"Torturing animals is bad and animal abusers should be killed!"
"Torturing animals is bad and animal abusers should be killed!"
Your a fucktard
Unironically this
Name the trait true of animals that if true of humans would justify murdering humans
>he says while munching on a bacon cheeseburger
great bait. im proud of you, bud
>What is the golden rule
what are they tutoring them with? Math?
Not being human
>That 13 year old zoomer who tries too hard to be edgy on Jow Forums
I like animals and I don't like to see them being abused. I don't like people who abuse animals for their own pleasure. I also don't care if Chinese people eat dogs because dogs are animals and animals eat each other. I eat animals because they taste good but I don't want to see them being abused and killed to make my food. I am a human and I hold conflicting opinions and beliefs.
>being okay with the meaningless and non beneficial torture of charismatic, likable and generally intelligent animals
Get a room with them and fuck
It's probably the same edgy zoomer autist
I dont care what other people think i am simply sadistic in nature and i cant do it on humans do i do it to animald
the golden rule is a bad argument as its origins mostly stem from the bible, in which animals are not treated on the same level as humans, at least if your argument is for veganism. As for the simple torture of animals for say, entertainment, it would just be viewed as immoral, again coming from the same origins as your original argument, being valid I guess.
Why tf should i care about some stupid animal being tortured? its not like my life will be affected by that
>being such a beta that you have to let out violent tendencies on animals
Just kill yourself
Being alive in the first place
This. Sucking animal dick is the most reddit thing you can do
R*ddit pIs go
>Wow really edgy and kool
There's the attention you want, fagboy.
hi r*ddit
Torturing any person or animal is bad and needlessly cruel.
Same. I could never raise an animal and kill it myself, but they taste good and I eat them. I'd prefer they be treated and slaughtered humanely, but I understand that isn't always the case.
It's not hard. Not getting emotionally attached to animals isn't hard. They serve a purpose you know. I just got some new chicks but I know they're going to be in my deep freezer come next year or whenever they stop laying.
>Torturing animals is bad
>animal abusers should be killed
No. Why are "moral" people so quick to demand the death of people who offend them? Is locking them up, resisting their freedoms not good enough? And the thing is they can call death on others so casually when they would never bring themselves to do the deed themselves.
Hi friend, you seem to be lost! Just head on over back to www.plebbit.com, it seems you'll fit in better there:) toodles!
The thing that always makes me laugh is one guy kicks a dog and then these people say he should be boiled alive in acid or something else insanely dark and morbid. It becomes very apparent that the animal is not the point at all, people just look for some scapegoat to take their hidden sadistic desires out on
Niggers aren't welcome on this board. Even social fuckups like us have standards. Please return to worldstarhiphop immediately.
>"don't do that"
"would you want someone to do it to you?"
I don't get it.
Posting the same fucking bait threads is bad and baitposters should be killed!
What exactly don't you get about it?
No reddit, visiting Jow Forums like every other redditor these days does not mean you're welcome here.
This guy gets it. Thank you for making this board a little less retarded.
It doesn't make sense, doing something to X doesn't make it more likely that X will do it to me.
This. Honestly I want to think that they don't "mean" it and just use a combination of words that have the biggest negative association with them but even so I'm not always sure. At the edge of the abyss most people show their real faces.
t. wannabe sociopath
torturing animals is pointless and stupid, but if you freak out even an inkling more over animals being tortured/killed than humans, you deserve to be publicly stoned to death.
stop replying to yourself Jamal
I hope Jungposting unironically becomes a thing
Doesn't make sense though...
user you need to get your eyes checked
>"Torturing animals is bad and animal abusers should be kilIed!"
I know you know you were purposefully missing the whole point of the golden rule, but even then it does make sense.
If you go around treating people like shit, both the people you treat like shit and the people who witness it will have less of a reason to treat you with respect.
The same goes for animals on a more instinctual level. If you, say, attack a dog, the chances it attacks you go up. But aside from that, have you tried not eating meat?
You're a racist posting on a board of social outcasts, can a person get any more retarded than that? At least on /p*l/ you fags can pretend that you're Chad and have any kind of real connection with 'your' people - even though you're also kissless virgins with no hope for any kind of real social interaction in the near future
>If you go around treating people like shit, both the people you treat like shit and the people who witness it will have less of a reason to treat you with respect.
Not relevant in a large society were everyone is stragers.
>You're a racist
Then go to your reddit safe space where you don't have to deal with meanies who have no-no opinions.
>any time you interact with someone it doesn't matter because you'll never meet them again
Wow, I guess that means you can just go up to a random person and murder them without consequences, then!
That's true but neither is that the point. It's about appealing to your sense of empathy by reminding you that inside X is a mind just like yours. Just as you can look back on the entirety of your life, so can they. If you don't want to experience that bad thing then it's most likely that the other person doesn't want to do either. Don't you want others to be happy just as you want to be happy?
But all in all morality is relative. Even the "golden rule" is more of a recommendation than a physical law. There is nothing stopping you from being an asshole.
Personally I think the world is cruel enough as it is. I've decided for myself that there are not enough nice people for my taste and that's why I want to be one.
You are free to do whatever you want but don't be surprised when you reap what you sow.
I'm just pointing the obvious contradiction between your beliefs and reality. You can call niggers niggers as much as you want, won't change the fact that no wh*Te roastie has ever considered even incurring in the risk of being impregnated by your seed
>samefagging this hard
>being so new that you think animal cruelty is some le ebic 4chink maymay
>contradiction between your beliefs and reality.
what are my "beliefs" and how does reality contradict them?
Racism has also been stolen by reddit. Proof, you're here and racist.
So go back
Even if those are the same person, thats not a samefagg you fucking mongoloid redditor. A samefag is when you reply to your own post pretending to be someone else.
So end yourself
Not him but if you are a robot nationalism is highly irrational. You are a literally a person rejected and hated by society and then you go fight for that society.
Racism wouldnt fall under it though, just nationalism
No one mentioned anything about nationalism, you dumb ape. What's going on in this thread is that a feral nigger is trying to pretend that Jow Forums has always been pro animal cruelty and a couple tryhard newfags are bandwagoning.
>"Torturing animals is bad and animal abusers should be killed!"
Love how just about everyone who holds this belief has no problem eating meat and supporting the meat industry where they basically torture and slaughter animals in the billions. Out of sight, out of mind.
And did they not reply to their own post pretending to be someone else?
Fucking retard
Racism as in 14 words indeed would. Racism as in "my race is better than X race" also would. Only racism in the sense of using slurs and generalizing bad traits would arguably not be completely incompatible with a robot, but even then, a Robot realizes that all normies are shit regardless so these petty differences do not really matter.
Being a poltard is being a nationalist. Sorry, not everything that isnt r*ddit is niggers. Nothing here had anything to do with niggers until you brought it up. If you dont like it you can go back to r*ddit.
>he thinks all of those are the same person
You are a schizophrenic
OP proving himself as an npc with a basic lack of empathy, truly that how it really do be though.
I don't think that racist user has seen beyond the games of the normalfags yet as he is obviously still heavily invested in it.
>He doesn't realize that I put a space between the 2 sets of replies to imply that the first two is a samefag and the second two is a different samefag
>everyone who doesn't like niggers is Jow Forums!
>calling anyone else reddit
you're fooling no one you seething faggot
Yeah, what gets me isn't even that. I mean, most of us probably went through a Jow Forumstard phase. But back when I was like that, guess what, I browsed Jow Forums and only Jow Forums. I didn't shit Jow Forums or any other board with that kind of attitude.
I see got a good catch. Tell me where you buy that marvelous bait. Or do you dig it out yourself?
>OP being a flamboyant newfag
Yeah, I noticed that the masses of NPCs also really get offended at child sex because the children are "innocent" lol like see themselves as 'innocent' basedboy sociopaths or something
What a bunch of stupid fucking deluded goyim
>humans who lack empathy and demonstrate psychopathy should be culled from the population
I see nothing wrong with this.
below 70 IQ
>Animals have rights
being a moralfag basically
get new bait faggot
>"empathetic" person desires mass murder
Par for the course.
NPCs think empathy makes them good people.
Why would you want to torture an animal? What do you get out of it? I get more pleasure out of being nice.
I'm Yoda, you're human, can I murder you?
This would justify holocausting retards, but it's consistent
i remember when i watching Charlotte's web as a kid and getting a sadistic feeling when wilbert was squealing. I guess it's just the human condition to want to kill animals
A thread died so you could post this, you fucking faggot.
>LARPing as a sociopath on an anonymous image board
end your miserable life already holy shit
I'm pretty sure animal torture is one of the huge red flags that somebody will grow up to be a murderer
It's not just about the animals, you supreme retard. People who torture cats and dogs only do it because they haven't worked up the courage to do it to humans yet.
they think sympathy makes them good people. That's why they are so reactionary when something bad happens to someone. They plunge head first to their aide without investigating any further.
Its the same reason people naturally get more upset at babies being killed as opppsed to adults. Helplessness warrants increased symptathy
Did babby just discover Nietzsche and/or Stirner, or is he in the midst of his subhuman behavior, nigger-idealizing phase? Either way, gr8 b8 m8 8/8, have a sage in return senpai.
Drinking adrenalized baby blood to feel like you are part of the elite
Psychopathy is for joos
Or destroy lives in witch hunts. Whatever to call it, people have no problem doing evil because "muh feelings". Or have other people do it for them. Fiction has stepped up its game by having villains appeal to the audience's feelings and thoughts.
Yes it does, if you do action X it legitimizes it. It's the equivalent of you saying "this isn't wrong" so others might do it to you too.
Lol nope. Absolute bullshit. People are locked into their own ideas and behavioral cycles and habits and the influence of your own actions on others is negligible at best. Social constructionism, and by extension the very ideas of freedom and choice, is a massive lie.
That really has nothing to do with what I said. It's also demonstrably false, since people tend to all do more or less the same thing necessitating some kind of equilibrium and causal formation therein.
kys OP
Explain niggers then.
Animal abusers forfeit their human status, it's like abusing a child.
u cant abuse a kid
u can only make them stronger
you WILL be assimilated into the normie world.
they shouldnt be killed, but they are fucked up for torture. The duty of a mentally superior being is to have respect for the subservient
>who is confucius