What can i replace masturbation with on nofap? I can't stop thinking about nutting...

What can i replace masturbation with on nofap? I can't stop thinking about nutting, i feel like my brain needs that "fix" of orgasm

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same help only 3rd day in

You can replace it with a girlfriend with a functioning vagina.

assign some more points to your willpower stat

Day 3 I failed again... How do I stop doing this lads?

Just do noporn instead of nofap. Nofap is a fucking joke.

Ram stuff up your ass. Unless you're lucky you'll get bored of it before it sets off an orgasm.

But then I won't get to max my intellect...

a 9mm bullet to the temple

When i fail no fap i make myself run 10 miles as punishment. Havent fapped in 3 weeks lol.

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