If you had just one image that you could post to describe exactly how your entire life is going right now...
What would it be?
If you had just one image that you could post to describe exactly how your entire life is going right now...
What would it be?
No hope, only doom.
anything from the anxious anime girl folder
Hahahah get it I'm retarded
Hahahah shucks
i have lots of paranoias and anxieties
you pathetic fools...
I have nothing original to say about this.
But that wasn't original and I got muted for two seconds so I guess I'll try harder next time, originally.
l don't even know at this point
something inside me resonates when i see this
I'm still sane.
...and it's still too long.
fuck this existence
i hope everything god loves dies screaming in front of him
Keep your shit comments to yourself, Sarah.
Essentially me when I know life isn't really worth it but at the same time suicide is a sin for Christain boys like me and therefore makes me go to Heck.
everything is fucked
I'm just a fat, hopeless fucking retard.
been having some good weeks recently so im just waiting for the inevitable drop back into apathy and self loathing
When I woke up today I asked myself why I'm here on this goddamn rock. I then proceed to bite my tongue extremely hard, burn my dinner, and break a dinner plate and my glass lamp. I've never wanted to kill myself more than right now. The only thing stopping me is because my father died of cancer 9 years ago and I don't want my family and the 3 friends I have to go through that kind of pain again.
Now I have to go to bed because uni starts tomorrow and I really don't see how can I make it at this point with my steadily declining grades.
Kek menu
here is me taking in useful information at college
>meet fembot
>she seems qt from the pic she posted
>talk for an hour on discord
>mfw she hasn't replied
>mfw that was four days ago
God, it's just like the real world.
im not sure what image to post really. i work my shit job which can range from fine to shit, then i i come home to beat off and play video games until i choose to go to bed.
I swear everytime I see this image he gets hairier
I'm coming to the conclusion that all of my friends either don't care about my well-being or are too busy with their own life to care about me. My family barely speaks to me and I think the only time I'm truly happy is when I'm drinking alone
There was a period of about a month where the only people I spoke to was coworkers and shop owners and nobody even bothered to check if I was alive
I want to scream and throw shit around my room but my roommates would wake up and that'd be a very odd thing to do in general.
Getting Jow Forums alone.
I want off this fucking hellscape.
Not as bad as it could be, I've realized what took smarter people than me took thousands off years and even them they still don't grasp it.
Life is a pity of irony, a bad stand-up for a sadistic god or an uncaring universe.
It's hard to find one that looks happy about dying but sad about it coming to this
>just one image
Text for the text god original for the original throne
internal screaming oregano
>only people I spoke to was coworkers and shop owners and nobody even bothered to check if I was alive
...this sounds fucking awesome. all i ever get from my friends are borderline-spastic questions about everything you dont learn in school, because I'm the only one with half a braincell and they know it. wanna switch lives?
this image made me feel something. not something nice but something
Spooky trips mate in all seriousness just cut yourself off from everyone, if you want solitude you can make it with relative ease
this also applies
Body is falling apart and I'm not even 30. Fuck being alive.
You ever have a dream where you're in the perfect relationship, kissing, holding each other saying you hope this never ends only to wake up to the sad person you've become? I wish I didn't push away everyone who gave me a chance.
Please come back
No but I've had a dream about a threesome with gf and a tranny
I'm so insanely bored with life.
I'm in distress and paranoid about everything because of mental problems
Why i cant i just die in my sleep
Textless posts are not allowed.
>Textless posts are not allowed.
Textless posts are not allowed.
>Textless posts are not allowed.
why is it that everybody else gets pussy except me? why am i being left out?
under employed
but no longer double under employed
I quit one of my jobs
now I need a new one though
I'm just in a state of whatever happens, happens. Things are up and down.
All I have are dreams.
Once it starts, it never stops
>meat is murder
of course it's a vegan doing degenerate shit.
>post gay pictures about gay shit
I don't know what to do anymore anons
That numb feeling of not caring about things that are actually very important.
I wanna be a kid again
I alternate between catatonia & severe delusions day in day out. It's tearing me apart and I can't do anything about it.
NEET, but actually started earning money from my hobbies that I enjoy, no pressure from parents. As long as I don't have to go out and don't get panic attacks, then it's all pic related.
Jut barely holding together, gotta keep it up
I keep fucking simple shit up like a nigger
I've made peace with the fact that I won't be able to find someone who has romantic interest in me as well as understand and relate with me on a psychological level. Whenever my mind wanders off to considering this fact, I merely try to suppress its effects by making myself believe that I'm happier when not having to deal with anyone other than myself. This approach works most of the time.
Exactly me right now
It'll pass.
It did last time.
I remember the time when it was ok, don't know when it collapsed
this tbqh my absolutely original famalam
Only reason I feel kinda alright is because I feel I can make my friends and family happy.
I'm going to have to let them down sooner or later though.
Not sure what the future will bring.
I'm so tired now, feels like I've been waiting years for something to happen that I don't even know about yet.
Never speak on based merzbow again
could be better, could be worse, i think i'm making steps towards the right direction
It's right there, unless you watch for it.
this is me every day btw
I want to talk to this 7/10 girl next to me but I'm sweating already just thinking about it, I'm hopeless
1 Translingual
1.1 Symbol
1.1.1 Related terms
its just all so empty and cold
Current workload requires this. Accurate cover is accurate.
My family thinks I'm responsible for their bad decisions. I'm barely coherent enough to deal with my own poor choices.
Fuckin' board deleted pic related from original post. Oringialalalalla
*tv static*
*mumblings of vapid fanfiction ideas*
*occasional flickers of the color orange amongst the black and white static fuzz*
guys, how much till determination and hope lasts in one's life? I am about to be 25 and I still lack a bunch of things that my normal peers already have (mainly GF, family, high paying job, lots of free time and a network of well-to-do friends).
I still hold on and have plans to better myself but I feel like that I am just too slow.
this image without a shadow of a doubt desu
I was a doomer and somehow got laid with two women in less than two weeks, they weren't even that bad looks wise, but had pretty fucked up lives like me.
I feel nothing. Everything is flat. Momentum is the only thing keeping me alive.
Feel worthless with no job
Same buddy. Way she goes... way she fuckin goes.
All robots could use some wisdom from The Man in the Chair.
I'm phoneniggering so I don't have my perfect collection.
It's been a long time since I haven't felt this way.
now imagine the snail being slowly pushed back by that rock instead of pushing it further uphill
This is how I'm felt for the last couple of months. No real explanation or reason why, I just feel like I'm melting and things will never get better. Only get worse, and worse, and worse until I die.
Had my left testicle removed yesterday, I feel great
Always thinking about the past without trying to change my current life for the better
I spend all day telling a robot that I am not a robot
Oh you're not getting me lad.
i just want to go to sleep forever, i got this pic from a robot a while ago who said he was comiting suicide. now i get it.
My life may be retarded by the standards of others, but I'm inexplicably high on being myself, and in my own way, loving every minute.
Sure, one day it's all going to come crashing down, but that's then. This is now.
Hid jaggy
I'll probably succeed but I will always be a doomer
This is me but trying to save up for a car
>got laid off from my second job
>changes to bus routes makes it super difficult to get to work
>not getting any calls back for a job interview
Looking at my bank account makes me so depressed
best movie ever. actually my favorite. that and kids. bully was shit
Should have ended it before new year like I planned, instead I remain alive and remain a pussy
i know this feel to well
but of course only originally