what the heck to do? It's really depressing
all those years feels like a waste now, as i spent it doing gaming an useless stuff.
I just turned 24, it feels like my life is over
Probably just kill yourself, modern life peaks at 21
Your life is pretty much over once you're past 25, yes.
There's no obligation to do anything while living, just do whatever you think is right and try finding a purpose for yourself.
Get a comfy job, make a living, play more vidya, enjoy yourself and have fun.
You don't have to accomplish anything major, just stop fucking worrying and leave the heavy lifting to the faggots who have something to prove.
Imagine how you will feel at 30.
Maybe you should do something about that. 24 is still pretty young. You've got time.
it does, but your dopamine receptors are fucked at this point
Just enjoy yourself, then die when you feel like living has become too troublesome. It's the only rational thing to do.
25 is when most people "biologically mature"
your body will tell you that youre an adult now and everything is shit
gayming isnt useless
Can confirm.
>Register on InterPals for kicks.
>Nobody allows 25+ to message them
Nigger I just turned 24 today too and it was shit. Get out of my head.
26 no internship no friend no job out of college. I probably will kill myself once I run out of parental money
Cool, fucking kill yourself then, you fucking faggot.
Why don't you start by opening a blog about it instead of making pointless threads on /v/ you fucking faggot?
Every minute you waste before 30... is a minute you'll look back on and... enjoy.
Left or right?
Who cares what normalfags think, I live for christ.
I love Piero. Shame his stuff tends to be on the abusive side of things
24 is probably the point where ppl realise they are adults now.
is this piero
why are their boobs so small
Every thread on /v/ is pointless.
You’re allowed to play games user. It’s far better than a lot of the shit the public watches for entertainment
22 years old
No girlfriend (never had one)
No friends
No job
Haven't left my house since I lost it
want to die every day
Nigger find stuff you enjoy and do it. I got depressed when I tried to do normieshit and get a "useful hobbies".
You can tell it's Piero because of the weird way he draws eyes.
I am proud of my knowledge of hentai artists god dammit!
Soon you'll have to grow up and be an adult.
Just know that it doesn't get any better from here
Don't believe these lies. It can get better but only if you work towards that goal. If you just let yourself be carried by the river of time, then yes, it will only get worse.
When I grow up, I want to be... a video game player!
There are 2 kinds of people browsing /v/: those brave enough to kill themselves when they’re 24, and those losers who are too afraid to kill themselves. Do you really want to be the latter?
As long as you aren't 25+ and hikki NEET you're okay
31 years old
shitty job
still want to die every day
Hi I'm two and a half months away from being 27 and I have nothing to show for it whatsoever
>Hit 27
>No exercise and junk food caught up with me hardcore
>Constant dull ache in my lower back, knees and ankles
>Have no energy to do anything
Don't neglect your body, it will bite back.
You probably have a job at least
Shit I enjoy life now a lot more than I did when I was young and broke. It's amazing how much having some actual money improves your life.
Go get some exercise. You'll feel better in a month from just walking a bit.
If you have the money get a few friends together and visit another country/state/whatever. I'm not that long coming back from a trip to Krakow in Poland and it was a fucking blast. Beautiful city centre and a great place to visit if you're a history buff like I am. Lots of cheap but nice places to eat and drink.
There are a lot of worse things you can do than play video games mate. There are people younger than you on life sentences for example.
You're not some 50 year old, just get off your ass and start working out
just turned 26
feel like its just about to begin
git gud son
seriously just like 20 30 mins of walking a day or every other day will make you stop feeling like shit real fast maybe some light jogging
>what the heck to do?
Age one more year and look back at what an emo faggot you were being. You arent actually an adult until youre 25 and if you dont agree with that statement you will when you turn 25.
Going from no exercise for three decades to exercising isn't an overnight thing m8. It'd take a solid three months to even maintain a decent routine.
>turning 24 soon
>everything is shit
>everything has always been shit
>plateau of shit
Maybe I was a pessimistic kid but life seems to be a pretty consistent level of shit, I just have more freedom to wallow in the shit in different ways now.
oh yeah you could be a criminal.
One I hate as a constant source of stress. It's also only on a casual basis.
You need a plan. Try to figure out where you'd like to be by 30 and take steps to get there. It doesn't even matter if you end up where you planned, it just gives you goals and something to focus on.
t. was in a similar position to you a year ago
When I say start working out i obviously don't mean start doing marathons. Even a nicely paced stride is good if you do it consistently.
25 years old
no gf
amazing job
still want to die every day
m-maybe a gf would fix that?
This. I felt like this from 23-25 and now I'm 27 and much more worried about the specific things I'm trying to achieve. And getting an expensive illness.
Stop watching moeshit anime
Mabye stop whining and man the fuck up?
Life has been shit for every human, everybody has their shitty problems and things they hate and eventually we all die. Stop being a pussy
Fuck off underaged cunt. I'm almost 29 and have wasted literally every second of my life.
Left would be better for paizuri
Why man up when you could just kill yourself? It’s not like it would get any better later.
I just gave up and live off neet bux now. The job market doesn't want an autist with a work gap, not even McDonalds will hire me. I'm fairly smart and I've been thinking about ways to earn a little extra cash on the side, but the regular work market is closed for me.
Life is not shit for attractive people and women.
Both please
Nah man, just avoid that shit
Have you nigs ever tried being thankful for what you have? There are people with much worse lives than yours who whine less.
typical sheltered Jow Forums knowledge tier opinion
fuck off
But that would require me to become a NEET which I have no way of doing.
you: *slurping on cocks* hey boys i've got it just as hard as you *gets spermed on* im depressed and want to die xD
So? This isn't about them. They aren't whining so they must not care. This is about me.
I remember feeling all sad around 25. Now I'm almost 30 and feeling great. Protip girls love older guys, I can easily match with 20 year olds on tinder.
>Those brave enough to kill themselves when their 24.
>Currently browsing /v/
Fuck you asshole. Quit trying to expose our lichdom.
kys grandpa
>I just turned 24, it feels like my life is over
Ha, loser. Just watch more anime and play more vidya.
What does this image mean? Why is what she is doing relevant to the (you)?
And there are people with much better lives. Just because a starving kid is dying somewhere in Africa doesn't mean my life isn't miserable.
thank you user I needed that.
thanks for that quality brainlet reply and further proving my point you whiny sheltered cunt
The IT industry loves autists. Go earn some certs and apply for a job, you'll be working in no time.
Being self centered causes your problems. Sorry, only you can help you.
I recently turned 28 and my life is the worst it’s been in ages. I wish I was 23 again. Feels like my life was at its prime back then.
Now I feel like I have nothing and no one. My two best friends passed away respectively in 2016 and 2017 and my other friends don’t talk to me anymore.
I’m in love with a girl who doesn’t love me back because she isn’t ready for a relationship yet. I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore.
No job either. Used to make a lot of money. Don’t know what I should do for a living. Passionate and skilled in various things but indecisive on which path to take.
The only good thing is that I’ve lost a bunch of weight over th years and I look better. Though I’m losing hair as I age so that’s the downside.
t. depressed
Nice blog.
We are thankful, but thats just not how humans work. We always want to get more and better, partly why we are here today as society. No, we won't feel good because someone else is starving in Africa or baby dies as the baby borns. It's also part of life and so is our sadness. You can still get sad despite being millionaire, good looking, tall, succesful, smart, healthy.
Almost 30 is great. Younger chicks love you. Work is dece. I work out so I look better than ever. Life's good.
That's not fair
Don't worry, bro. You got time to figure your shit out. You're gonna be okay.
Gf broke up with me
Family job where i get good money for doing very little (sounds awesome but feels like shit)
Fell for a shitty meme career
Is it over /v/? Should i study something else before my 30s?
>in love
So you haven't learned anything at your age? That's pretty impressive.
IF you're ugly on the outside it's because you're ugly on the inside.
It sounds like you want to be upset tbqhwy
>dude someone has aids
>you shouldn't be depressed when you don't
why is this fucking argument so fucking dumb?
Not true. You can't help that your bone structure is bad, or that your eyes sag, or you have bad metabolism.
Why would you give that job up? Just find a new girl.
Apparently not. Please teach me oh wise one.
I'm turning 26 this month and I'm kinda tired of my life.
But I refuse to continue this way. This year I'll work to realize my dreams, start working on my own vidya and hit the gym.
This last two years I've done nothing using my work as an excuse because "I'm too tired of working anyway", I don't want this year to be the same
>Missed plenty of the games recently because of work/socializing
>Still haven't finished Hitman 2, Yakuza 0, La Mulana 2, Katamari or World of Light
>RE2 is coming out just around the corner
>Plenty of indieshit I've missed plus plenty of games to emulate
>Just started freelancing on top of it
I'll never understand tired gamers
The good part of gaming is that you forget that you are living this miserable life that is full of pain and really rarely rewarding.
>turn on game
>I instantly get an achievemnt for playing
If you weren't ugly inside you'd eat better work out get a good hair cut. Metabolism is a meme.
maybe stop posting weeb pics in a dead image posting website you stupid nigger and go get a fucking job/degree.
No gf (had one before)
No friends
No job
Haven't left my parent's house in years
Waiting for my mother to die before killing myself having fun with vidya and anime tiddies
The IT industry would probably fit me, but right now I only see outsourcing and automatisation in the near future. Also diversity quotas will fuck me over. If I'm going into debt, I atleast want a fairly good chance of getting a job once I'm done with my education. My life sucks now, but atleast I'm debt free.