Hourly reminder that femoids are degenerate
Hourly reminder that femoids are degenerate
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I wanna lick the sole of her foot.
I wanna sniff her crotch.
I wanna sniff this woman's foot, she looks like the type of person prone to smelly feet.
Do women really orgasm when giving birth and get aroused when breastfeeding?
What kind of pathetic incel makes these captions?
That butt is a nose magnet.
very no and no
the type that wants our attention
also enjoy being called a roastie because you are not seething 24/7 at women.
Have you ever filmed yourself pooping? I here a lot of girls do this
Ladies, ladies, ladies. Dont you know that you have to post your exposed breasts with a timestamp or leave this board now that youve outed yourselves as females?
It's not common but it does happen.
It's primarily due to the peptide hormone that facilitates labour, oxytocin. It is the driving force behind potentiating sexual arousal via mimicking dopamine in the nucleus accumbens.
Lactation follows a similar paradigm, oxytocin is the driving force behind pair-bonding with the inflant as to reward the mother and reinforce caring about feeding the infant. It just so happens that since the hormone mimics the primary reward and gratification anticipation neurotransmitter, dopamine, the wires get a little crossed.
We all gave our mummies cummies
you are liek littel babby
Women wanna have sex with attractive people, just like us. I don't care if a bitch is a slut with a shit personality as long as she looks good. Imagine wanting to be in a committed relationship with somebody.
>17th birthday vs 23rd birthday
Very pure, especially because I'm pretty sure it's the same guy.
>2010 vs 2018
How did it go so wrong
She's probably a Califag or U.S. northeasterner. They often pretend to find plastic monsters attractive in much of those places for reasons yet to be understood.
>2010 vs 2018
M8 look at 2010 are you autistic or something? She's clearly not a good person just look at her! It's the face if pure evil man like a soia boys face except instead of beta it shows evil.
>Imagine wanting to be in a committed relationship with somebody.
Haha just imagine hahaha someone accepting you for who you are and loving them unconditionally in return hahahahaha who even wants that
I wish I had a fembot gf to love and relate to. I want to die.
i want to lick those lovely pedicured goddess toes
why do roasties have the same banter? its cringe
Tbf these are the kind of satire women on Twitter makes. Quite funny
fuck off, you are like a broken record.
incel this, incel that, virgin you, virgin he.
everyone would think you are an annoying retard, even non-incels.
I calm the urge by remembering that given my male family history - cheating grandfather, cheating father (I literally exist cus Pa cheated on his then-wife, then he cheated on my mom too), and how I react to situations when not calm (verbally lash out), it's exceedingly likely that any relationship I enter before sorting my shit out is going to end up in abuse of some sort and general unhappiness.
It doesn't help much, but I believe it's true, so it does help a liiittle bit
why do so many people stop loving each other after having kids?
Am I the only one annoyed this caption doesn't end the countdown sequence with "POS car and no house" or something? Why go 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-0-0? Oh God, this makes me autistic doesn't it
humans, like animals, lose interest in one another once they have fulfilled their main biological goal in life.
This is why Jow Forums is for gay men ONLY
no, Jow Forums is for loners of all kind.
gay, bi, hetero, trans, whatever.
this is not a board only for people who share your sexual preference.
there's for that.
nah you homos are boring prudes
>I love women I would worship women all day long
You wouldnt be lonely if you gave boys a chance
>Blonde babies when both the guy and the girl are naturally brown
>Same guy
I feel sorry for you
The glamour and fun of a relationship has long since faded away as soon as kids enter the picture. Kids are also not easy to take care of, and will place strain on every relationship.
so are you advocating forced sexuality change?
that's kinda scummy, to be quite honest.
let heteros worship whatever /ourgirl/ they want.
if someone feels curious, they can always try /r9gay/ and see if men suits him.
let it all come naturally, otherwise you'll just brew a board-wide hatred towards you.
Gay men get sex even easier than females so it is not meant for them.
Take a strawpoll to see the truth. Most want them gone. They want them gone more than fembots.
the normie infestation of this board is complete.
Roastie toastie lol
God I wish that was me
Satire is supposed to be funny. These are just plain cringe.
>this as a female larper makes me cringe
>I love gagging on thick troll cock
but robots want someone that loves them, not just a meatbag to wet their dick...
extremely autistic if you even noticed, sorry, but really.