Femanon here, recently got a guy. I use the same flirtatious compliments alot. What do you guys dream of being told by your partner?
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Femanon here, recently got a guy. I use the same flirtatious compliments alot. What do you guys dream of being told by your partner?
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If she says something about progress I've made when I put in effort. Like; user, have you been working out?
Once a female said she liked my voice after I'd been actively improving my diction and accent and even that made my day.
>makes you feel safe
>notice and thank him when he does things for you always don't take it for granted
Honestly I think most guys would appreciate any compliments.
Thanks! Ill be sure to mention when I notice hes working hard on things.
>I'm going out for day
>I don't need to borrow any money
>You don't need to clean my shit up
>That 400 dollars wroth of ketamine and LSD you bought? Yeah, I'll bring it around today. It totally didn't get used up by my friends when I left it at their house
>Your dick isn't small, it's the perfect size for me.
I have been taken him alittle for granted. I use alot of his free time or study time. He made me feel extra safe today. It was a bad day, and he tried his best to cheer me up. Ill have to tell him it.
Who hurt you?
Also he hasnt bought me anything yet. I bought him a gift and when he mentions buying me a gift for a late christmas, I change topics or tell him to get a game for himself to play with me.
I kinda want to spoil him but don't know if it'll hurt his pride as a male if I give him more things.
"Please stop waking up so late and enjoy the real world"
"Come out with me! I love the city at night!"
"Hey lets go to that festival! Your favorite band is playing there!"
"I know you're not normal, and I know you hate it and the world around you for it. I love it though."
just tell him what you like about him, that's what I would like, something genuine
Hi slut here, tell me your deepest desires that youwant to happen to you so I can act them out on my bf :)
Sorry to project.
Basically some compassion, unconscious signs you care about his life, and appreciation for who he is and his growth and you're golden.
It depends on context.
If you really want to make him happy give a blow job with out being asked without expectating anything in return in the moment.
>your dick feels good inside me
Dont say this during sex, but say it if sex comes up in conversation and he seems insecure.
You dont really need to flirt, Huns and sweeties are always nice. Just show affection
Things like
>I just got out of the shower, I was thinking about you in there.
In a txt is always hot.
Biggest note taken here. Thanks. Hopefully this is all I need to make him feel special in the future, and there isnt some secret dark hidden compliment he wants.
Have gf, this is nice at first but don't just do that, he will get bored. Surprise him in bed, be nasty. And most of don't be clingy
Honestly a lot of us guys are pretty easy to read and pretty honest about what we want. Good luck my dude and have the best damn relationship you can!
To clarify:be nasty, but don't emasculated him. He wants to fuck your ass, not the other way around
Speak for yourself user now
>Who hurt you?
Me mostly, but gf's don't help.
>I kinda want to spoil him but don't know if it'll hurt his pride as a male if I give him more things.
No. It'lll hurt his wallet when you start needing to borrow money, or buy drugs at parties, or whatever else it is you need done.
Here's a song for you. If you want to make him happy, be everything that isn't this;
user with bf here.
sometimes, i want to be assured that the fact that i sometimes reuse the same compliments doesn't make me unoriginal and boring but that i just don't have the right word to express my love.
Just dont be a mom. Dont tell us our dick is huge when we know it is average. One lie throws everything else into doubt.
Likewise dont say you are so good lookin if we are a fatso, thanks mom but you are the only one that thinks so
My mom gf always calls me smart
>I was thinking of you today.
>Let's talk about *that hobby he likes*!
>I really appreciate...
>You do *thing* better than anyone else.
>Lets pick out some lingerie together...
>That's way too revealing!
>W-what's "yandere?"
>My porn folder is bigger.
>*Autistic rant about a shared interest* (~Swoon~)
is this really what women do? sit around and think about what compliments would be good to give so they can give to get brownie points? holy fuck take a second and be grateful and genuine and say what he actually makes you feel you fucking shallow roastie cunt.
somthing like this
allso "femanon" poster kys [spoiler/]
>mfw e-gf tells me i'm special and i make her happy
why the fuck didn't anyone say this to me sooner. i swear to fucking god i've been going through my whole life being used or something. nobody ever made me feel loved like she does, they just kinda leeched onto me and started sucking all my fucking patience dry. never giving me a moment to speak. always projecting. didn't let me make them happy.
oh yeah also the women who called me "sexy" and wanted me to fuck them but didn't seem to understand that i have a heart too. maybe i'm atypical but i appreciate love and bonding more sexual attraction.
very odd.
why would we ever help you e-cuck us?
fuck off roastie