always loving your waifu edition
always loving your waifu edition
Leah is the shining light in my depressing life!
I love my bossy waifu.
i fell in love with this pic
I love her so much bros. Hopefully everyone can find a waifu to love at some point
Posting best girl Kotori once more. I really do love her with all of my heart.
Are all of you anons doing okay tonight? I do feel some concern when I hear you aren't doing well
>Would you say that your waifu has improved something in your life?
>Does she make your everyday happier ir sadder and why?
>Given the chance to choose, would you like to continue being a waifufag, or forget everything about her including your feelings?
I like the /c/ threads but sometimes I feel that certain trends there can get tiresome. These threads are refreshing.
>Would you say that your waifu has improved something in your life?
She taught me what true love is. I love her.
>Does she make your everyday happier ir sadder and why?
She makes it happier for me, when I feel bad I always think of her and feel better.
>Given the chance to choose, would you like to continue being a waifufag, or forget everything about her including your feelings?
I would continue just as I have been. She is the best thing to happen in my life.
>Would you say that your waifu has improved something in your life?
I don't really feel insecure about not having a gf or not caring about relationships anymore. I'd call that an improvement. Just saying her name in a tough situation can help me muster the courage to move forward. I look forward to my dreams because there is always the chance I could see her in them.
>Does she make your everyday happier ir sadder and why?
Depends on my mood, sometimes I curse my fate because I can't be with her, but mostly I'm happy she exists even if only in fiction.
>Given the chance to choose, would you like to continue being a waifufag, or forget everything about her including your feelings?
Giving up my waifufaggotry is tantamount to giving up my life.
>Would you say that your waifu has improved something in your life?
Shes greatly improved my life. Shes my motivation to work, exercise and not be completely useless
>Does she make your everyday happier ir sadder and why? Sadder when i realize i can't hold her but just seeing her brings a happy warm feeling
>Given the chance to choose, would you like to continue being a waifufag, or forget everything about her including your feelings? I love her and all the things shes done for me, shes one of the big things keeping me going so id be a waifu-fag again if i could choose. Id never want to forget her
Sheeeeit most of it didnt stop being greentext
improved. I have something to cry into at night and pretend like I have the warmth of a women in my bed. I once put a heater on my body pillow and hugged her/fell asleep in her warmth.
it gives me a little spark to keep going when I feel like it isnt worth it.
id like to continue because I know my place in this world.
How? I sometimes lurk them and besides having way more posters they seem fine. Besides the fact that they have to bump the thread once they reach image limit, it's really dumb considering that /c/ is made for image posting
>Would you say that your waifu has improved something in your life?
Yes, she gives me motivation to keep going
>Does she make your everyday happier ir sadder and why?
Both, i'm glad i discovered her character but at the same time it saddens me because she will never exist
>Given the chance to choose, would you like to continue being a waifufag, or forget everything about her including your feelings?
I don't know. This is both a blessing and a curse
No don't get me wrong, I love them and you guys equally, I legitimately don't know where I would be without them but some people there can be obnoxious and dense as fuck
can't bash them too much because they often keep the thread alive with questions but sometimes it's like fuck dude come on man
it's just tiring to see it over and over again, despite people getting more sick of it
it's stuff so stupid, obnoxious and disgusting it has to be fishing for (You)s
ragepost over, sorry but I'm mad
The urabefag is an aquired taste. You get used to him after a while.
I know, and I'm new but not that new to those threads and it's just like he finds a way to top himself every time with his complete lack of a filter.
Just when you think he can't shock you anymore he just completely knocks you on your ass and you just have to ask yourself, "If trying to get me mad why post this garbage?"
That's alright, that's fine, that's just trolling and shitposting but seeing him impersonate me (and I'm sure he's impersonated other people) in his posts has gone from funny to disturbing.
I've almost just straight up told him to fuck off before and caught myself
>Would you say that your waifu has improved something in your life?
She gave me a heck ton of motivation for the longest time. I would always picture me disappointing her and her yelling at me to do better, which I would. Now it doesn't work anymore.
>Does she make your everyday happier or sadder and why?
Happier I guess. With how long it's been, I kind of view what we have as a marriage. I've gotten so used to having her around that there's not really much I feel when I see her. She has become apart of my life.
>Given the chance to choose, would you like to continue being a waifufag, or forget everything about her including your feelings?
I'd like to continue being a waifufag. I stop feeling lonely when I think about her with me.
I don't like it either, but what can you do. I don't like NSFW boards which is why I mostly post here but it's still annoying.
Well, Urabefag used to post here before, so it's not like he's originally from /a/ or /c/.
I love Index very much
No. He's never impersonated me and other people who are equally uptight, for lack of a better word. He only teases you because he feels comfortable with it. You don't have to tell him to fuck off, just tell him to stop and he will.
mission failure abort immediately
>Would you say that your waifu has improved something in your life?
Of course. I have done things that I wouldn't have done without her. Since meeting her she's my motivation and great inspiration. Whenever there's something ahead of me I think about her beautiful face and just do it for her.
I have also started to appreciate love more and anything related to it because of Alice I understand it more.
But she has also made few other aspects of my life much worse.
>Does she make your everyday happier ir sadder and why?
Much more sadder than it used to. In the beginning of my love for her at least I used to feel occasional happiness. And before meeting her I was always a pretty happy person and I enjoyed life even if it was hard. Now I can't really enjoy anything because I always think about her and even if I'm a bit a happy I only wish for her to be there with me. It is so painful to realize that I will never be with her. There's no place for happiness for me.
>Given the chance to choose, would you like to continue being a waifufag, or forget everything about her including your feelings?
Even though I suffer, I have learned much from this experience so I would prefer still being in love with her. I even tried forgetting about her but by doing this I have only thought about her more.
I feel like I can't really renounce my love for her even if it's only one-sided one.
Although I can admit that from time to time my only wish is to be free from her.
It's ok man, nothing wrong with being honest.
Did Merida poster and Mio poster die
Hopefully they are just busy with real life. Jobs, school, and the like. I imagine they'll be back sooner or later.
They both mentioned go back to school so.
Yeah that's most likely it
only neets remain now
I know I'm jumping to conclusions, but I'll share my idea about them anyway. I remember earlier today I couldn't post on Jow Forums for a few minutes, probably due to some sort of site wide maintenance. I suspect that they tried posting around that time as well and just assumed that the site would be down for a whole day like when ever some mass shooter mentions Jow Forums
pls r8 my detective skills.
well they didn't post in the last thread either so i doubt it's technical difficulties
any fellow friends of nausicaa here?
>That smug picture to go along with how well you shut me the fuck down
Nice one.
s-she's originally perfect
get up to work just for her with her in my mind
i can't die, i have to reach her some day
i will eat my breakfast and look at her picture, my day wouldn't be so bad
for her for her for her
kek, sorry
pics or its empty blustering
pics of what? my breakfast?
Good taste user, glad i found a likeminded individual when it comes to waifuism
your waifu, moron. Who is she? She obviously means a lot to you.
correct, originally send them immediately.
>tfw you are now one of the few people who remember /waifu/ #1
>the subtle tension of her tied hair
>her elegant but unassuming grace
>mffm when
Pretty good user if I might say
Yeah i don't wanna lose our old posters, new fags are welcome obviously but still
It doesn't get much better than that
She is perfection
>Would you say that your waifu has improved something in your life?
I'd say so. I try to act like her as much as I can since she is a kind, noble, level headed and brave person. She also seems to be effortlessly perfect, so I also wish I could do that.
>Does she make your everyday happier ir sadder and why?
Happier. I like seeing pictures of her and due to her popularity, there seems to be a new high quality one every day. It is pretty awesome. I feel bad for you guys with obscure waifus.
>Given the chance to choose, would you like to continue being a waifufag, or forget everything about her including your feelings?
I'll be a Waifufag for life. Part of her appeal is that she will never be exist. Her being fictional allows her to be perfect, something for me to love, strive to impress and be like. I think it is sort of similar to the relationship religious people have to their faith. I'm not religious at all so that may be a bad analogy.
No, but my friend and I were planning to watch it soon.
I remember the first few threads. I was there but mainly just lurked and might have also posted a few insignificant pictures. Does anyone have know if those threads were archived somewhere?
One more thing before I go to bed. Who was the guy that made the big "group photo" for the christmas threads? Will you make another one for another holiday or event? I really enjoyed them.
Goodnight, /waifu/
>Does anyone have know if those threads were archived somewhere?
>One more thing before I go to bed. Who was the guy that made the big "group photo" for the christmas threads? Will you make another one for another holiday or event? I really enjoyed them.
Right here. I'll make one for Valentine's if I have enough time in between life and making a drawing of my waifu for the holiday.
I first joined the thread in /waifu/ #15, on Christmas eve apparently. It was the first time I ever really admitted to anyone that I had feelings for Kotori. My mind has been much clearer since, and I feel much less embarrassment about it. I'd like to thank everyone in these threads for being pretty cool. I'm heading to bed soon, so here's wishing you all the best from me and Kotori. God night
does anyone have a place to go for hugs?
>Would you say that your waifu has improved something in your life?
She made me give up on lusting after 3D roasties, which saves me a lot of time, effort, money, and stress.
>Does she make your everyday happier ir sadder and why?
She makes it bearable. I'm almost never "happy."
>Given the chance to choose, would you like to continue being a waifufag, or forget everything about her including your feelings?
If I did, I might be dead... so maybe. But seriously, no. Knowing I'll join her in nonexistence is one of the most comforting things about dying for me.
>tfw you were active in several waifu threads before it became an official general
>/waifu/ #1
>tfw you remember them before it became a general
>Leahposter turned the threads from occasional waifu threads to the /waifu/ general
Right here.
>All those waifus
>Even my post in there
It's a shame how many didn't stick around.
All I've got are e-hugs to give.
Posting my husband pretty late but better late than never.
Waifuism is a pretty serious commitment.
Not many people understand what you'd have to give up. Your love for your waifu also needs to be immense
I remember that... It was one of the first threads I posted her in.
ill take e-hugs
im not on thier yet maybe with some more time.
Only based homura
>Would you say that your waifu has improved something in your life?
thanks to him, i meet each day with a renewed sense of strength and confidence. i know i wouldn't have it without him. he sustains me.
>Does she make your everyday happier or sadder and why?
happier. like i said, i've become more secure in myself thanks to him.
>Given the chance to choose, would you like to continue being a waifufag, or forget everything about her including your feelings?
i would never want to forget him.
reading some of these old posts is.. nice, but i see some of my monologues about fear and suffering, and it's weird to me how people seem interested in those. i feel like they would push people away.
>Would you say that your waifu has improved something in your life?
She's someone I can think off when I'm feeling down, makes me think that there's someone there for me, even if she actually isn't
>Does she make your everyday happier ir sadder and why?
Depends on the moment, so I'd say both. She makes me happy everytime I look at a picture or think about her, this feeling of love I have towards her is really pure and nice to have, along with imaginating my everyday life with her, helps me to disconnect from my worries for a while and just spend my time with her. And it makes me sad when I think about how she isn't actually with me on my side when I'd love her to, and that this relationship is just a crush that won't get anywhere, and I'll never let her know how much I truly love her. But what's important are the positive things she brings to me.
>Given the chance to choose, would you like to continue being a waifufag, or forget everything about her including your feelings?
Pretty sure that if I did I could focus on more on a lot of things, since she is what I'm thinking of a lot of my time. But she's also someone who gives me comfort indirectly, so I can't just forgot her since I love her that much
Lucinaposter do you play Heroes or don't care about gachashit at all? I'm so hyped about the new RD units and based Naesala being a free one
>Knowing I'll join her in nonexistence is one of the most comforting things about dying for me.
What do you mean? Sounds intresting
>Would you say that your waifu has improved something in your life?
She's helped me deal with a few personal issues that I don't want to shit up the thread with.
I've also stopped caring about things that aren't important, I used to worry a lot before I found her. I've become less inhibited because I don't waste my energy with worrying about petty things. As long as I have her everything will be okay.
>Does she make your everyday happier ir sadder and why?
Generally happier, I certainly have my lows though. Loving someone so much and not being with them hurts too. You have to take the good with the bad, I suppose.
>Given the chance to choose, would you like to continue being a waifufag, or forget everything about her including your feelings?
I don't ever want to forget her, ever. The fact that I'll die one day and inevitably forget her, among everything else, makes me really sad. I just know my love can't last forever no matter what I do. If I could take one memory into my next life it would be Elizabeth, no doubt about it.
She's given me a lot of character. I wouldn't be the same person without her.
She doesnt make my day this or that anymore, for the most part it's either positive or negative with how I look at the world, right now I'm angry and annoyed, really all she can do is maybe calm me down to sleep.
I don't know. Without my suffering I am no one and she is the cause of a lot of my suffering. I don't think I could bare losing that much of myself.
I just want to drink myself to death
The Hero is a Temp Worker
>What do you mean? Sounds intresting
It's just my insane logic. Basically, my line of reasoning goes...
>my waifu doesn't exist
>once you die, you cease to exist
>both of us are now nonexistent
>we may never meet since, y'know, we both don't exist
>but we're closer than we were when I existed and she didn't
Comparing the state of being a fictional creation to the void of death is probably incomparable and stupid to make for most people, but it's not too different imo.
I always think about waifufags who used to post here. Whether their love has ended, they are just busy or maybe they decided to leave this place.
>tfw you are one of the few who remembers waifu threads before Meguposter
I'm not the only one, right?
I'm moving back into my family's home because it's not financially possible to live on my own at the moment, but I have a bunch of merch of my waifu that I don't want my family to see. I have no friends who can hold onto it to me, no car to hide it in, and my family would snoop through all my stuff, what should I do?
If you can afford it, maybe rent a small storage unit? Depending on the place, you could find one that has a small unit about the size of a closet which should be more than enough space to store all your merch.
Her smile is my everything
>Would you say that your waifu has improved something in your life?
Well, she prevented me from ending it for starters. She has also been the reason I've begun to actually have goals in my life. She has improved my life in numerous ways.
>Does she make your everyday happier or sadder and why?
Happier. I have moments where I'm filled with emotion foreign to me that I would describe as "dread" but I embrace them. Most of the time I associate only positive emotions with her.
>Given the chance to choose, would you like to continue being a waifufag, or forget everything about her including your feelings?
I'd continue being the way I am. I'd lose purpose otherwise. The dilemma lies in that if I suddenly forgot everything about her completely then I'd once again have a chance to lead a "normal" life. But deep inside I know that the normal life isn't suited for me anyways.
I like that we have more diversity of waifus. We have waifus from, anime, games, movies, western animation, comic books, you name it. It makes discussions a lot more interesting and I've found that we get a lot more different replies as a result.
It's weird how vividly I remember these threads. I wish I started posting a lot earlier. I was afraid I'd get bashed for my tastes but quickly grew to realise these weren't your usual "claim 'n' r8 xd" threads.
I also thought Jow Forums might not be available in some parts of the world but it's been a while now. They are probably busy with life stuff. I've been posting less regularly here because of that too. I bet they're thinking about their waifus right now.
I don't have enough money for that unfortunately, all the places require insurance on top of the rent payment.
So basically after dying, both of you would be on the same plane of existence, with the only difference that she is fictional here, unlike you.
>tfw you are one of the few who remembers waifu threads before Meguposter
When was that? I joined these threads around august
>but I have a bunch of merch of my waifu that I don't want my family to see
What kind of merch and why?
hi primarily /x/ poster randomly lurking r9k. Angels exist and are probably occassionally playacting your waifus
That's all. Yall are cool
Good morning everyone, how's your day going so far?
>I like that we have more diversity of waifus. We have waifus from, anime, games, movies, western animation, comic books, you name it. It makes discussions a lot more interesting and I've found that we get a lot more different replies as a result.
Not just variety, but acceptance too. Doesn't matter where your waifu comes from or how relevant she was in her own source, or if it's a guy, a furry, or robot... everyone here respects your tastes and your love for your waifu. I've never seen anywhere like this general, be it on Jow Forums or the rest of the web.
>So basically after dying, both of you would be on the same plane of existence, with the only difference that she is fictional here, unlike you.
That's the gist of it, yeah. Eventually though, she too will join me in total nonexistence. Everyone does. Our extinction is inevitable, and with it, every trace of us will be as well. I'm not sure who said it first, but you die twice. The first time is when you breathe the last time, and the second is when someone says your name the last time. Rachel too will be forgotten and that will be her "death" in this world. Then both of us will be equally nonexistent. I find beauty in that.
Meguposter started making regular waifu threads somewhere in May.
I'm glad you are still here Kiyohimeposter. If I remember correctly soon you should have your first anniversary with your waifu, right?
Anybody remember my threads?
GLaDOS drew him closer retracting the cables she had attached to him until he was flush against her. She curled as far side ways as she was able, pushing against the smaller sphere in a base need to impose herself as physically as she had done mentally, to remind him of her size, of her power, to envelope him in a mass of rubberized cables and curves of steel that compromised her form.
>Not just variety, but acceptance too.
Of course! We all seem to be incredibly understanding and I love it.
I do. It was at around that time I started posting regularly.
I get it, it's somehow a way to be closer to her and have some kind of connection, by being the same as you on that regard. Still sad when you think that you wouldn't meet her anyways, since you aren't anywhere anymore, unless by not existing you think about not existing on this one plane or realm, and just going into another one.
I see didn't join that late then. And that's right, the 14 of february it'll be the anniversary since I discovered my feelings towards her. Just four days before yours if you are the aliceposter I'm thinking of.
Have you ever gone so far enough that you wanted to BE your waifu?
I remember but weren't you a little ridiculed at first? I lurked then and still lurk for the most part, but your posts were pretty heart warming to me so I decided to start posting; I've been more happier since. having a waifu is quite the blessing, desu.
Well, doujins, body pillow, stuff of that nature.
Woah, where did that come from?
thank you
before I go to bed here
im upset I wont be seeing you as much soon because I am back to school now and cant stay up as late but I hope to see you on when I can. I need to be around to talk about your good tastes
maybe a little...
I mean I'd never have to deal with heartbreak, wouldn't be able to get closer than that.
You know you want to. Look at how perfect she is.
Good luck back at school, and good night.
I hope we'll see each other again.
>I also remember someone posting GLaDOS in waifu thread in August.
The threads started because I was looking for that guy, but I liked the community so I continued until somebody took over and made these generals
Of course. It wasn't very long ago. I also remember someone posting GLaDOS in waifu thread in August.
Yeah, I'm the Aliceposter you are thinking of. But I have accepted my feelings for Alice on 16 of February. You were pretty close though.
>14 of february
That's so fucking romantic. I'm a little jealous.
Never. I love her. I want be a strong male for her and she greatly motivates me to achieve this.
Sorry I deleted that post but I wanted to reply to few other anons, too. Rather than making two posts.
Do you still have contact with that other guy?
She's perfect in my eyes. But it's even more unrealistic than a waifu, user.
>Do you still have contact with that other guy?
We still talk regularly
>tfw don't know our anniversary
I fell in love gradually so i cannot exactly pin point the exact date she became my waifu
I thought you were Meridaposter for a sec, cheers /x/user.
That's when I started lurking. I was actually very surprised how comfy these threads are, since waifu threads tend to be just for claiming waifus and bashing eachother's tastes.
No, I want to be with her.
No, I dont want to be a woman
Pretty terrible but it's winding down and I hope tomorrow is where things get better
Buy a lock for your door
I dont get why people have no respect from their family
I hope I dream of her tonight
>I was actually very surprised how comfy these threads are, since waifu threads tend to be just for claiming waifus
That's why I made sure to tell people that this thread isn't for waifu harems and if you have multiple of them then this thread isn't for you.
I'm sad that when the generals started it didn't carry over, but with the robot being a thing I imagine how it can be problematic
Hasn't been that long, man. It was what got me curious about the threads because when I was expecting FOTM shit.
Kinda funny how we seem to be more kind and civilized than the people who mock us for being close-minded.
Death is the end, to me. I've come to terms with never meeting her. It may sound sad but at least we'd be on the same level. In a way, I'd be with her. Right now, there's the wall between 2D and 3D, but once we're both gone... well, we're both gone.
>tfw there is an exact date for your anniversary but the website where it happened is dead and there's no way to get a record of it
>tfw there is an exact date for your anniversary but the website where it happened is dead and there's no way to get a record of it
why didn't you just remember it
cant stop thinking about her gracious little body