what's the best way to cope with being ugly?
What's the best way to cope with being ugly?
suicide is the solution to everything
work hard to making shit loads of money
The fourth guy from front to back is actually cute
Fulfilling career
Normal hobbies
Substance abuse
Paranoia about some greater conspiratory elements to society that makes appearance seem inconsequential
Regular exercise
A sense of purpose
Look at yourself in the mirror. Look long and hard. Then get on the roof of your house, or better yet, the tallest building you have access to, and shout as loud as you can: I'M UGLY AND I'M PROUD. Over and over again until you believe it.
Charisma for genuine human relations.
Money for fake human relations.
Delude yourself into thinking that valuing physical appearance is shallow, try to focus about other things in life like social status or intelligence.
Get style my dude. For real, you can cover up a lot of the ugly just by dressing well and acting confidently.
Embrace it and fuck bitches.
Seriously? a SpongeBob reference? Grow up you stupid manchild
Success is a lie, only 10% of people make good money
drugs. your welcome BITCH
Improve your game and learn PUA. It's that simple and it worked for me. My life changed after reading The Rational Male, you should read it too.
Plastic surgery, drugs, and working out.
Realize that it really doesn't or shouldn't at least mean that much, specially if you're a man, and live your life. That's what I do and it works just fine. No need to pretend everyone's beautiful and etc etc either.
You want the cope? Alright well women nowadays are shit so who cares, normies blindly follow trends so who cares, Chad doesn't even bully you because you're not good enough to even be bullied, basically who gives a shit if you're ugly you don't even need to look good anymore because the rewards are shit!
>b-but muh sex!
There have been many threads from anons saying they had sex and they're still miserable so no sex is not the answer.
Nothing worse than being ugly, not even being handicapped or inept in some way, legit.
I realized how ugly I really am recently desu. It really didn't affect me while i was a teenager and shit, I was more bothered coping about other things that weren't even bad but actually above average.
after some advice from ratings and me objectively taking a look at myself, I have good features INDIVIDUALLY (hooded eyes, sharp jawline, nice eyebrow and nose ridge, good skin and no acne, lips look normal) but all of that TOGETHER doesn't fit me at all
I basically look pretty ugly desu. and I'm baby faced too (and I'm not even a manlet)
probably gonna kill myself if I'm not making millions this time next year, I swear to god. It's not worth it. I'm aware of why I don't get female attention, accepting it and coping helps immensely and makes it easy but in that case I don't have a fucking purpose.
do you honestly believe attracting bitches the only thing that can make you happy?
Shuaibymaxxing desu
Not the OP, but yes
just wear a hat when you go out like me bro
not really, I just want to look normal for the sake of my own mental health and also be treated normally by others. I'd love to be average but unfortunately I'd need to pay several thousand $ for that privilege
Get ugly friends and an ugly partner
But I don't want friends or a partner.
It's just a drug...really, it only makes you more miserable. nothing cures the fact that you missed out on those valuable experiences in high school..i tried to fuck it all away by fucking literally any female that walked...didn't work. just a sex addiction and first and experience as to just how terrible women truly are. you think their bad,,,no, they are much worse than any amount of words could ever hope to convey.
at this point, I truly do recommend suicide to all the short and or ugly dudes, it doesn't get any better and all you will do is suffer. suicide really is the most logical choice.