cont from img limit reached
cont from img limit reached
Other urls found in this thread:
my shite attempt
hell yeah
I'd give it a listen
an attempt was made
I'd maybe maybe listen
We're gaining a ton of upvotes on r/Jow Forums
>human beings having fun and being creative
...and that's a good thing.
The random article completely sucked
It's not you user, but I fucking hate everything you stand for
Arland Ussher - This is only an illusion
brainlet here. what does last quote mean?
too lazy to resize the photo
crop your photos into squares you fucking mongs
I'm looking at (You)
here to help robot
>so you go to wikiquote org
>select a language
>top left corner, click on random page
>you see everything listed in bullet points
>scroll down
>find the last bullet point on the page that fits the criteria of "quote"
>choose any part
There might be other bulletpoints such as list of names after that, or where it was quoted from ignore those. atleast this is how i did it for my cover. Make your own rule i guess lel im drunk now
anybody having trouble finding the flicker last 7 days here it is
flickr dotcomslash explore/interesting/7days
no, i'm too lazy to do that
Compileranon here, bringing you best of thread 1, part 1
and part 2.
Things that would actually pass as album covers.
Long pics are 1 to 6 for there not being too many digipack casings nowadays
Fits pretty Well I would think
Album titles fit really well.
Got slightly better luck this time.
I don't know that albums gives me a chill electriconic music album
Red makes a great contrast.
Not too bad though didnt quite try so yeah
Neater explanation pic here
Got a square photo and everything, this worked out well.
this is cool. I hope you are adding to the list
I tried. Bodiam - You're Just Not Living the Same War as Me. An album for robots.
What kind of music would be on this one?
I have an idea to remedy the robots who don't crop their images properly, maybe some could use one half as the front cover with their wiki stuff, and use the other half as the back cover with a tracklisting? Maybe from another random Wiki.
Probly something punk
This was too much work
what are your thoughts anons?
this one is actually really cool
nothing about it seems random or unplanned
Fuck me, I guess I'm the only one that can't connect to Flickr.
I used another image generator, I don't like what flickr has to offer
Vote for this thread's Platinum album.
Haha thank you, this one is actually closer to what I wanted to achieve.
It's really fun spending time being creative and breaking the habit of posting self hating rants and armchair psychology for once.
I like yours a lot, feels like postrock or neofolk with heavy guitar, hope a musicfag sees all these and makes a song for each cover hahah
God damn that's a trainwreck in a good way like one of those eastern bloc blues bands
What substitute site did you use for pics?
aaaah look at the triple dubs
not him but i used
>rolled that fucking origami bird in the cage
>nope nope nope
so this is where you guys get that pic from, also I'm positive 90% of the pics it gives have been made into covers already
>"I'm positive 90% of the pics it gives have been made into covers already"
>get paranoid and check the compilation
>second one has the same cover as mine
oh for fuck sake, guess i'll redo the whole album now
7 out of 9 anons from the two threads didn't bother to edit this pic in any significant way so you can literly layer all 7 together and still get the original image
I think this turned out decent.
Damn me, forgot the pic.
new album, faggots
feeling a bit disappoint but so are my parents of me
legit started to learn how layer types work in ps due to lazy faggots triggering my autism
C-carpenter Brut + El Huervo collab when? Looks really great, user
HAHAHAHAH keked at the title and pic combo
>carpenter Brut + El Huervo
I felt like I was ripping someone off with that design lol. Thanks though.
If this was made professionally I'd probably enjoy it regardless of the sound. Nice taste user.
Stoner sludge metal
mine came out comfy
I'm going to do one, but does anyone want to do video games next?
Got pretty lucky with the wiki articles here, actually make good names
Decided to waste some time
most pretentious of the pretentious post rock bands
Video games would be a lot harder since the names for those need to be more specific, but with albums the name can just convey a mood or theme instead
Damn dat triple butt
comfy indie rock
Very good work user.
origami response
twinkly emo/mathrock band who drop one really great album then disappear forever
I suggested movie covers last thread, it would be more work but it would pay off.
I like the idea of movie covers as well.
Does IMDB or a similar site have a random article feature? Because then we could use that for actors and director names.
idk what genre this is but sounds cool
It'd be mostly renditions of folksongs I bet.
Someone tell me the genre
thinking about ambient sound
Emo sjw punk rock.
This guy's music plays at the end of a drama when the main character realizes what they did wrong after it's too late to fix things.
Edgy shit
Title of the Flickr image: "Watering the cans... as you do"
Both the names are perfect for the guy in the photo
what is in this album do you think
Ahh someone listened
A classical composer with Native American inspiration such as Dvorak
Movies could be interesting. We could just choose our own directors/actors or go with the first few people's names that show up in the random article
And Wikiquote could still be used as the film's slogan
Main thing that'd change is a portrait-styled image rather than a square
something like slow-tempo piano
I've been thinking something like Random Wiki article is movie tittle and Wikiquote author is name
First time, had to reroll the image a few times, this one is pretty boring but at least it kinda fits.
The names fit perfectly
Second try turned out a little better I think.
Some lighter version of Dungeon synth
these flickr images are pretty meh
Try https:// imgur. com/random
Much better and a lot less animal pictures
Alright boys, here's mine. I didn't do one last thread. I'm this guy I got kinda lazy near the end but I didn't wanna have to do the whole thing from scratch so whatever.
Tried to do a Death Grips-esque like cover but im shit at graphics so have an abstract cover instead, feel free to use it.
Indie-Trance with influences from Vietnam and Chicago
>List of Philippine presidential campaign slogans
This one is terrible in the best way possible
Got a screenshot for a game as album art.
10/10 would listen and buy
thanks for the interesting thread idea
it was fun
looks like they could be actual album covers
dark wave 1987
>whyd u leave the keys up on the table
>here you go create another table
>table table table table table
Might make another one for shits and giggles, since the thread is full of serious ones I wanna see how funny I can make mine.
Also I hope we get around to the movie cover idea.
What genre would be this album?
Space Metal
10/10 imo
what do you guys think of Cyanopulvis' new album?
Not as good as last two but it's something close to the past glory
Got two that turned out great.
And here's the other. What genre's do you all think they would be?