What's the deal with girls on tinder and being "meme lovers". Every other thot's bio says something like "lets talk about memes" or "send me your favorite memes" or "lets cuddle and share memes". What is this?? What the hell kind of "memes" do roasties even consume?
What's the deal with girls on tinder and being "meme lovers"...
memes that make you bleed from the inside
they want to be provided with funny pictures from the internet to have a sensible chuckle, op.
it's an attempt at providing a conversation starter, plus trying to seem like a hip internet memester that will totes get your epic maymays cuz shes not like other grills
>keep sending her pictures from my frog meme collection
>never says she finds them funny
>send her a picture of my dick
I hate meme culture. It's degenerate garbage for brainlets who need a template for humour to appear funny
It's fucking bullshit for drone with no original thoughts
I just no one of you predictable sheep is going to throw your faggot ass latest trendy ''meme'' phrases at me now to try and ''btfo'' me. Kill yourself you mindless fucking retard
it's because they are memes and they just want you to be inclusive
Show her this and if she doesnt get it tell her to go back to high school because she never passed basic memes and is going to fail meme 101
"vines that cured my depression"
For various reasons it's hard to impress women with dick pics unless it's absolutely massive
The same dick that would impress her if she saw it in person would make her underestimate it from a picture
agreed, i think memes are interesting from a cultural standpoint and obviously memes can be funny but i'm feeling jaded from all the cyclical hot new memes of the week from the past decade
I think the majority of people here agree with you user. At least I do. meme culture is like the final stage of postmodernism, its ruined any kind of meaningful friendly social interaction, everything has to be some kind of self degradation or reference to a meme.
yeah, i've learned over the years that most people don't have their own sense of humor and usually can't appreciate when someone has a unique sense of humor. for example I've been making the the george bush "mission accomplished" joke for like 8 fucking years and nobody thought it was funny. then it was used in deadpool 2 and a bunch of kids in my classes started saying it. fucking normies.
They're not higher life forms generally speaking
I'm fucking old. What memes do kids look at? All the Jow Forums stuff seems pretty inaccessible if you don't browse here.
whatevers trending on youtube, reddit, twitter, etc. the typical cesspools
I first learned the word meme from /b/ like 10 years. Didn't it come from Jow Forums? Weird to think how the degenerate cesspool of deranged edgelords, CP and incest threads that was old /b/ pretty much formed the internet's normie culture
>degenerate cesspool of deranged edgelords
Bud that's just what the internet was
almost everything culturally relevant on the internet originated on Jow Forums, and still does to some extent despite the drop in quality on boards like /b/. Jow Forums even helped get trump into office by meme'ing. rest of the internet just follows suit.
how long before cp is accepted and part of everyday normie culture?
The word was coined by Richard Dawkins, noted atheist and serial devorie in his 1976 book.
language as a virus Is even older. Also see The Usenet newsgroup alt.memetics and The Journal of Memetics.
I like feet hurt guy in corner at party meme
>Richard Dawkins
>knowing this much useless knowledge about the origin of the concept of memes
>feel hurt guy
please leave
i know it's a meme but I'm actually really unhappy with how popular cyberpunk 2077 is becoming. I've loved the genre for a while and it was always obviously extremely intellectual and niche, and it's about to become normie bullshit. not pleased *turns SEL back on*
Fuck Tinder. Got way more matches on Bumble.
Both suck though. Cause even with my matches and convos nothing has happened. Most grills either dont say shit or nothing happens unless you're lucky I guess I need to go to bars
Sounds like a lot of people just use the current zeitgeist to create a semblance of a personality
you would think conforming would lessen one's apparent individualism
Because they see other thots do it. Women just do whatever other women (popular women) do.
this is the relevant response
this is the important response
I see we have a fellow meme connoisseur
yeah so that reminds me of the question I always ask myself; do chicks on tinder have their thing set on bisexual? they literally all of have the same profiles to the point where it can't be coincidence.
Not really? Like user above, its a template for people's humor, but also in a broader sense can be just a template for a personality.
Take for instance the 40 year old woman. She gets up for work, works, returns home, watches tv and plays on her phone. Maybe once or twice a week she breaks habit and goes out with people. She keeps up with the hot television shows and makes all the references to fit in, but she isn't a real person because of all of that. Somewhere along the way, the concept of a person was lost along the way with every personality quirk being boiled away by years of medicating to seem normal.
I wouldn't consider that a personality, more like a hollow shell of a human
You got a point there my dude
memes are in boys. there's no excuse anymore, I've seduced many femoids by sending them dank memes.
>chad sends a picture of his dick
>gets sex
>I send a picture of my dick
>18 months in county for soliciting a minor
ultimately I think it was a good experience
get yeeted on nibba XD
Hey, atleast you got sex too in the prison, right?
The real question is why do their bios place so much emphasis on loving to travel? Like yeah I love travelling too but it's like 2 weeks a year at most do you really have to pretend it's that big a part of your life?
anime waifu loli lewd and sex dolls are mainstream memes now. fucking normies
they dont pay for it, get to take selfies to post on Instagram, everyone pays them attention, and fucking EVERYBODY loves to travel. I hate them all
hey you little shit, real robots have this kind of knowledge from years of living in isolation
twitter screenshots user, the worst kind
>why is this guy smarter than me
BRAINLETS when will they ever learn.
Instagram accounts started becoming popular so naturally every attention hungry thot lapped that shit up
>Implying having more le epic maymay knowledge makes him smarter than me
I laugh at a good twitter screencap or some shit but I don't actively seek them out to be able to post them to someone regularly. I don't have a twitter or facebook full of meme pages to follow. I've been on the internet my whole life and I don't really care to "share memes" anymore. Not that I'd send a friend a funny image I happen across. I just don't invest any decent amount of time enterntaining myself woth them. I'd rather just have a genuine comversation or some shit. Memes have become such a sorta vapid entity now.
>Not that I'd send a friend
Wouldn't send rather