What medications are you taking for your mental disorders?
>lithium (major depression, not bipolar)
>ssri escitalopram
Not a full list, just some.
I'm feeling ok, and you?
Medication thread
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Im taking none
How bad are you without them?
Imipramine for depreason and anxiety
Depression* hehe
why are you taking lexapro and zoloft at the same time? are you tapering off of one and starting another?
Whats the point of taking lithium for depression? I thought it only worked for bipolar. Also the combination of a mood stabilizer with an ssri sounds uneffective
nigga...... dont you know none of this will fix you and ssris are placebo
i took ssri's for the first time not too long ago after being against them and they were making me feel way better, no placebo. only hangup was i literally couldn't sleep and it was a fucking nightmare and i was regularly up for 24 hours so i stopped before i would have to go through withdrawals and shit.
>hurr durr i'm fundamentally unhappy with my life
>i will change nothing. all i need is pill
>why i no get better
Repeat until bankrupted from medical expenses or suicide
Used to take Zoloft but had to stop.
That shit made me feel like I had no emotions and I just wanted to sleep all day. Also got me fat.
but that's not even how ssris work, they don't cure depression, the studies indicating they have a 1% leverage over placebo is only for major depressive disorder patients already in therapy. and the leverage is literally 1%. i mean i'm glad it seemed to help you but idk, it's better to just go to therapy and focus on bettering yourself and getting out of bad situations instead. easier said than done tho i wish you the best
going to start taking escitalopram 5 mg a day for 14 days and after that 10mg. in february i'll return to the psychiatrist and he'll decide if i need to increase the dose or not.
probably won't work, but since it's a cheap drug, i'll give it a try.
Yes, I am actually.
Originally of course
yeah, I've read tons of conflicting studies and opinions and it can seem bleak, and it certainly won't cure anything, only relieve symptoms at best. i've never taken them for during a major depressive episode but that's supposedly what they work best at (according to studies which have sometimes been unreliable). I pretty much agree with you, but I don't think therapy really does much for major depression.
I took it while only dealing with dysthymia (still do)/ocd/other anxiety disorders, and the positive effects were very apparent, but like i said it came with bullshit and wasn't sustainable.
even assuming that ssri's do work in some situations, it's obvious that tampering with serotonin alone isn't even close to being the silver bullet; we still don't know anything really.
almost like they're experience placebo or something kek
>I don't think therapy really does much for major depression
Get better therapists. Most want to fill time and keep you on the schedule. Some actually want to help. Only takes 1 or 2 sessions to figure out which
which one are you coming off of?
the only thing that helped me with depression was taking psychedelics mindfully and reflecting on my life while tripping, having that new perspective is really refreshing and useful. it's not amiracle cure and it's not instance but it can do wonders if you're not prone to psychosis and you're doing it for good reasons. not saying you should do psychs but def consider it.
and ketamine is a wonderdrug for depression but doesn't change your life and what's making you sad, so i don't recommend it unless you're absolutely hopeless
desu after a certain point a depressed person doesn't even want to let therapists know much about them, i think therapists can help in most cases but in the really extreme cases it's almost pointless unless it's a super good therapist
i've been fucked over way too many times by psychologists to start again, but I believe there are good ones sprinkled out there.
i've always wanted to try psychs but am super scared. weed basically uncovered all of the latent ocd and panic and stuff when i smoked, so i'm scared psychs would do worse. I also feel like they could really help and am conflicted :/
400ml Abilify injections each month. Have to take epilim as well, but I don't.
If psychiatric medication actually worked, there would be a black market for it, h2h
>dexmethylphenidate extended release 20mg (i'm too stupid to explain but as my psychiatrist said it's double strength ritalin)
>dexmethylphenidate ir 5mg (i snort these when playing competitive games or doing homework)
>cyproheptadine (antihistamine for appetite stimulation cuz the stims make you feel nauseous and just not hungry)
if i go off this shit for a day i am severely dopamine deficient almost so much that i can't function
>1500-2000 calories worth of booze per day (usually in beer, sometimes liquor)
>2-3 grams of weed per day
>benzos and opiates on an irregular basis whenever i can get them
my doc won't give me stims even though I have adhd but I need them so bad. I have to stim myself out with caffeine so much just to do small amounts of work and it sucks. I feel like it would make me crazy at csgo also kek
none, and as a result I made this
Dude, I have diagnosed OCD and depression and have suffered from panic attacks for all my life. I've never smoked weed, but trust me with all your heart when I say psychedelics have helped me so much with anxiety. I panicked for a while on acid and realized how stupid it was for me to be scared when I was just.. sitting there doing nothing being perfectly physically safe. That has helped me so much. I think the psychedelic state of mind is so useful, dude, weed is a lot different and I know tons of people who freak out on weed but can handle psychs.
Mushrooms are probably going to be approved for treating OCD soon, they're the best drug for OCD according to every study done on this. Every single patient in the most commonly cited study showed immediate improvement after taking mushrooms. The sample size was small but that's still mind-blowing.
And if you're ever worried about legality or accessibility, you can order 4-aco-dmt online legally, it's an analog of psilocybin in mushrooms. Good stuff
It's not as scary as you probably think it is, you just have to remember it'll be over soon and you're safe. IMO acid is easier to handle and steer than shrooms but shrooms are better for what you're dealing with I think. Do either, though, it doesn't matter much.
order stimulant research chemicals or nootropics, easy to get and better than dealing with doctors desu
what do you recommend? couldn't I just order normal stims like addie and shit? seems safe but I don't know a ton about stims.
i had straight f's for like 5 years prior to this one and since taking these stims i've maintained a steady 4.0 all year. i went through 3 other stims that were shit before finding this one but once you find the one for you it's life changing
you can order adderall illegally from darknet markets but it'd be a lot easier jus buying RCs or nootropics. i've had good experiences with noopept and studying, i haven't tried any stim RCs yet but hit up the reddit research chemical sub (i'm not kidding) to see if anything suits your fancy
Piracetam is literally the only medication I've taken for my mental illness that actually worked (having been prescribed 10+ different things over the years) and it's not even a scheduled med in the US
I would do shrooms over acid as they're currently being researched as you said (I've read quite a bit about what's going on at john hopkins), and also them being natural makes me more comfortable.
thanks for sharing your experience though. i have two pretty big concerns and that's that I hallucinated for a split second one while I was really high one time, and while it was probably normal the hypochondriac is afraid I have the potential for psychosis or some shit. I don't believe this to be the case though, just overcautious. the other is that I grew up in an abusive environment so I'm afraid that i'm like repressing things and that the floodgates will be opened and it'll hurt basically. i'm pretty sure people with ptsd have luck with shrooms though so i'd probably be fine. I have most of the symptoms of cptsd (I'm a reclusive mess in case you couldn't tell).
I should probably try shrooms desu. If I did it'd be a low dose anyway.
not the other guy but for me i had to be in the right mindset to take psychs, when i was with my ex i was in a shitty environment and everytime i smoked weed or did acid i would trip out and get really depressed. n once i broke up with her i started to smoke again and since then i've had some of the most profound realizations about life and shit... idk but i love psychs
thanks i'm going to look into this. why are rc's easier than stim meds?
I never respond very well to conventional ADs.
I've been experimenting with the dopa. agonist Mirapex for depression lately.
I figure my apathy and lack of libido is a dopaminergic problem.
Did you know that the best medication of all time is actually treeplanting? Yes it cures abs0lutely 3verything from autism to cancer
based and redpilled or igo roll z
RCs are available on the free net and legal to buy. adderall is a scheduled substance and it's illegal to buy it unless you're going through the medical system and whatnot so it's only available to be bought from dealers or the darknet. dealers are unreliable and i cba to deal with btc so i think rcs are the best option since they seem to work just as well
if youre an adult you're probably never going to be schizophrenic, and hallucinating on weed is p normal. weed is honestly super psychedelic and people use it to potentiate psychs but it feels a lot different than lsd and shrooms, i wouldnt say weed is a classic psych but at high doses esp when eaten it is comparable to what psychs can mentally be like at times
you wouldnt go psychotic from psychs im fairly certain tho, dont worry. you remind me a lot of myself and some other people i've know, i would offer you my burner email and we could talk more if youre interested but i dont think its a good idea for me to make friends from here anymore. i totally get the fear of going insane, and im not gonna lie youll prob be scared immediately after doing psychs about whether or not theyll trigger something afterwards but i promise they wouldnt.
ive felt pretty sad on psychs before but.. it doesnt feel like depression. ive thought about trauma and childhood and awful things that happened to me but i just accepted it. its extremely bittersweet. you recognize how awful life can be while appreciating how good it can be. its not overwhelming to me personally. and unless you make the trip about your childhood + reflecting on life, those things probbaly wont cross your mind and if they do they wouldnt stay there for long unless you wanted them to. best friends of mine with severe ptsd have never had issues. good luck if you decide to try them
sorry for filling up the medication thread with psychedelics guys
thanks for all of your responses. I need to make a new burner email, do you want to swap discords if you have it? I don't mind posting my alt so you don't have to.
good advice but you shouldn't hate on weed. I've never tripped without smoking weed with the trip.
the only exception is salvia. I wouldn't want to get high and then smoke salvia, but salvia was interesting enough that I tried it many times back in the day.
isn't there alcohol with less calories?
>ambien (only occasionally)
>wellbutrin (stopped taking it though)
So it's just addy for me these days
>abilify 20mg against paranoid schizophrenia
made me feel like shit in the beginning but it got better with time.
I do not take any medication. Unnatural shit. If I am to live my days as an unhappy piece of shit, then so be it. Not turning into my pill popping dad. I will suffer through
I just don't want to stop
>Adderall 20mg x 2
>Buspar 15mg x 2
>Lexapro 10mg x 1
Works pretty well for my anxiety and autism
Just switched from lithium/ setraline to perphanazine, gabapentin, escitalopram, vyvanse
>klonopin (anxiety lol)
>lamictal for bipolar
>heavy self-prescribed Kratom use
was on aripiprazole injection and sertraline but since getting out of the hospital I stopped taking them and even my doctors agree I'm stable
also should mention before coming off meds I started exercising, going out socially and fixed my diet and sleep
i was taking aripiprazole, risperidone, clonazepam and i have paranoid schizophrenia lol.
Trying to find the right combination is such a pain in the ass.
Constant trial and error.
My main issue is severe anxiety and insomnia.
I've been considering aripiprazole, would you say it's more activating or sedating?
personally i wouldnt recommend any drugs, when i was taking these neuroleptics i could notice side effects on each one drug.
and i dont find myself bad with my schizohrenia ( i dont hear voices or halucinate lol), antipsychotics in long term is more harmful...
How many of you people are on amphetamines they really do hand it out like candy in the USA
Yeah, i hear you.
I have a relative who tried gaming the system and is now stuck with permanent tics and muscle spasms from the meds.
There was nothing wrong with her, just wanted those bux.
Just sertraline to help with the depression, don't feel like killing myself anymore so that's good. Therapy also helps a lot.
aripiprazole for me was like adhd pill, i got Akathisia from taking aripiprazole, and with this you cant sit for more than 5 minutes lol.
also i was scared because it stayed for a while after i discontinue taking aripiprazole, and it could stay for life, not good stuff.
>I've been considering aripiprazole, would you say it's more activating or sedating?
less sedating than olanzapine, follow your doctors advice and be honest with them a lot of retards on hear think they know more than the doctors because they read a couple articles, don't fall for the trap
I take multi vitamins that contain zero protein because they contain zero soia it has lots of zinc though which is what your body needs to make T and it's sorta helping me feel more confident at least.
when I was 18 I was always really boyish looking and probably looked like I only went through half of puberty. when I started taking a multivitamin with zinc and I started growing hair everywhere and went from bare chested to hairy as fuck. I don't really like it, but my point is that it my non-existent test skyrocketed.
zyprexa (anti-psychotics)
antidepressants (don't know which one's)
Hahahahahahahahhaahha all the women have cankles!