>saving up money to take boyfriend out to the bay area >brother gets a $1000 credit card bill he can't afford >he wants me to pay for it, but didn't say anything about paying me back
I only make $15 an hour so I don't get to go out much, but when I want to go out I always try to save up for months.
This. Are you a little bit lacking in intelligence?
Daniel Russell
I don't want him ending up in jail so I pay for it.
Joshua Powell
if you stayed in school, you would have known that debtors' prisons have been outlawed for hundreds of years in civilized countries
Mason Lewis
jail will straighten him out. all you're doing is feeding into his mental illness which makes him worse off in the long run. it's not sustainable so stop
Jonathan Myers
I always give my brothers money too. I get back "when I have the money someday I'll help you out if you need it". But it has been years and the same shit happens. The joys of being a doormat. sorry op
Cameron Clark
If he can't afford a bill he shouldn't have spent 1000 dollars with his credit card
Matthew Evans
You truly are pathetic, aren't you? Grow a spine.
Easton Wood
he was buying stuff because "Christmas shopping". He's a normie so secret santa and Christmas parties are mandatory.
Isaiah Thompson
Have fun giving up on having a life of your own because of your retarded brother.
Cameron Johnson
I refuse to believe this is real.
Fuck you
Jose Myers
>He's a normie so secret santa and Christmas parties are mandatory. No theyre not, assuming this is real you and your brother are just a couple of idiots Unless he's just scamming you out of your money, in which case you are the only fool in this story
Hunter Bailey
I've bailed my brother out many, many times due to his poor decisions and every time I come to collect on them, he tries to weasel his way out. Put payments on his car so it wouldn't go into repo, payments on fines to keep him out of jail, money for food when he was in rehab. A few months back, my mom smashed the bumper of my car (a 2017) and I went to get it fixed. Said it takes a few days and I was alright with it. Called my brother and asked him if he could drive me to work and pick me up for 2 days, he said yeah. Well, when it came time to get that ride, I was constantly being given excuses why he can't drive me. Got tired of it and flat out told him he's doing it or else.
Moral of the story, sometimes family is the worst thing to have to deal with. It's your money and he's an adult. Let him deal with the consequences of his actions.
John Morris
Also, to add on to this, they won't take him to jail on a credit card balance. They'll send it to collections/court to make him pay it. Unless the money is for fines, even parking tickets can get you a shitty warrant if you ignore them and pretend they'll go away.
Gavin Hill
Grow a spine and tell him to fix his own problems.
Carter Taylor
You're a bad person for enabling your brother. When he lands up in jail it will be because you deliberately took the consequences of his actions on yourself, in order to make yourself feel like a martyr. Letting him blow $1000 on dumb shit and then saving him is like patting a dog every time it shits on the floor.
He should pay you back, because not paying your debts is degrading and makes you a shitty person. You should make him pay you back, because you're his brother and you want to make sure he doesn't degrade himself.
Nathan Walker
Also, typical "femanon" with a bf. Fuck off and die, you're just a normie.
Christopher Hernandez
imagine caring about some random retarded assigned to you at random when you were born
Wyatt Gray
How do you just "get a $1000 credit card bill?" That's not something that just happens to you, not like a car repair bill or a hospital bill. You accrue that bill with your spending: you make it happen.
>I don't want him ending up in jail so I pay for it. Because he'd turn to petty crime if you didn't? So he's basically extorting money from you. Maybe he should end up in jail: why shelter him from the consequences of his actions? Do you feel guilty toward him in some way?
Mason Miller
>Christmas party coming up, but you have no money. Better use that credit card with a $5,000 limit!
Wyatt Sanchez
Don't do it lad, I've made a 13000 pounds loan for my brother and the fucker never paid me
Xavier Thomas
Tell your brother to get You Need A Budget so he can budget and reduce his debt. I am using You Need a Budget and it really helps to see where your money is going.
Alexander Davis
My brother racked up nearly that amount and just ignored the creditors, I don't think you can go to jail for this sort of thing. Also the bay area sucks and 1 grand ain't gunna get ya far over there. Book cheap plane tickets months in advance and live it up in asia somewhere for a week
Ryder Sullivan
lol im from the bay. Plenty of chads here u can fuck why fly out some bf who's probably a piece of shit anyway?
William Lewis
I live in the bay area , you should cuck your bf and move in with me.
Julian Taylor
Tell him you dont have any money
Owen Miller
are you the only one paying for it? why not halfsies?
Wyatt Cruz
Lol look at this dumb slut
Dylan Brown
>I know I act like I like you but I'd rather give all my money to some other man who is probably a retarded junkie >I was going to take you out on a nice trip but instead saved for months to pay off his credit card debt >don't worry, he didn't buy me anything so it's not *like that* or anything I'm sure your bf will understand. I've been in a similar situation. I wanted to treat a girl to two weeks in a fun place. Picked a nice hotel with hottub and sauna, reservations to fancy ass restaurants, massage, even picked out a couple sets of cute clothes and jewelry. Then my mother said sister was in trouble with the law and had to pay to go to rehab in some 'expensive' place or she's going to juvie. They needed like 2k or something. So I did what any sensible loving person would do and had a fucking blast for two weeks and my girl was so cute in the stuff I got her. Food was really good too. Sister still in juvie last I heard and this was back in October when they needed money.
or better yet, why not pay none of it since it's his credit card and his debt?
Sebastian Hernandez
top kek I had to learn the hard way. My sister always used to only hit me up when she needed money. I love her so much because of our shared childhood and that kept me blind for a while. "It's not like she would actually exploit me", I'd think, and even though she's shitty I don't think she does it on purpose, it's just the situation she ends up in time and time again. Doesn't have a ton of self-control. I have my own problems and don't hold it against her at all, that said I can't screw myself for her and have to be firm now. It takes a while to get to the point where you're comfortable doing that, and even then it can feel bad. This is kinda mostly directed at OP but whatever.
Isaac Wilson
You don't go to jail for owing credit card companies. They'll just try to sue him etc but it takes forever.
Lincoln Wood
I've seen the same exact post except before except it was more believable with having to pay the dad's credit card debt because they don't have their own place. There's no obligation to pay an idiot brother's credit card debt. They need to learn to get a job, save up, and not make payments they cannot afford. Bailing them out just makes them keep doing it.
Nathaniel Williams
let him end up in jail because that's what it'll take for him to learn