. I've seen mine try to do some more creative and analytical exercises.