Anons how can you make 6 figures before you're 30?
Anons how can you make 6 figures before you're 30?
invest life savings into pic related
Be a lineman.
Shits good money.
>buy bitcoin in 2008 and sell at 18k
>fintech or FAANG slave, if you get your PhD before 30
>be born into rich family
>tfw did the last one
feels good.
it's the worst option, unless you lack self-awareness
it robs you of all your achievements
if you have any nonrobotic skills you can capitalize on, sales a good option. its a grind for a few years and you have to talk to people daily, but it will eventually help you overcome some of your social robotic tendencies. eventually you can just coast on the client base youve built
>Have a natural talent good enough to play in the NFL, NHL, MLB or NBA
>Be born to an executive at a fortunate 500 company
That's pretty much all I can think of
Pick a career that actually has job prospects, and be good at what you do. It's literally that easy. 100k isn't much for the wealthy folks who make money off of your work.
thats 7 figures. making $100000+ is obtainable
move to a liberal shithole and join a trade if you can work with your hands. sparkys, plumbers and HVAC service guys can easily make 100K in a lib shithole like seattle or portland.
I got a PhD in an engineering field and now make 95k/yr, 26 yo, no debt. Also no frens, no gf, no life, and still khv.
Or you could move to a country with hyperinflation.
Was it worth it? 33 here making 115k. Still a khv. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll be me in a few years.
It was worth it to me but now that I'm out of school I can't ever imagine going back. I unironically love my job so there's that, I can easily see myself doing this for 40 years.
Is the roasties hitting the wall desperate for a provider meme true? I don't want that but I'm worried unless I steel myself for it I'll be desperate/stupid enough to fall for their foul manipulations.
You can only love a job for so long. I used to love my career. Now it's just a thing that I do to pay the bills.
The wall meme might be true, but they're looking for providers who know how to be in a relationship. That excludes you and me. We will work our lives away, make some money for ourselves and our bosses, and then die alone.
Get a bachelor's degree in any engineering field. I just graduated at 22 years old and I'm about to start a six figure job in February.
Wew I'm safe then
No need to worry about succubi or gold diggers stealing all the money I'm hoarding to build a a dirigible
Just pump and dump and don't let the leech
No woman has ever been interested in me, money or not.
Move to Japan and you can make 6 figures in yen :3
Do you wear nice clothes/drive nice cars/spend money on status symbols/etc? Is it that they don't know you have money or know you have money but still aren't interested?
I've got a nice car and a nice house, but other than that I don't really spend that much money. I've always been a fairly frugal person, which is why I have money instead of a mountain of debt. I guess that strategy doesn't attract the gold diggers, which is probably a good thing.
I know how to but I need $500 to start. Cant get a job and my family is poor.
>how to become rich
Easy, you have to be born with talent and the mentality to never give up. On top of that, you need to stay hungry. ALWAYS. No matter how much money you have in the bank, you need to convince yourself that you're poor.
t Rich Asian fag
On an unrelated note...
>Had my first mix black girl over the weekend. It was freaking amazing. Pic not her but closely related. Just add some freckles and it's her :)
be a f*moid and become a web developer.
make 200k starting to do myspace tier front end dev
depends on how much time you have left