>porn is bad! stop watching it!
why though? I've never seen an actual argument attached to this ridiculous sentiment.
Porn is bad! stop watching it!
I draw my own porn and mastrubate to pics of my legs because i squat alot.
Also you need to plant more trees
It takes away power from women
she has a beautiful mouth
Supposedly erectile dysfunction and over-stimulation or not being able to be stimulated enough.
I haven't had sex since I started watching porn near-daily so I can't comment. If anything, I feel like I become stimulated over the slightest things.
no it doesnt retard, it provides sexual gratification. that means that porn is what takes away power from women.
being a horny, pleasure starved dog gives power to women.
because one day you start fapping to tits and the next month you find yourself cumming only to interracial sissy cukold vids, bestiality or other silly fetishes and fucked up shit.
dopamine addiction and low androgen receptors
Except dopamine isnt a pleasure chemical. It binds to D2 receptors in the hypothalamus and gives you drive. They have done tests where they remove all the dopamine from an animal and then give it sugar. The animal still enjoys the sugar but they stop doing anything.
Hit me with a solid source on that androgen receptor shit. I have been trying to study if masturbation and porn really do make you feel less general pleasure. The science is not really there it seems and a bunch of people are just arguing over sources and intent. Most neuro and sex scientists dont think that masturbation damages your reward circuit though. Someone give me some proof or something to study. I would like to enjoy life again please.
It's true. Only fucked up shit gets me off these days
>They have done tests where they remove all the dopamine from an animal and then give it sugar. The animal still enjoys the sugar but they stop doing anything.
that's what you turn yourself into if you nuke your reward systems with dopamine each day. Your body will get used to the constant stream of dopamine and less sensitive to it, to the point that everything but fapping feels boring
as for dopamine receptors: karger.com
also if you wan't to research this so badly and enjoy life again, why don't you try quitting masturbation and the internet for a while
Pretty much this.
This isn't just a "sentiment" OP, it's been studied and proven. However it's been swept under the rug because it's an uncomfortable truth and the (((porn companies))) don't want the truth that it's terrible for you to catch on.
Imagine sacrificing some of your overall quality of and motivation in life for a very temporary period of base pleasure. That's you.
There are 4 distinct dopamine receptors (D1 to D4).
Dopamine is the major NT in the mesolimbic system, striatum, nucleus accumbens, hippothalamus, vagus nerve, somatosensory nucleus of the parietal lobe and auditory cortex.
Fellate a shotgun.
I literally got a disfunction through watching porn.
Broke up with girlfriend and hadnt had sex in a year. Was watching porn and fapping almost daily.
Finally hook up with an exchange student and we get going but I couldn't get hard for almost half an hour, although we tried everything! I really was shocked how porn messed up my understanding of sexual behaviour.
I just wasnt attracted enough and couldnt turn the visuals and general scenery into any arousal.
Dont use porn as ur only source of stimulation. Use your Fantasie and sneek peeks on real girls.
You could get the same dopamine addiction from just having sex all the time tho I mean shit, sex addicts are a real thing you know
porn is like alcohol or cigs, if you are a person who gets addicted to things then it is as damaging (though in different ways) as any addiction.
If you skip right to the middle and watch for 30 seconds to get off twice a week it's fine.
it makes men more demanding in sex, and men who would otherwise be constantly trying for women and supporting the gynarchy content with their hands.
It's a slippery slope. Porn leads to masturbation which leads to orgasm which leads to a good night's sleep.
If you cant think of to why porn would be bad for you you're fucking retarded and probably couldnt get laid with or without porn
I never said you should become a sex addict either
My personal reason is it desensitizes me to sex and making me seek out harder and harder stuff. I think it may also be making me less monogamous because it's exposing me to lots of different girls and my brain is being rewired as a result. I'm afraid I won't be able to appreciate a girlfriend because of that.
This probably doesn't matter for you but it does for me.
>Fellate a shotgun.
could you be any more cringeworthy you retarded tryhard? kill yourself.
Wonderful post
I love this board
dumb nibbas
you both agree you retards
Two words: Erectile Dysfunction.
Let me post the truth.
>I've never seen an actual argument attached to this ridiculous sentiment.
because there aren't any
>Erectile Dysfunction.
Porn only "gives" you erectile dysfunction because it satisfies your sexual urges.
Stop watching porn, masturbating or having sex for a while and you'll give yourself the opposite of erectile dysfunction which is premature ejaculation.
porn doesnt have many but fapping has some
I'm so glad I can just whip out my phone/PC and have access to an incredible database containing every type of porn imaginable.
rots your brain
the website just links to tons of studies, don't be a brainlet and raise issue with the site, raise issue with the studies but most use biomarkers
>causes anxiety
>cause depression
>lowers brain function
>getting the chemical that motivates you fucked with isn't bad
I can tell from the sitename alone it is a very well researched, solidly scientific and unbiased, website with nothing but facts.
actual fucking moron, the website links to peer reviewed studies, I only linked to the website since posting a fuck ton of links is just stupid on Jow Forums
The reason to trust reputable sources and not just look at the studies they link is because anyone can make any point citing specific studies since there are 200,000,000 of them and they all "suggest" a thousand different things. I understand that's what science does but scientific studies in themselves are not very useful.
It's one of the jewish weapons they use to destroy the western civilization
which is why the site mostly links to studies that rely on biomarkers
>you'll give yourself the opposite of erectile dysfunction which is premature ejaculation.
the fact that you think those are opposites says enough about your addiction. It is literally possible to have a healthy cock that doesn't suffer from either.
There's a lot of complete bullshit on that site. It's obviously completely biased with an agenda. Which is counterproductive because some actual scientific articles will get buried in the mess of pseudoscience that makes up the bulk of that site.
Of course many links are behind a paywall so that makes independent verification more difficult. I picked an article where the abstract was obvious bullshit, but couldn't view the article because paywall.
But none of this deters you because your scientific understanding is that of a third grader, and you are unable to distinguish science and pseudoscience.
Who is this porcelain skinned goddess?
>There's a lot of complete bullshit on that site.
such as? also I've said repeatedly the site doesn't matter the sources do
>Of course many links are behind a paywall so that makes independent verification more difficult. I picked an article where the abstract was obvious bullshit, but couldn't view the article because paywall.
god if only sites like libgen allowed you to get scientific articles for free
>But none of this deters you because your scientific understanding is that of a third grader, and you are unable to distinguish science and pseudoscience.
you haven't named a single flaw you've just gone on an autistic rant because the idea that you shouldn't jack of to videos of a woman being fucked by someone who isn't you upset you
Takes your sex drive away. In my case that would be a good thing though
It fucks with your sense of purity, and purity is important for a healthy image
Because you'll get addicted, run out of cumrags and have to start holding in your ejaculate fluids which will cause cum-stones to form in your bladder.
You go on a typical pseudoscience believer defense, "see all these articles they can't all be wrong! They are all true until you prove them wrong". As mentioned, some are more than obviously bullshit from the abstract alone.
so still not a single example of what's wrong just more noise?
The rumors are true, this place is horrible.
How though? How does it make you feel less pleasure from life? Everyone I look this shit up you cant find a good study that says anything other than that the idea is false. Is it reduced receptor density? Are the receptors damaged? Do you down regulate dopamine?
I try to quit masturbation but if the only purpose of it is to get rid of ed or to clear your fetishes there is no point for me. I literally did not talk to a girl my age all of 2018(except for family and friends girlfriends). I live as a neet in a small town and all my friends are guys. I have no societal value so having actual sex is a pipe dream.
Haha okay buddy. I was talking about in relation to feeling pleasure. All drugs that make you feel euphoria in the generic sense have mechanism that increase dopamine activity on d2 receptors. I did not say that was the only thing they did. Im arguing the point that dopamine itself is a pleasure chemical because that is just pop science.
It is but I still feel motivated enough and I masturbate every day. Wouldnt I lose that with my ability to feel pleasure of this was a dopamine problem?
Watching porn makes you a gay cuckold. You are watching another man have sex with a woman you want, and pleasuring yourself while you do so.
>but I still feel motivated enough
enough to do what? you got a good diet? no unhealthy vices? exercise? able to work a job you hate? able to go to bed even if you're not tired?
OP said arguments, not Jow Forums bullshit
Gay cuckold detected desu
Porn is very harmful. Here's a decent introductory site that explains why porn is bad:
From there I would suggest reading some of the academic literature if you want something a little more toothy and technical. The overwhelming consensus is that porn is bad for you.
While the evidence speaks for itself I would also argue from a more abstract point of view as well, that porn is being used by a parasitic out-group to fuck up their host nations because they have both a seething hatred of the natives and also a genetic predisposition to subvert and pervert culture.
What if you only watch lesbian porn?
Then it's less gay, but you are a double cuck because each female is cucking you for the other female.
Try this one behind a paywall:
The abstract should already raise red flags, unless you are completely scientifically illiterate. The very beginning sentence says "we looked at this *with the expectation that*..." They literally say they started with a conclusion and wanted to fit the data in. There are other red flags but to keep it on a simple level your brain could absorb start with that one.
What about watching females masturbating?
Is it really cuckolding if there's 0 chance of any offspring being produced?
Probably the least degenerate of 3D porn, but you're still taking pleasure from a woman degrading herself.
>Is it really cucking if your wife is fucked by 30 men in a gang bang, but they are all sterile?
wait so because they're trying to prove a theory the study isn't valid? I mean do you honestly think you can discredit the entire study because of the abstract? also here's the full study
>Is it really cucking if your wife is fucked by 30 men in a gang bang, but they are all sterile?
Legit question, honestly. You do know that the term derives from the behavior of the cuckoo, which is all about getting someone else to invest resources in your offspring, right? Cuckoos don't just fuck other birds.
Porn and weed combined is a pretty dangerous combo I think. I could just fap and smoke weed and I don't even feel lonely or anything, for years on end. Then I run out of weed and I get on overwhelming feeling of shame and wasted time.
Porn on its own is just art. Kind of taboo art but still art non the less.
You do know that "cuckold" has never meant what you are saying it means in English vernacular, right?
The whole paper is only saying "we wanted these results and look, we found them this way". This does not pass the smell test.
But since you are not smart enough to understand this let's pick one example. Study 5 in particular should set off bullshit detectors already in the abstract. They wanted to prove "porn increases infidelity". And the way they measured infidelity is by a questionnaire asking how strongly you feel about your relationship. That's it. Not actual infidelity at all. They didn't measure infidelity in the slightest yet based on a relationship assessment questionnaire, suddenly called it fidelity/infidelity. In other words complete bullshit.
Just one thing of the many wrong here, but this is futile anyway since you do not have any understanding of the scientific method. You believe things you want to believe, not based on facts but emotions. Like a woman.
My diet is complicated. I have to severely limit what I can eat. I do this fairly well though. I turn down bad foods several times every single day.
Well porn and masturbation could be one but that is the debate. I spend a bunch of time on Jow Forums but that is because I have a ridiculous amount of free time. I dont know anyone with zero vices anyway. I do pretty well with good habits though. I have plenty of hobbies I work on everyday.
I am a neet. It is partially because of a health disorder, shitty childhood, no car, small town, no hs diploma,etc there is a lot to it but I am not worried about motivation to do a job. I have more pressing problems before that.
I can go and lay in bed for hours if I am not tired but it doesnt mean I sleep. One of the main reasons I do masturbate is because it helps me sleep more consistently than anything else. I dont think motivation is directly involved with falling asleep.
I dont want more motivation more than I like having awesome orgasms and sleeping at night.
ok so porn effects happiness in relationships then
How does one become a NEET? I'm tired of working/studying.
And yes I run all the time. I placed 2nd at the last 5k I went to. Exercise is a joy for me. I would do more but my diet issues make it pointless to lift. I did for two years though.
> my diet issues make it pointless to lift
Can you not digest protein or something? I can't see any other instance where you can do cardio but not resistance training.
One doesnt become one as much as they were always one. I was always sectioned off from other people even back in kindergarten. I am a lonely fish in a sea of judgment. You basically just get sifted through one filter after another falling down rung after ring until society determines you have no value and you either end up on the streets or you just never leave home. I was lucky enough that my parents are decent enough to keep their failed children in their home and support them.
If you have ever read one flee over the cuckoos nest you will get a feel of what it is like. You feel the crushing weight of society pressing you under there pointing fingers slowly driving you more insane and apathetic everyday. Until all hope is gone and you kill yourself.
Watching porn is not 'bad.' Anyone who says that is fucking retarded.
Jacking off too much is. But too much of anything can be bad.
So to anybody who wants to tell me that I should stop beating my meat to hot babes getting fucked can suck a dick.
Its really weird but I just cant eat anything without getting a bunch of shitty side effects. Over two years I have found that eating vegetables, rice, and beans is mostly fine. Everything else just fucks up my brain and body in various ways. I cant even smoke weed anymore. Cant drink anything but water. Had to stop smoking cigs. You get the idea.
Couple that with the fact that In really tall and it makes it impossible to eat enough everyday in order to gain weight. I lifted every other day for two years and never gained a single pound. People that have lifted for a month could lift more than me. Its just not worth the effort until o can figure out some specific diet that works.
If it doesnt interfere with your life I dont know whats bad about it. I will bet you dont have many kids though. Lol
I've been addicted to porn for a while but it's really only started to affect me in the last few months.
The first problem is it damages sexual performance but whatever, if you're a robot that doesn't affect you and if you are having sex then you will quickly figure out the importance of dealing with this on you own
The other problem is the addiction side. You just need to treat porn like any other drug, if you use it once in a while it's fine but if you edge for a couple of hours a day then that's going to cause dependency problems
I haven't looked into the neurochemistry too deeply but personally i use masturbation to combat anxiety, always used to just masturbate for as long as possible at home quite often in general but also before an interview or having to call somebody or something even with no intention of cumming. I'm guessing there's some hormones released during masturbation which suppresses anxiety and doubts because that would be useful in evolution
If you just watch porn occasionally then it's fine but i've probably wasted a full year of my life by now essentially just taking drugs and not even in a social way obviously
It's just christcuck propaganda. The whole nofap thing was started by evangelical Christians trying to give being righteous a "viral" appeal for millennials.
In the same way that vegans will post all over the internet telling you that meat causes cancer because the IARC says that it's "probable" that it does based on about a dozen statistical surveys, christcucks will plaster this nofap nonsense all over the internet along with a lot of lies and misconceptions. If you buy into it because you just genuinely enjoy asceticism, that's one thing but if you're militant about not watching porn or masturbating because you think it's a world health crisis then you're a dumb dickhead.