I'm bi and I fucking hate it. Any of you anons can relate?
I'm bi and I fucking hate it. Any of you anons can relate?
it makes me feel sick.
must suck to never be able to have friends I guess
Guess that means you're meant to be all bi yourself...sorry OP, hope something changes for you though.
>Be bi
>Not attracted to guys because that's gay
>Basically heterosexual at this point
I guess I wouldn't mind a trap, walking with a qt girl in public and still get to satisfy that craving to suck dick. It's a win-win.
I still wouldn't mind going all my life without trying it and just go for a woman, quite conflicted whether I'd rather have trap or female.
Probably gonna be a female desu, traps are hard to come by especially cute ones.
I realized yesterday that i was bi and i want to fucking die. Worst thing is that i can get beated because third world countries sucks
why would you hate it? it gives you more options. Only reason I can think of is religion but the bible is full of so much bullshit. I mean going by that shit we need to stone you for egregious crime of wearing dyed clothes.
it tends to happen that you have an identity crisis about it.
I mean its not like you HAVE to fuck guys. If it bothers you so much just have sex with woman or be celibate. I'm pretty sure I'm bi as well but I'm still not dumb enough to put my dick in another man's shithole. Pic related.
OP here, I would never a be in any kind of relationship with a man because its a pain in the ass literally and figuratively especially where I live. I'm ashamed to be part of HIV filled fags. I just try to ignore the faggot part of me as much as possible.
>I'm ashamed to be part of HIV filled fags. I just try to ignore the faggot part of me as much as possible.
Okay that's funny. But dude its not that big of a deal, we've just been raised to believe that we as men should find homosexuality 100% disgusting, its a cultural thing. Over half of Japanese emperors had male lovers during the height of boy love in their country.
You have a point user, I dont have a problem with most gay men, but since I lived in a neighborhood where gay people were ridiculed, it's just stuck in my head ever since and as much I find interest in it I also find it kinda disgusting, just me being completely autistic
I'm trans and I hate everything about it
I wish I were bi and not gay really bad
It took me a while to recognise that i was bi, but now i just accept it.
It doesn't really change anything for me, i'm still a piece of shit that is going to die alone.
The only thing that changed is the amount of porn that i can enjoy, nothing else.
No I've been there, you gotta just not give a fuck man, you like what you like, and your disdain for homosexuality is just as valid as your interest in it, you just have to decide if you're gonna embrace the lifestyle or not. I don't mind being bi, but I'd rather not have sex with men because it goes against my core values, plus it just seems pointless. So just be honest with yourself and decide what you really like, you don't have to fuck dudes, but don't compromise on your own happiness just to fit in either.
agreed that bi is the worst sexuality. at least gays can be out about it and most people won't give a fuck. everybody hates a bi
Thanks user I'll take your advice to heart
just fap to women
el oh el
>I mean its not like you HAVE to fuck guys
Dude, I wake up craving dick and fall asleep craving pussy.
You don't HAVE to, but it's extremely difficult to resist the dick.
It's a curse anons, it's either they think you're a fake queer, an attention seeking straight, or they just think you're weird.
>You don't HAVE to, but it's extremely difficult to resist the dick.
I have to disagree, I'm a 26 yo virgin, not having sex is easy. If I feel like being a fag I just fap to traps or sissy hypno to get it out of my system, and even then I feel better when I just don't fap at all.