Why the fuck do normans like to prevent, dramatize and even romanticize suicide? Why won't they encourage freedom for choosing whatever choice we want regarding our own life, something we were forced into without consent in the first place?
Do you think it triggers their own fear of mortality?
Is it some weird moral thing?
Is it entirely cultural?
Someone help me understand this
Why the fuck do normans like to prevent, dramatize and even romanticize suicide...
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The suggestion that life might not be worth it makes them question the merits of their own lives, and we can't have that now. Essentially, normalfags have a house of cards for their personal sense of value, and it falls apart with scrutiny.
Betas are needed for society. If all those who are unsatisfied with their life killed themselves there would be a shortage of workforce and powerful people would lose power and wealth over it.
Imagine an old society in which half the people are slaves. What happens if all slaves kill themselves? Then half of the remainig population at the very least will have to do the slave's labour. And that's no good.
So religion (a tool for control) has taught people to not an hero for thousands of years. It's assumed to be the moral thing to do, and unlike being a faggot, there's no one to fight for the right to suicide. After all, those who want it the most just die.
And you'd legit make your mother sad.
Tldt its the kikes
The only reason you want to sudoku is because some normans convinced you it was a good idea. A lot of normans disagree. This stuff doesnt come naturally, otherwise you wouldnt be such an attention whore about it. Good luck loser
Suicide is never an isolated act. Theoretically you should be allowed to end your own life but should you be allowed to harm all the people around with your death?
I am not suicidal, but if I were that should be my choice. I do not have to exist for somebody else's well-being.
And what about people who are isolated?
Atleast in America we have an absession with life for the sake of life. Many people also can't see why they would kill themselves so they have a hard time understanding someone else's rational.
youre utterly retarded
>its tha joos dat sey suuisyde is rong
>kyak on a stek
fucking end yourself you gormless caricature
Suicide is usually a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I understand that there are some people who are too far gone but most aren't. OP, please refrain from posting until you have graduated middle school you autistic faggot.
>Suicide is usually a permanent solution to a temporary problem
the man who that quote is commonly attributed to committed suicide
I never understood that phrase. Sure it's dumb as fuck and all, but if you seriously think about it a permanent solution to a temporary problem is ideal in most cases. How is that supposed to disuade.
you don't exist as an individual therefore you should be concerned with the wellbeing of others
If someone is truly isolated then sure but that is an extreme outlier
>but that is an extreme outlier
no it isn't, you are just blind to the suffering around you
no, isolated sufficient to warrant suicide rarely exists outside of solitary prisons
loneliness caused by insufficient relationships is more common but not the same as isolation to the degree that makes suicide acceptable
You are underestimating the number of isolated people in the world, especially in the middle aged and elderly. There are plenty who don't work/have friends and stay distant from their extended families. Once their parents die they have nobody. They should have a right to end their lives if they want.
perhaps instead of arguing for them to kill themselves you should argue for a restructuring of society so that doesn't occur, as it has been for most of human history
still situations where someone is completely and truly isolated is rare, insufficient relationships are the actual issue that occurs more often
That will never happen sadly, normalfags don't give a shit. The least they can do is make painless euthanasia legal, no one should be forced to suffer when they have nothing left to live for
Normans are a bunch of assholes that forbid me from just going to a pharmacy and buying Nembutal to off myself. I hope there's World War 3 and they all suffer horrible deaths.
you speak as if suicide isn't a massively significant act in any context
Because only mentally ill people commit suicide, and you need to protect the mentally ill from their own retard brains. Nobody romanticized suicide. It's only ok with terminal diseases, and not robot meme depression.
>people wanna die because of ill brains
>robots wanna die
>therefore robots have real depression? no, it's meme depression
How the fuck does your train of thought even work? Are you a monkey smacking random keys on a keyboard?
Refer to Everything is temporary. Not everyone can deal with the 'temporary problems' placed on their shoulders. Suicide happens when an individual's suffering exceeds that individual's ability to cope with suffering. It is the breaking of the camel's back so to speak.
>and not robot meme depression
Ever hear what they say about people who make uncalled for assumptions?
>permanent solution to all problems current and future
>this is somehow supposed to be seen as a bad thing
"I-it'll hurt people's feefees!" Is that all you can come up with? Honestly lad.
Survival instinct. We all have the drive to survive as long as possible. And over the course of thousands of years, we've developed group tendencies and have learned to cooperate with others to spur that along. People have adapted to act in collectives. So when some people commit suicide, it's like they're weakening the group's and species' survival, and normalfags obviously don't want that.
They have been conditioned to think suicide is bad.
Suicide is only bad for the govern, you can just escape your debts and all the other shit.
Also killing yourself means that no matter what anyone tells you, in the end you are truly free, as you can always just take your own life instead of bowing down.
Oy vey white man! Don't kill yourself! Keep working for us until you die of natural causes!
>permanent solution to a temporary problem
But that's the whole idea.
>Suicide is never an isolated act
Most acts aren't. Should we stop drinking alcohol and having sex too because it can harm those around us?
>Suicide is usually a permanent solution to a temporary problem
So instead you should drag out your life and wait inevitably for new problems to arise instead of just solving it all in one go. Normalfags, people.
>This nigga
>Get a load of this nigga
Correct, illuminated and conscious.
Bullshit, besides nobody cares about your feelings, the pain is born exactly from caring about the feels of others over your own, this is why robots suffer. Therefore if someone gets hurt from your death, their problem, not yours, you'll be forgotten soon anyway.
Ironic, moronic.
It only applies to normies, they have highs and lows, robots don't.
Sometimes when a normie can't handle the pain, they an hero, this actually makes the most of heroes that happen today, from impulsivity, this is why this saying fits most aspiring heroes.
For a true dark soul who had nothing but suffering in his life, an hero is a perfectly viable career.
Too bad a robot's curioisity overpowers it.
It's a permanent solution to every problem, current and future.
>t's only ok with terminal diseases, and not robot meme depression.