What are some of the chaddest and some of the virginest champions in the game?
/r9chad/ - League of Chads general
"Virginest"? How could someone be more virgin than another? You are either a virgin or you aren't. This doesn't make any sense. Even spellchecker has it underlined in red. You done fucked up OP.
You don't even understand what I'm pointing at, yet you talk shit.
Fuck off, imbecile.
Support players are faggots. Prove me wrong.
Virgin-tier reply lad.
Please, return to reddit.
There isn't much for you here.
What an absolute mess. You all should feel bad
the most virgin is darius
Taric most masc.
Is that where the Chads hang out?
He is not THE most virgin, but he's up there.
When you consider we have shit like Kayn and Aatrox...
singed is pure masc. He has taken down the twin towers with his eyes.
I appreciate the good old faggot.
He is an iconic character and the game wouldn't be the same without him.
Why is it when I have Singed on my team, he feeds his ass off?
I am merely an instrument of his will. If he decides that this game must be lost, then it must be lost and I am powerless to stop it. Do not blame the prophet for enacting the will of the God.
Blessed is his Light.
It sure is, buddy.
Now hurry up, you don't want to miss anything.
Here's what actually happens.
Both of you are virgins. There, argument settled.
Teemo is the chad of yordles
Rumble is the virgin of yordles
Tristana is the stacy of yordles
Poppy is the becky of yordles
Lulu is the fembot of yordles
Veigar is the robot of yordles
Hahaha holy fucking shit. Posts like that are exactly why I no longer go to reddit
>Teemo is the chad of yordles
based singedposter
Chaddest: rammus zac gnar
Virginest: yasuo riven teemo draven soraka veigar
Aggro supports are k, dragging baby-ass ADCs for the ride
I support the notion but what a way to start a thread, eh?
Thinking about the masculinity of fictional characters (with often overblown stories)
The game should be renamed to "Sleep of Legends".
I rarely play 2 games in a row, like I just did.
Holy shit, I almost fell asleep during the second one.
I played Neeko mid with kda 9/0/18, and yes, we won.
Seriously, after the laning phase, we just walk around the map waiting to catch some idiot.
After that, the teamfight is pretty much won.
Teemo is either mega virgin or mega Chad.
>playing norms or being silver
yeah no shit it's boring
Also I can't play more than 2 games in a row either im in full damage control
a-user.. i...
i-i mean...
Yeah, it was a normal game, lol.
Dude, what are you talking about?
When were we talking about masculinity of characters?
Should I actually try Dota? People say it's a better game.
its not, the rumors are fueled by ignorant jealousy/elitism fueled bitter russian bots
dont bother, league is just superior, the turn rate is actually such a stupid mechanic, yikers
>the turn rate is actually such a stupid mechanic
It does sound stupid and unfun, but maybe the game is worth checking out.
When it comes to video games, I'm more of an observer and a shit-talker then a dedicated player.
For this very reason I gave Fortnite a go.
The game is shit, but it was kinda fun at times.
What is that suposed to mean?
I have a crush on a fellow league of legends player
How do I get them to marry me and let me knock them up?
Mundo is clearly the most chad champion, you see how ripped he is?
I don't play this shitty game but holy shit I wanna fuck Akali.
that one is actually fake but I wouldn't doubt that exact scenario has happened to a redditor.
If anyone wants to play add me! Ultra Cuck
FUCK OFF to /lolg/ you cancerous turd.
On topic tho, i think Tryndamere is the ultimate chad. I mean the dude literally doesnt die for 5 seconds while bashing the enemy carries with 1000dmg crits.
Dunkmaster Darius is the definition of a Chad
What are some of the Chad female champions (are Chad picks)?
No waifufagging bullshit.
Vladimir has a Chad playstyle of not giving a fuck.
However, most of his skins (including deafult) are kind of gay.
Blood Lord skin is passable, I actually got it for free from Riot a couple of years ago.
Rammus is def a chad champ, he doesn't have any fancy type of movement he just rolls really fast right into someones ass, taunts them and kills them. Very little technical skill going in but massive results, how much more chad could it be
Illaoi, Sejuani
Shyvana, Vi, Kat, Syndra and Annie
Leona and Diana also.
Sadly, all of them have waifufag sexualised skins.
Skarner is probably the most robot champion. Nobody picks him and he's really lonely
His ult embodies robot. A point and click drag suppression, on a character who can only walk up to people slightly fast
If you've burnt yourself out on league DotA is a refreshing experience for sure. There's a plethora of completely new champions, items, mechanics and combinations thereof.
>be me, 6 yo, after sunday school
>dad talks to priest and i wait for them to finish so we can go home
>get bored so start running around them, jumping and kid shit
>while behind priest decide to hide under his robe, thinking it will be funny
>quickly pull up the robeand get under it
>while getting up put hands above head to make way through the robe
>priest wasn't wearing any underware so end up fisting him elbow deap, ass was super loose
>priest falls down, moaning/screaming
>dad pulls me by the leg from under his robe not realizing what is going on
>picks me up to make sure i'm fine and not hurt or anything
>hand is completely shit covered and i hug him in the proces getting shit all over his hair and neck
>we both puke immediately because worst smell ever
>priest storms away yelling we have to immediately leave
>dad takes me to the bathroom to wash us up, i puke one more time
>to this day he thinks the priest shat himself, not knowing i actually fisted him
If I try DotA out, will I be matched with other noobs, or will I get destroyed by moderately experienced players?
Something inbetween that.
You'll definitely be able to beat some plays, and you'll get shit on by others.
I felt like it was decently balanced even tho I probably contributed to losing most of the games.
Try to like look up a guide on what to buy or something or whatever so you're not completely useless like I was, I was just looking for those lit oneshots.
Faked but i kek'd.
Fuck League
Fuck Dota
Fuck Smite
Fuck Heroes of Newerth
Fuck Heroes of the Storm
and fuck the JANITOR
Then what IS a good game then?
Are you gonna say games are for faggots and soiboys or something?
I may try it out.
I enjoy exploring games and understanding why other players like them, etc.
I've been playing a lot of Neeko recently.
I know a lot of waifufags like her, or whatever, but I just enjoy the playstyle and I think she's a cool character.
Comes down to personal preference of course.
I personally like the Soulsborne games, older Battlefields and Deus Ex.
I played League from 2012 until April of last year and I don't miss it one bit.
Chaddest Yasuo Teemo Fizz Zed most norms that get into the game play them Virgin champs are all adcs Renekton Darius Urgot
Is that even a question? Just look at this fucker right here, chad character for chad players
Fuck you
Fuck Riven mains
Fuck league
Fuck norms
Fuck this posting
Fuck norms that play league
based chad support reporting in. i have started playing kayn mid and am winning
why is this thread allowed? this belongs in fuck off and stop shitting up the board even MORE
gragas is clearly the ultimate chad, massive man, chugs booze more than he drinks water. hands bigger than your head and could crush you like a grape, doesn't give a fuck about your opinion will just headbutt you, walks around in the snow in just a loincloth
Guys, the real question is, Demacia or Noxus?
demacia the virgins that fear magic, noxus the chad that accepts only those that are strong
Sylas may be right, but he's still gay.
Noxus is full of internal conflicts and rely too much on brute force. In the end Demacia would win
Dunkey was right.
League is not about:
>the laning phase
>mid game
>late game
>the items you build
It is about when both teams wander around the map, which team's dumbass will get caught first.
When dumbasses are caught, the teamfight is lost, gg.
Gragas is too sexualised.
Why is he not wearing a shirt?
try playing in a elo thats not silver
thats not right at all
if you have a good lead 4v5 teamfights are no problem
im technically not high elo but 70+% winrate up until plat 3 is no problem
Can you fuck off with this normie trash tier game to reddit? This shit is on a level with fortnite holy fuck
It's exactly the opposite.
If you are in silver, yet top good for it, you can pull off some crazy shit.
When everyone is doing good, you have to catch someone.
Then it's gg.
Sure, you can have normal 5v5 teamfights too, this is more unpredictable.