How are you my nordic brothers and sisters? What dies life look like for you at the moment?
Nordic r9k
Other urls found in this thread:
i want to die more than ever
Typical for finn I guess. Also finfag here
What makes you wanna die user?
Are there really no nordic anons here today?
India here. We have it worse.
suicide on my mind 24/7 and nothing brings me joy anymore
I can barely write in Swedish cause I barely speak it since I'm a shut in.
Moldovan here. I am currently doing very bad. Please send gabenbucks.
nordic man~ the ones i like the best~ naked on their knees worshiping my feet
Nah they mongols
t. American who's ancestors came from Norway in 1850
empty, cold and dark. i have nothing except vidya, music and you guys.
Well finland is a nordic country, we might have mongol ancestry but we are nordic.
How do you all know how to speak english? Fuck off. Soviets should have wiped the floor with you
Geez man seems like you guys are all depressed. We should collectively cheer up
Same man, its so shitty and dark outside so i just spend my time sitting at home fapping to degenerate porn
si eu sunt moldovean.
nu stiam ca Moldova se afla in nordul Europei...
Since when? Not in the last century at least
Good public shool and also all finnish media is garbage so we consume american shows and learn english online
Umm where did you go to school bro? This is basic geography
har du disco?
you are confusing nordic with scandinavian user
Swedish here. Im doing quite alright, got a nice gf, currently working abroad temporaily, 28 years old. I guess I dont really belong on this board but I keep coming back cause its interesting to read just how low people can go in their own self hatred and how you guys constnatly try to push eachothers down.
I was depressed too once, and it took some time of complete isolation and then later backpacking around the world before I got over it and found meaning, self esteem and ambition.
You guys should note that Scandiavia has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, and nobody can really explain why, some say its cause of the dark and cold weather, some cause of our strong welfare, but nobody really knows. I guess Finland are the worst, pretty much every Finn I met has had some sort of depression, social anxiety or alcoholism.
I was barely outside all of last year.
Ja, men mitt sprak aer ururselt.
fucking happy swede kys fag
fuck, you might be right. ight you got me.
Yes finland is second in suicides to japan
Its because its dark and shitty and the fucking culture sucks ass. There is nothing to do in this garbage ass country other than to study and sit at home doing nothing but self loathe
it's a good source for basic stuff
Only reason i go outside is because my parents force me or i have to go to school
Ai dreptate. Eu am uitat
>Use no other source of information as a counter arguemnt
Fucking american degenerates no wonder you retards are slowly dying of poverty
Please go speak gibberish somewhere else. Lets keep this englis/nordic languages
Det aer lugnt kompis. Adda mig Kool#7589
I live with only mom and she doesn't care if I stay indoors 20 hours a day lul.
Enlightened Latin descended language > filthy barbarian germanic one. Sorry snow ape.
sorry man, just helping a geographically-confused user from my country
Well I guess nothing can beat Japan since Suicide is almost poetic over there and is well intergrated into their culture, it's a legit option to express yourself which is kinda fucked up but still.
I think the least depressive scandinavian people are the danish. For some reson most danes are chill as fuck and just generally very happy and comfortable, usually does very well socially, or just has a very casual attitude.
Sometimes I can hate myself for wasting time and just being idle too much, not showing enough respect to my family, not taking care of my body or my studies as much as I could have done, but I guess in the end im fine.
What really makes me depressed is how my once great and revered country has turned into an internet meme, and how I literally cant leave the house without hearing arabic being spoken everywhere, and old people looking in the trash for cans to sell cause their pension has been completely cut in order for the government to finance more immigration.
Good source for jewish tricks
>be me
>have money
>have good credit
poverty? maybe you live in poverty with your EU globalism but I sure as hell don't.
>Latin decended language
>Live in the most politicly polarized country
>15% of the country living in poverty
>Crippling health care costs
>President in collusion with the russians
I rather live in the muslim infested shithole EU is than the degnenerate ass country the US is
Not feeling too good boys. It's hard being in the 20s, no education, no gf and never had a job. I used to be scared of death, now it's the only thing that keeps me going.
I'm going to start uni in september though, so i guess i'll have a candidate when i'm 30. Who'd want to hire a 30 year old with no previous job history though?
Long and dark winters likely play a part
Us icelanders have the highest rate of anti-depressant consumption in europe
McDonalds does, original answer
Well I wouldn't say the radical islamification is a better option than living i a country with less than 4% unemployment and also freedom of speech.
Seems like bit of a waste to do 6 years of uni, get a candidate in economics and business admin to work at mc D. But i guess i can't be picky in my situation. Thanks user.
Apologies. I tend to forget the northern savages dont possess the mental capacity to grasp glorious Latinate speech.
Just saying that if nothing else works out for you, you have options
You fucked up the Norwegian flag
You're right user. You usually are.
Excuse me? I'll have you know that I'm half portuguese and I speak portuguese so don't go telling me I can't comprehend it.
Oh look at that you are right. I just grabbed this feom google
Mc Donalds isnt even that bad in Scandinavia, A norwegian working at mc donalds makes on avarage 20 USD an hour, which is well enough to support yourself. Also, nearly all of our Uni and training is government funded, we even get paid for doing it. Personally I would recommend getting an apprenticeship cause then you'd be making a lot of money for just 8-9 months of school and 1 year of training.
Then you have called yourself disgusting. Kek.
No just the languages
>top left
the average citizen here doesnt see political polarizing effects, it's all media flair. literally no one cares outside of major cities on the west coast.
that 15% is mexicans and niggers in the hood
i dont use the healthcare so idgaf
>muh russians
europoos like you have a screwed vision of the US because you are gullible for media tricks and jewish lies.
Norwegian here.
I'm fine, thank you.
I know, I didn't notice when grabbing the pic from google
Hey, not depressed, nice!
Entering day 26, 27 or 28 of constantly being drunk, wake up drunk, drink more, pass out, rinse and repeat.
Haven't contacted my boss or HR, gotten 3 to 10 calls a day from both (accumulated) but don't reply, and texts..
Was there about once or twice a week August and September, still employed today but haven't got payed since October about 60% low income salieri.
I'm just so fucking tierd of this bullshit called life.
Too much of a beta cuck faggot to kms as expected from a Swede.
Bruh, sort yourself out user. But the bottle down geez.
Are the immigrant memes as bad as they sound?
It's not even a bottle, it's those cheap ass 7.5% piss water lager that's even cheaper in amount of 40% CL than the cheapest bottle
There is no point in writing here because every other nordic country hates us anyway.
t. Swede
Laeg ner bror.. Vi mo vara hatade men vi har varandra
Ar du fran Skane
Sorry, Dalarna
Gjorde inget under 2018 kommer nog inte gora nagot under 2019 heller
Norwegian her, i was feeling alright until i saw that attempt at a norwegian flag
Hvor i Norge er du fra? Vil du vaere min fren?
>Drar til Sverige/Danmark
>spor en svenske eller danske om noe
>De svarer pa engelsk
Min svenk ar mycke daligt. Finfags cant all speak swedish sorry
No they are just about right. Sweden has been almost completelt ehnicly cleanced in many major cities.
This has even affected our gender balance since the 75% of all migrants are men. I went out once with my girl and her friends to a dance club and it was shocking what has happened in the past 10 years, it was literally only men, and more than half of those were arabs. Just men everywhere, standing alongside the walls and starring at people dancing while sipping on their coca cola. The few girls who were there were dancing, and there was a pack of men dancing around them, trying to get inside their circle. The girls looked generally very uncomfortable over the whole situation and were probably being grabbed a lot.
On buses you hear 50% swedish and 50% arabic. I think Mohammed is the most common boy name.
Also on TV (government funded), the only thing they ever talk about is greatness of multiculturalism. There will always be some white girl with green hair talking about evil white swedish men.
School has almost completely broken down cause students just dont give a shit anymore.
A lot of Swedes lives home with their parents cause we have a very long housing queue, and the government prioritze migrants to have them cause it will help intergration and "reduce far-right propaganda".
Hospitals today require proffessional guards cause threats and violence towards doctors and nurses has exploded in recent years.
Our military isseverely underfunded, nearly half of the nation budget goes to intergration projects.
There has been a lot of talk of banning certain Swedish traditions, taking down statues of old kings and replace them with something more "inclusive and modern", and to introduce Arabic to schools.
Pensions has been cut to the very limit. Many pensioners now who lives on the edge of economic collapse and its really heartbreaking.
It wont be long before we as a whole are a minority, and swedes will be nothing but a footnote in history. Truly fucked up
>den kaenslan naer du aer en levande stereotyp
Svenskene vokste ikke opp med norsk barne-TV slik vi vokste opp med svensk TV, saa de forstaar oss ikke like lett som vi forstaar dem.
Og dansker er dansker.
Half Dane half Spanish here. Don't feel like I belong anywhere. Parents and grandparents dislike me and realized the mistake they made breeding me and my sisters.
In recent days, swedes understanding for both Norwegian and Danish have been on an incline... the only thing you need to understand is somewhat understanding about the world and preferably above 90IQ.
But that's too much in todays Sweden, and everyone tries to do ghetto swedish instead bcuz drugs are cool but not alcohol
Jeg er fra Bergen. Min kuk er hard. Hva skal jeg gjoere?
Don't forget about the smell on those fucking busses... It's so fucking repulsive
All that nigger sweat and Arab 3 gallon perfume
Oh please, not these. I am Nordic but I do not wish to reveal my nationality. Because in that case I have to witness all of my countrymen avoiding me in this thread. They always do, at any foreign board. That is because my WAY OF EXPRESSING MYSELF, even in English, is so different from them. And anyone who is different, in an inexplicable way, will be considered less intelligent or mentally ill by the others. Also, we have to count that if you post on a foreign board, and come across your countrymen, they might think that you expect them to socialize with them, and obviously, no one wants socialize with a less intelligent or mentally ill person. So they flee. It's quite different for me to post on domestic forums though, there you are not expected to socialize with people you discuss with, so my countrymen are actually replying to me. Except in those threads where people share their favorite music or movies, as in those threads you are expected to socialize with people. Also I get to discuss with foreigners on foreign boards, as they can't spot how different I am compared to my countrymen. The only thing they see are the possible grammar mistakes.
Do not know if anyone else has this problem of being ostracized by their countrymen on foreign boards.
Also guess my nationality.
Varfor ar svensken brun user?
>Acting like a faggot
I guess sweden
Dude all you had to do was not to post here..
But I guess you're just too special and just had to tell us.
Immigration joke
What do you mean by "faggot"? Just curious. And no, not Swedish.
Kunde tanka mig det gor mig triggered
Gay whiny bitch thats what I mean by faggot
Danish incel here. 23 yo virgin. Life is absolutely shit. Bad childhood. Extremely difficult to find a partner even for men much better than myself.
Very close to suicide but keep offsetting it every time.
Sad to hear, hope life get better for you
It's just something that is DEEPLY bothering me. It's been going on so long. And I have no explanation to it. I can only guess that my style of expressing myself is somehow strikingly different from that of my countrymen, as they are avoiding me the way they do, on foreign boards and in domestic threads of sharing one's interests. This reason for them to ostracize me is probably the same as the reason why so many of them ostracize me in the real life (although they have to communicate with me to some point there). That is why it would be important to know what it is. It is painful to be constantly rejected not knowing what is the reason for it. If you are ugly or stupid or autistic or disabled, then you at least know why you are being rejected.
Well, guess it's the forever riddle.
I'm not a Nordicfag, but have a question. I'm trying to learn Swedish so I can talk to my best friend in his native tongue, but how the fuck do you make the sju/sk sound?
this is completely wrong but the closest I can get
As a Swede, can agree to this. Old people have really taken a beating in the last years. In most preschools classes consist of 10 arabs \niggers and 1-2 swedes.
Immigrants just keep making children for welfare gibs.
The language they speak sounds like an angry fucking terrorist yelling at each other.
It might get better in a couple of years, crime isnt that bad here.
Hate going outside though
Not too bad. I'm a finn tho and finnish swedish is a bit different to real swedish, we'll see what they say about it
It's not whining, if someone wants to know what is wrong with them. It is any human's basic need to be accepted by other humans, and if that does not happen, you want to know the reason for it. But I guess you are 15 or something so you probably do not understand.
as if americans don't have a screwed vision of european countries
Finland is the most npc country I know of and the only thing this country has going for itself is free neetbucks.
not XDDD not XDDDDDD at all
You know you could have started off differently though? Like you don't have to start ranting firt thing. And especially not like you did. "Oh countries? WYHY DOES EVERYBODY HATE ME REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!1!1!1!1!!!!!!!!!????????!?!?!???!!?"
>I think the least depressive scandinavian people are the danish. For some reson most danes are chill as fuck and just generally very happy and comfortable, usually does very well socially, or just has a very casual attitude.
Load of fucking shit. All Danish women are whores. Extremely difficult to find a decently looking partner (most beautiful women but extremely hard to get). Weather is gray, cold and it is dark constantly.
>Not feeling too good boys. It's hard being in the 20s, no education, no gf and never had a job. I used to be scared of death, now it's the only thing that keeps me going.
>I'm going to start uni in september though, so i guess i'll have a candidate when i'm 30. Who'd want to hire a 30 year old with no previous job history though?
I'm mid 20s and in your position. Also a virgin.
Don't ever waste time with uni or the likes unless you are above average in intelligence (don't fool yourself).