Would any fembot neets take up this offer?

Would any fembot neets take up this offer?

Attached: 882920000022.jpg (1080x897, 143K)

I would if we were to have kids. Everything else fits

I wonder how many women that guy has murdered.

And if I liked him, obviously. I'm not going to whore myself out.

This is actually a great offer if legitimate, women really do have it easy.

Sounds like a murder ad

He wants a slave. How do you not see that?

Most fembots would be slaves in exchange for comfortable housing

Yea why not I want to die anyways.

well since he's retired, he's living on a fixed income, probably dividends off of what he's saved in his career. He wouldn't be able to afford a child

No. There are fundamental differences in our desires for the relationship already. I want to equally share responsibilities with my partner and have children with them.

Similarly, I want to remain employed and I want to be able to grow into someone comfortably self-sufficient. Moving to dublin and being limited to a few nights out a week on my own makes this difficult. Besides, going out alone at night is not at ALL what I would want if I am in a relationship with someone.

I'm also not interested in a near 50 year old who expects deep conversation with a teenager.

maybe once upon a time when I was young, cute, entitled, and felt useless

this sounds like serial killer demands

No I want to be left alone. I want to spend all my time playing video games, watching anime and shitposting. I don't want to ever have to please another human being or have to talk to them on a daily basis. I am utterly selfish.



What about just being my gf?

Depends. I would have to meet the guy first to see if he reeks of crazy

That's probably taking it too far man

same desu this

>Would any fembot neets take up this offer?
>this sounds like serial killer demands

If I was a dame I would definitely be skeptical.

Eew, that's creepy. Probably a serial killer. This is NOT how to court a lady.

Attached: 4catgirl.gif (320x256, 689K)

How else are rich robots supposed to attract girls?

offered to be tortured, held against my will and brutally murdered then skinned alive and have my limbs slowly removed?
no thanks

>can venture out on your own a few night each week
That's very creepy

How about not trying to take away all of their basic human rights in exchange for food and boarding? Seems sketchy and dangerous. They're doing this guy a favor, he shouldn't expect so much.

The reason 75 percent of the homeless are male is due to the fact that women get shacked up easy. No one wants to deal with some dangerous male.

just don't be a dangerous male then

He should be put to death, honestly

>I'll undo the 7 locks on the outside of your room a few nights each week and let you venture out into the rest of the house

99-100%of replies itt

Attached: femanon.jpg (345x337, 70K)

If there was any doubt women have it easier than men, I think this eradicates it.

Not a girl, but that ad kind of scares me. I wouldn't want to live with a random person I met online, especially if I were a girl. If things go south, I would have no job to support myself, so I'd have to either stay with him or be homeless.

Are you in Dublin user?

Can't believe the negativity. This guy is going to fund your neet lifestyle. You get own room, food, internet and can go out when you want t

No, I want to have children with someone. That's a huge deal breaker for me to be with someone that has no desire for giving up the goods and give me babies.
Also, that wood paneling and dark atmosphere scares me.

I guess girls care about other things than just money and being provided for.


>""dark atmosphere"" and decor is his biggest issue with the ad
Just turn the brightness of the photo up and the """dark atmosphere""" is gone. You should be more concerned about the prospect of moving in with and becoming completely reliant on a random person you met online and barely know.

the poster gives off serial killer vibes, he reminds me of Christian Weston Chandler trying to buy a woman like a product

Just because your life is empty doesn't mean the rest of us are okay with sub-par living conditions on-par with imprisonment.

looks great on paper but this guy is probably creepy as fuck, sounds like a fucking serial killer

no. my dad is the same age. fucking gross.

Every guy does that for women though.

The guy posts a picture of himself (related) to make you feel more comfortable with the situation.
Does it make a difference?

Attached: MV5BMTkzMzY5MTk0M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODcwMzQ1NQ@@._V1_.jpg (1450x2048, 1.05M)

Males get arrested ten times as much as women despite only serving time three times as often as they do.

Men are targgetted just for being male.

Like with our automatically more expensive insurance rates just for being young and male.

Faggot.Men are forced to be what they are.

>want cashier job
>lol no sit in the sun pushing buggy because male
>sun makes angry and pushing heavy buggy stronge
>kill someone due to testosterone having evolved you to kill when put in unfair and stressful scenarios
>or don't kill
>cops think it was you because XD male anyway and has motive and ability due to XD not female

Inevitable until they treat men as equals.