Making new thread because everyone else is too lazy to do it edition
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Almost had a /britfeel/ special edition then desu.
They fucking got Tilde lads. It's all over for him.
Morning lids, just got up. Feels weird to waking up on the morning instead of going to sleep. Any nightlids still up?
>tfw wull never be a tough outlaw in the west that rides around doing whatever he wants.
Lads Arthur seems like the coolest guy to me. How do i emulate him?
>Any nightlids still up?
Yeah, shall be staying up throughout the day to make up for my failure to do it yesterday.
Aye im here downloading ac odyssey. Youve got any plans for today?
Yes lid I was hoping you could help me with my computer
Schedule yourself in for a small nap lad, you dont want to burn out in the middle of the day
>Long hair
>Crona has stopped posting here randomly
Right which one of you lads are commenting on the nonce videos under Norf FC
I often end up having a full sleep when I try that and I'm a mong that can sleep through alarms, got some energy drinks so they'll keep me up I hope.
How long are you aiming to stay awake for?
>any plans for today?
Getting my haircut this afternoon but that's about it.
Who's the lucky girl lad?
>tfw the dentist rubbed her tits on my face
dirty hijab bitch
I woke up at 8pm last night and I'll be sleeping at around 8am thursday morning, so it'll be like 32 hours total give or take a few, it's rare for me to skip out on sleep so I'm not used to staying up which is why I'm hoping these energy drinks will stop me from putting my head down later on. Doesn't help I'm in a proper wanking mood today and I'm hoping that won't tire me out, don't know why but I'm proper horny, even got the urge to change my desktop background to something lewd.
Fancy a wank and all? Bloody hell youre playing with fire there lad, nothing I like more than a post wank kip
*pisses in your cornflakes*
As someone who works nightshift occasionally I can tell you energy drinks will only make you feel worse
Cant wait to ring in to PoleyRadio and see once and for all if he feels any regret for spying on Monica. Would like to see if I can get him to issue an apology. Will call as many times as it takes to unearth the truth lads.
What the fuck happened to the escort threads lads?
Lemsip and painkillers are proper nice lads, body feels warm and fuzzy
to be real it doesn't matter anyway you know it's just too little too late
Why are British people such retarded cunts in online games? Other yuros range from likeable to lovably autistic, but every time I hear some faggot British accent I get the urge to teamkill.
What doesnt matter lad? Dont be stingy with your (You)s
Lot of people around me on the bus coughing and sneezing, bit concerned to be honest lads. Hate being ill.
Begone Johnny Foreigner
Run out of mobile data lads, won't be able to shitpost on the commute any more till the 15th
Dont worry lad, I will cover ya. I have enough data to shitpost for both of us.
Why are American people so fat and obnoxious?
Bless you Iad
What kind of shitposts do you prefer? I will see to it that your light does not dim
I've noticed this too, brits are always whiny, entitled and never accept any sort of blame for anything
Typical yank behaviour trying to blame the British.
I usually ask dumb questions with obvious answers to get large amounts of (You)s
Time for muh workout frens
cor what a babe
Ampthill, Bedfordshire, England
09 January 2019
this passive-aggressive post just maintains the stereotype of the bitchy gay guy
>someone texts me some hip hop/rap songs to check out
>reply that i dont know much about the genre but give them a song to listen to as well
>"thats fucking shit"
Tell you what lad I do fancy going for a fourth.
I rarely have them so I couldn't tell you if they work or not desu but if anything I believe the placebo effect will be my saviour.
Actually cant be bothered to workout nvm
someone give me courage
*waves wand*
now u r a brave
i w-want my mummy waaaaa waaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaa
I've got to work out too liddio.
Trying to decide if I do it before or after breakfast.
First volume of 20th Century Boys just arrived lads, going to have a little read later on.
What's that some kind of gay romance novel lmao
Gay romance manga actually lad, you can borrow it if you want just don't spunk on the pages.
>20th Century Boys
bit noncey this post. keeping an eye on you.
im tired of this country lads, i hate the people here, it's depressing.
Enlighten me on which country you think has the best people in it
Good morning frens. Did you sleep well? I hope you have a good day
what's ghood me mates
just having some fish and crumpets i tell you
I don't know, I just can't stand the people here. I can't tell you when this happened, I didn't always feel like this. I can't stand the people here, the way they talk, the way they act. I don't hate the country, just the people.
tbf the people on the whole are depressing. always moaning, never saying anything positive. i'm amazed suicide isnt more common here.
I think you'll find that's the norm worldwide. Name a country where everyone is cheerful and upbeat without just referencing stereotypes
the people here are insufferable, it's a depressing shithole and anyone who says otherwise is part of the problem
i cant, i'm only talking about my own experience. i do know people that are happy, but my family and most of the people i know arent. it's a shame. even when something positive is happening, they dont enjoy it, just complain about how it will go wrong.
It's just started snowing a bit
*gets up from desk and sprints to the window*
Hopefully you have snow too. I'm in Dudley so other west midlands frens probably have snow
Fucking hell, just woke up and scrolled the last thread. Sure are a lot of nonce apologists around here.
Think I'll just stay inside today lads, cba to go out
Lids something I ordered from China is arriving via Yodel "today" (so next week).
Place bets on it:
>Being the wrong item.
>Being broken (probably by Yodel)
>Never showing up but both Yodel and the company claim it did.
>Being the right item but the chink version so it doesn't work in the UK.
>Arriving to the wrong address.
>Still being in the warehouse.
So many wonderful things to go wrong. Thank God Paypal protection is massively bias towards buyers.
*noshes you off*
Visit zoos
I've tried but nobody wants to go with me
It better not bloody snow lad, Dudley council never salt the roads proper
Where do you live, I'd consider it
Dudley council don't do anything properly.
Dudley the zoo is literally about a mile down the road from my flat
You can go on your own
Stop this
There was a bit of Victoria Derbyshire this morning about how only 50% of these lead to convictions and some suspects commit suicide
I can't there's a no singles policy
Gonna have a shower laddos
Gonna quickly go to the shop lids, want anything?
They are going to come for you next lad
sounds i hate
>nonce hunters walking on gravel
>nonce hunters coughing while a nonce grovels in the background
>want anything?
nice sip pls
Only 16 bong and Dudley isn't too far. Would be up for it on one of my days off
Where would you be coming from? I could pick you up from the train station or whatever. Do you have discord
>The station
Made me chuckle because I read the other day yesterday that Dudley was the largest town in the UK without a train station, although I've been to Tipton station myself which is basically Dudley.
I don't have discord but I'll post about it again when I get some free time
I'll be getting some if they have the double XP codes on.
I'm tired and I'm coming down with sommat
Hold on tight, a nonce hunter is on his way
Yeah Tipton station is called Dudley port and it is basically Dudley. I think there are plans for a metro or something
Okay no problem, I'll keep a look out for posts about dudley zoo
Got an interview in 2 hours
Still need to shower
All the best!
2 hours till I go for my wage job. Then I have 2 days to do a college assignment. Will it get better user?
Run a script and went into policy settings to turn updates off in W10 2019, still auto-updates. Piece of shit
Let's hope I show up to work again today lids and they send me home again.
>college assignment.
fuck off, normie
Just had a read of the brit thread on /cgl/, always interesting to visit places you've never been before, like stepping into a new world. There's all sorts of drama and personalities I've never heard of, interesting, quite.
What days are you free generally? Could even do this week possibly, I think I may have either Thursday or Friday off
Stupid Goy, you can't escape the matrix
didn't you go to college?
didn't you go to a meetup?
aren't you going to an interview with the hopes of getting a job?
aren't you trans?
you're pretty much a turbo normie amir
Might have a cheeky lurk
>Windows 10 Anniversary Edition
>Windows 10 October 2018 Edition
>Windows 10 January 2019 Edition
You can tell windows is made by pajeets now because of the naming scheme it's the same as those dodgy custom versions of windows XP
>Windows XP Black Gold Edition
>Windows XP Evolution Black Edition
What work you do?
Work in a warehouse and in January no one orders anything so the brainlets in charge go "let's hire 10,000 Romanian agency workers!" and we run out of orders in 4 hours and stand around doing nothing.
So they let us go home yesterday if we had holiday left and wanted to lol