>Be me >A month or two ago >Need to choose a book for English to write a semester paper on >Head to my local Barnes and Noble to pick up Invisible Cities by Calvino Great book by the way, recommend it 100% >Girl working at the register is a solid 10/10, potential goth gf. Right around my age >She sees the book I'm getting, and tells me she loves Calvino, and asks me if I've read many of his books. >Despite my autism, I can actually be pretty confident and flirty, and she seemed like the perfect target for said flirtation. But my parents were right beside me >turn into a gigantic fucking beta male because I'm embarrassed to do anything in front of my parents, afraid I'll never hear the end of it. >NervousAutism.exe >Reply with "um... no, I haven't." >Can't keep eye contact, even though she's looking right at me >Have to act like I'm not interested, otherwise parents might bring it up later. >Finish paying >leave >read Invisible Cities on the way home >never see her again
Calvino girl, if you ever see this, I'm sorry for being such a pathetic cuck.
>Mom never taught me anything >Except how to not freak out when somebody talks about an heroing >Dad could never build a strong relationship with me due to illness and other factors >I can't be emotionally available to him while he dies and regret not trying harder
Am I doing this right OP?
Kayden Gonzalez
I don't have a car, and whenever I go to a book store my mom insists on tagging along, and sometimes the rest of my family does too. Plus, I don't remember what time it was when I saw her, or what day. If I knew her schedule, it'd be easier to find her Yeah
Jayden Smith
It would've actually been more alpha and more likely to get you a date if you carried on and flirted in front of your parents.
Brayden Fisher
>they constantly get into credit card debt and expect me to pay for me every time
Dominic Mitchell
My mom smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol when she was pregnant with me. She also circumcised and didn't breastfeed me. These things combined correspond with a reduction in IQ of about 24.2 points. I have an IQ of 128. But I could have had an IQ of 152.
I have a sister who has an IQ of over 140 who received the same treatment. Her IQ could have been near 170.
Bentley Jones
where do you live that goth qts are reading italian literature instead of manga and highschool novels?
Isaac Williams
>have to read an entire book and then write a paper about it Boy I'm sure glad I skipped uni
Isaac Myers
>never let me out of the house >didn't give me allowance >let me become extremely obese and didn't bother changing my diet >didn't tell me anything about sexuality
Grayson Smith
If your IQ is above 120, You shouldnt be dumb enough to actually believe you lost 24.2 IQ points exactly.
William Sanchez
Ayy. My mom drank and 9 months later out pops me, ugly FAS bastard that I am. Thanks ma!
Colton Reyes
>be me >live in a commie block >untill the age of 7 be a normal kid, socialize with other kids living in the block, enjoy simple life >time to choose primary school >literally all of the other kids go to the nearest school 5 minute walk away >can't wait to go to school together with my pals >my mom decides for whatever reason that the other primary school, located 2 kilometers in the other part of town is "better" >don't know anyone there at all >fail at aquiring friends at school >all of my previous friends found new ones at school, I was pushed to the sidelines.
My first day of school was the death of a normie and a birth of a robot.
>ignored my pleas for accutane when I needed it at 13 >never got it despite pap making six figs for decades >didn't do their research >moved to a shithole city close to new dadjob >2 other white kids in a class of 30 >known to them as the "pink kid" tho >pay off the mortgage at accelerated rate >buy investment real estate overseas >my bday/xmas gifts are $25 gift cards >30 mins of computer time per day until im 16 >forced to take out student loans (100%) for uni >forced to live at home and spend 3 hours per day commuting >too socially retarded and grotesque to get hired as a teen >"friends" all thought I was a spoiled rich kid >got kicked out and was homeless for months for bad grades >only accumulated half the credits needed for my bachelors >dropped out due to this and other factors >only employed thanks to family charity nepotism job
They are trying to repair the damage and be nice to me and keep telling me to go back to school and all (I'm fucking 28) or go live in one of their rental apartments overseas but the damage is done. I'll be dead in 2 years max from alcoholism anyways (been drinking a handle every two days for years now), gonna screencap my own post here for my own reference and maybe they'll dig it up from my HDD after that happens but i doubt it
Chase Moore
Damn, now I feel petty for complaining. Don't give up user. Or at the very least, get some kind of revenge before you go.
Carson Perez
I'm sure she was a fan of anime too. I was buying some manga with it and she still seemed interested, so I think it's safe to assume she was probably a weeb too. Then again, she seemed to enjoy her job despite the stress of a packed store, so she's probably a big fan of literature in general. I really fucked up to just brush her off like that.
You think I don't realize that?
Ian Russell
My sister used to work at a bookstore coffee shop and there was a guy she was in a long relationship with who hung out there alone for days before he asked her out, there might be a chance
Jackson Peterson
Maybe, but Barnes and Noble's corporate atmosphere is way more intimidating. Especially how the registers are always blocked by a wall of shelves, and how there's only one line, so I can't guarantee she's the cashier I'd get when I'm checking out. I still wanna try though. Thanks for the vote of confidence, user
Elijah Thompson
It was a Barnes and Noble, but the cafe areas are different so I know what you mean.
Hudson Martinez
i really fucking doubt a stupid ass fas kid has an iq of 128
did you take an online test
Luke Scott
These types of excuses you're making sound like a guy who's going to die a virgin.
The fuck should I do, sit at Barnes and Noble 24/7 until she walks through the door?
Jacob Cox
>gf >potential yeah nah mate you've got that wrong >I don't have a car I empathize with this since i'm in the same position in lacking a car but i'll tell you right now that if you want a gf and don't have a car, you are fucked
Kevin Lee
I can use my parents, the main problem was just that they always ask where I'm going which is how they decide to tag along
>tried to force me into social interaction when I was heavily depressed, reacted badly over my displeasure to do so >scolded me for not being normal from this, branded me selfish, uncaring and unfeeling >mocked me on the few times I would open up and be vulnerable about how I'm hurt by my mom >openly resented me talking to a therapist rather than her Now I'm hated for being unable and unwilling to express my feelings, I can't even manage smalltalk, or to be in the same room
>holds the depression over my head as a tool against me, uses it to try and claim I'm still mentally unwell The only reason I'm still unhappy is because of my mom, but she refuses to realise it.
mother's who drink while pregnant should literally be executed. I am very thankful that I was able to avoid such a cruel fate.
Gavin Hill
>>Be me 14 >>Parents say public schools suck so decide to home school me. >>terribleidea.exe >>Neither parents have degrees and throw books at me to get me to learn on my own. >>Ask parents about math homework >>"Oh user I don't know if we can help you with your trig" >>wut.jpg Years later I learn they get these books with answers, they never learned the material themselves. >>ffw to 18 >>I "graduate" >>Ask for my diploma to get a job >>"here you go user" >>Reads: we are so proud of you >>mfw no high school diploma
I know that feel all too well M8 except I was 13. My parents didn't care and I spent all that time playing WoW for 16+ hours a day.
I never got past middle school level and I eventually got my GED at 18. I'm not a senior in a STEM field but I had to take a fuckload of remedial classes to get where I am.
Homeschooling is unregulated and is a complete fucking joke.
Nathaniel Long
gas yourself
Thomas Jones
now* is what I meant.
Isaac Allen
brobot, your story gives me hope. Nobody, especially jobs, take me seriously.
Wyatt Cruz
>Come from small city in an isolated state >Be giga hipster skater chad >Life is fantastic - every weekend is house parties, skating, DIY music shows >About to go into year 11 and 12 at an art centric school >Have multiple girlfriends on the line
>dad has a mental breakdown/midlife crisis >wants to move to a new city and start a new life >For burgers, it would be the equivalent of moving from, say, Austin in Texas to Beverly Hills in L.A.
>Dad is broke as fuck because he keeps ditching jobs >I am literally sleeping in my parents walk in closet in a trashed apartment block full of students and backpackers >Get sent to the only public school in the area, which is full of rich kids who have been kicked out of the private schools >They are all into hip hop, pop music, just the most lame, boring shit in general >Can't skate or do music or art because my faggot dad makes me work 25 hours a week after school (I'm 15 at this stage) to help pay the bills >Go to a few parties, realize I really don't like any of these people >Tired all the time and hate my shithole new school (which unlike the school I was going to be sent to, is basically just a regular school where you can't smoke, you have to show up for assemblies and other retarded shit) >Eventually drop out and just work shit jobs and smoke weed and party with random older guys I meet >Faggot dad kicks me out at 17 since he can't afford to "look after me" anymore >Live in a room with two other teenagers I met, in a flop house full of drunks and drug addicts >Even start doing gay shit for money and, not gonna lie, attention/companionship
I see my friends from my old city - and they're all so successful and/or happy, with real jobs and careers and families.
My mother hates my father for "ruining her children", and for him being a financial leech on her. Whenever I go around there, all they do is apologize and offer me money, and I don't take it because what the fuck am I going to do? Buy my youth back?
Kevin Morales
It's hard for me to admit, but it took me 8 years of schooling to get where I am at now but I changed my major and went only part time for a few years. It wasn't because I was too stupid but because of my personal problems being the most significant hindrance by far.
If I didn't go to university, I wouldn't stand a chance at all (homeschooled, no work experience, etc). I'd strongly consider it.
Fuck. Writing that out...I didn't realize what a bitter angry faggot I was. That felt kind of good.
I'm gonna bitch about my dad again; >Gets told by teachers I'm a gifted writer/artist >They recommend a specific academic track for me >Unironically tells one of my teachers that his "son isn't gay". >Makes me go on the business/academic track, which I hate and fail at
>be state ranked surfer >be excellent skater >forces me to play Rugby so I will be forced to socialize with "good kids" and not "losers" >Have to spend a year getting my head turned into mush and being yelled at by fat old men, binge drinking with retards - while all my friends are out having fun
I really don't like how these memories are making me feel.
Nolan Walker
>She also circumcised and didn't breastfeed me Circumcising children, or anyone who can't consent, is wrong. Only an informed and consenting adult should be able to choose to have part of their genitals cut off. Male, female, and intersex children need to be protected from genital cutting. Right now, only female genital cutting on minors is banned in the US, around half of males born today are being circumcised, and it is not uncommon to castrate or otherwise mutilate intersex children, even when it is medically harmful, to make their genitals conform more closely to social norms. youtube.com/watch?v=9yHAYOvTdMI
Mason Martinez
I'd also like to add that when you get your degree, they aren't going to give a fuck about high school diplomas. At least learn a trade.