The incel phenomenon appears for the first time in thousands of years of humanity history.
Why do you think it appeared? Why does only 0.1% of the population aware of it?
The incel phenomenon appears for the first time in thousands of years of humanity history
Throughout human history 2 women reproduced for every 1 man
>First time
Not to mention 17 women reproducing per 1 man at the start if the agricultural revolution
I assume in the past either
>society was so tight knit that for better or for worse incels weren't allowed to become incels
>men with bad genes died at birth
>men died more in war
>there was no internet so a lonely wierdo had no way of knowing if other were like him
>way more options to go and be alone, join a monastery or temple, or just be a forest hermit
>for most of human history only 1 out of 17 men managed to reproduce
>inceldom is a new phenomenon
What you mean is that for the first time in human history angry guys who can't get laid shitpost together on the internet.
literally because
its that simple
weve had many generations of 1 man = 1 woman but we are starting to revert backwards. only this time there is the internet
certified woman hater here
Yes but have you heard something like the Eliot Rodger affair?
We should also take into account the unprecedented living conditions... Men are born slightly more often but men die sooner for various reasons so it was okay. As life gets better excess males are going to be an inevitability.
Marriage has been all but wiped out in favour of sexual merry-go-round
No civilisation has existed without it, the ones that implemented it, didn't last long
>humans shit out 107 males for every hundred females resulting in hundreds of thousands of excess males in my country alone
>can easily fact check yourself >gender gap doesn't appear so bad on paper because men have lower life expectancy and wars used to happen so older generations are more balanced, however in my age group alone there are hundreds of thousands of excess males
>males are in high demand low supply which is why women can be more picky then men (why you see perfectly adequate males with obese women)
>didn't used to be a problem because we still had wars that were mostly fought by men, also fact checkable
People think it not be like it is but it do.....
>1 or 2 incels go nuts and do horrible shiet
How many non-virgin males have commited crimes?
Almost all mass shooters and serial killers were non-virgins.
>omg le ebil scarry inxel terrorist is a threat to society
Fuck off
sorry meant to say high supply low demand
What if the it escalates?
The main difference is that inceldom lasts longer now. Before neetbux and internet incels were forced to find a job and move out from their parents place. These days it is too easy to live with your parents on neetbux, and the echo chamber of incels gives them the illusion there are many of them. So it takes longer for an incel to grow up.
Non-virgins didn't commit those crimes because they were non-virgins. Incels committed crimes for the one and only reason that they were incels.
oh so it's okay to kill people as long as it's notfor inceldom. The normie brain people.
Before shit was just fucked for the most unfortunate males. You could be a slave your whole life. Noblemen fathered half of the population. Wars killed thousands of men every generation.
We just happen to live in an era of peace and general equality. Inceldom was not possible before in the way it is now, but it did exist.
Ever notice how easily people want to forgive blacks for being criminals because they're poor but incels have no excuse for being outcasts.
this, many of the incels would usually become bandits or mercenaries and get killed early in their lives.
First, they didn't commit those crimes because they were incels, but because they were mentally ill.
Second, on average it's more likelly that a non-virgin commits a crime than an incel.
So your point is?
Percentage of non-virgins who are potentially dangerous killers: 0.00001%.
Percentage of incels who are potentially dangerous killers: 99%.
Because they didn't choose to be black obviously.
Unironically I think now is one of the best times to spread those robot genes, first we had Chad chieftan literally owning every woman in a tribe, then we had Christianity that demanded men and women remain chaste before marriage, which resulted in many men dying wars or for other reasons before they could arrange marriage. Our ancestors were pretty much all Chads, so they'd go around impregnating thots left and right. Even a loser like me got a chance to impregnate a trashy young thot recently, she wouldn't abort it either because poor.
Society has reached the stage where we are living in the mouse utopia.
you have to be kinda high test to be a bandit or a mercenary, so probably not.
>Why do you think it appeared?
because of big government,welfare and single mothers. reduce the government and welfare then women will settle for any man to take care of them. also boys will have more father figures at home to guide them on getting girls.
They chose to be poor though.. are you saying you feel bad for blacks for their skin color? Is it ugly or something?
For comparison,
>At the peak population, most mice spent every living second in the company of hundreds of other mice. They gathered in the main squares, waiting to be fed and occasionally attacking each other. Few females carried pregnancies to term, and the ones that did seemed to simply forget about their babies. They'd move half their litter away from danger and forget the rest. Sometimes they'd drop and abandon a baby while they were carrying it. The few secluded spaces housed a population Calhoun called, "the beautiful ones." Generally guarded by one male, the females and few males inside the space didn't breed or fight or do anything but eat and groom and sleep. When the population started declining the beautiful ones were spared from violence and death, but had completely lost touch with social behaviors, including having sex or caring for their young.
Well get used to us lady because we're here to stay, wait till this single mom generation grows up
eh, it wasn't not really that hard. you only had to know how to swing a blade and follow orders. other than that it was mostly camping in the woods and waiting for some idiot noble to pass through the area alone.
That's not even remotely close to being true and you know it. I mean how could r9k even exist if 99% of us are supposed to be behind bars? So what about all those incels who wouldn't hurt a fly? Oh us normies assume everybody who doesn't waste their life chasing sex is a dangerous person... Not at all like ni---
it's very risky though. you're either an outlaw or you have to participate in battles. either way you have a greater chance of dying.
so only high test men would choose it.
Actually it was about the ability to march, part of why people were shorter is they had to march so much, if you went back in time you'd be surrounded by stocky fit manlets
This is bait but i will answer anyway.
Actually if we consider that there are probably 100's of thousands of incels around the world and only 2 commited crimes, this would be the lowest crime rate of any group of human beings on this planet.
So honesly fuck off normiebaiter
are you saying people with short baby legs are better at walking?
>The incel phenomenon appears for the first time in thousands of years of humanity history.
I doubt that. It's a sign for a decaying society. Happend countless times.
Apparently, especially under the weight of armor
There are maybe a few thousand incels around the world. 2 have killed people that we know of, all others are posting on the internet on how they want to go on a killing spree.
we should remember that there was no entertainment back then. only alternatives you had were either to not do anything and becoming homeless and dying of dysentery quickly, work your land every day and give most of your earnings to some rich cunt or go into battle and die quickly in a glorious way so you can meet your god sooner.
Most incels are minority men and both minorities and men commit all the crime so
birth control and the global scale of our world is why, perhaps welfare as well, giving women full control over their reproductive cycles has had the consequence of creating a culture of entitled single mothers who reap both welfare and child support giving them no reason to maintain a long lasting relationship. Casual sex is the norm and women fucking far above their own leagues is the norm as well. Women currently have inflated perceptions of their own attractiveness and will not settle with someone of equivalency. They need to be more attractive than the woman.
A minor consequence of a societal disaster is the leaving behind of more men than before. Whether they identify as an incel or not theres no telling just exactly how much more disenfranchised, bitter men we have. But theres certainly much more than before.
>women didn't have children outside of marriage before birth control
This is what incels actually believe.
There are 50k incels on r/braincels alone, 80k foreveralone. I think than there are somewhere around 100k incels in USA alone.
In Usa the average crime rate per 100k is 4,9 EACH YEAR.
>are posting on the internet on how they want to go on a killing spree
Shitposting, same as you are doing right now faggot.
>entitled single mothers who reap both welfare and child support
Seriously how can anyone like women with how privileged they are
No, they would become monks and live in a monastery copying and writing books (shitposts) all day.
>this is your brain on reddit
false equivalency and false data on incels. Doesent disprove what he said about the low crime rate among a specified group even if they were majority minority it would only enforce the idea that incels are more typically bitter and peaceful than an average person is violent.
How did they support the child, genius? It wasnt a choice it was a consequence before birth control. Its a choice now. Theres alot of them now.
A certain group of people has spent a lot of resources on abolishing monogamy and traditional familiy structures, replacing them with a culture of whoring roasties
Incels have always existed you underaged retard. Most of our ancestors are women, and most of our common ancestors are men. Meaning most of the women were fucking a small number of the men and it has been the case since the dawn of our species, you little gay faggot.
Men have always got laid. Incels have always been the bottom 0.01% of men.
definitely more than that. The median male has two children, the median female has one. There are 107 men born for every 100 women, so it would be impossible for at least 7 men to have a long lasting relationship. This doesent even take into account all other factors that would add to that 6.7% minimum alone men. Your estimate is 600 times less than where it should be roughly.
In prehistoric times only 1 out 17 men.
Are you doing this intentionally or are you just not informed on the issue user?
nah it's less than that. incels are retarded mutants
only 1 in 17 boys grew to adulthood, that's why. anyone who went through puberty knew how to use his dick lmao
Incels has always been around, they just have the internet now to ree about it.
Women have always been buyers and the men have always been sellers
There were just as many men who couldn't see their shitty stock as there are now.
Back then they just deteriorated in loneliness
Why would 17 times as many females reach sexual maturity as men?
>roasty debates facts she doesn't agree with
because they weren't mentally retarded apes.
That's a lot of cognitive dissonance you got there
you don't need a long lasting relationship to stop being a mutant incel. also in any growing population his math is wrong.
Why is his math wrong? Are you admitting that women are at least inherently privileged in sex?
says the guy who thinks one study that only indicates Y chromosome genes changed rapidly proves that cavemen had harems for thousands of years.
let alone the trillion explanations that we could come up with, every culture evolved to have community/family units and it's literally impossible to be a human male in 2019 and believe the alpha/beta shit is meaningful. 20 years ago up to 90% of men became fathers.
Yes, it's called all of Islam's history.
>in Islam, rich, successful men have harems and fuck all the women
>low-value males get nothing
>low-value males go on jihad to capture wives
In 900AD, Elliot Rodger would have been a jihadi.
Usual bait.
Every animal knows how to insert his dick into a vagina.
And no, you literally have twice as many female ancestors than male. Because the same man fucked multiple women.
Is your excuse really that incels only existed for brief moments? Calling cognitive dissonance once again.
privilege in sex? are you implying you want to be the woman in bed? you want somebody fucking you from behind and cumming in your mouth?
in growing populations the older men have more than enough options in younger partners. also, it's fine to admit you're a failure in the competition. but it's fucking pathetic when you go and say failure is normal and incels are just regular guys. you might as well say that transgenders are just regular christians.
Just a roasty reeing because she's learning women are the bad guys
>The median male has two children, the median female has one.
My bad for replying to you desu
In 900AD, Elliot Rodger would have been an eunuch.
>nah it's less than that. incels are retarded mutants
So you understand that incels don't get laid because they are ugly?
I see that there is hope even for retards like you.
this is bullshit. Medieval life was full of festivals. They had something like 100 feast days a year. Medieval people partied hard.
Incels are ugly on the inside. Everyone knows this. And it's something you can change but you don't want to. You would much rather ree on a Vietnamese cave paintings forum all day long about how much you hate women, than actually go outside and talk to girls.
Here I googled for you don't mention it
Either they were forced to marry the guy or her and her kid would be sent off to a nunnery.
ad homs and strawmans all you can manage as usual
>he has two dads
lucky you :3
incels may or may not have existed for brief moments, but it's more likely given the cycles of growth, spread, and death. not really an excuse for anything, it's just brainlet tier discussion to say that the natural dynamic makes most men non-viable when literally 99.99999% of studies say otherwise. if incels were a significant category of males, it would almost be guaranteed we would stick to short mating seasons rather than fuck all year long.
It's true and you know it, why deny the truth?
Why can't you argue like someone with an average iq
they're just too lazy to change. they have porn.
You forgot to mention "in prehistoric times" in your initial claim, which is what the article is about. It obviously doesn't apply in the modern world.
>become a bandit or merc
>in medieval times
Sounds pretty comfy actually.
No study says otherwise. Humans, like many other animals have sexual dimorphism, and the cost of reproduction for the female sex is much higher. This is why women are picky and men sleep around.
What you suggest is an insane utopian scenario where sexual selection doesn't occur.
Because it would be too complicated for you to understand.
This is true to a certain extent. Also, most of them tend to have dependent traits as well as being emotionally needy.
Kinda like women
And excess males. Face it normies, biology says incels exist.
all studies say otherwise. few males are non-viable. has nothing to do with dimorphism lol. your version of sexual selection would eliminate ugly people, but it turns out they have even more kids
>Incels are ugly on the inside. Everyone knows this
No evidence for this claim. You don't have any stats to prove that incels are not also physically ugly. And people who are "ugly inside" always get in to a relationship. Just look up all the stories about abusive relationships.
>than actually go outside and talk to girls
If you are an ugly guy and you approach a girl she will feel disgusted and scared.
You called incels "mutants", because you know that most of them have a deformed face and are short. Deep down you know this, but you can't accept this. Because this would imply that women are as much superficial as men are (but "women are wonderfull" effect).
Yes, women prefer ugly men. What an intelligent thing to say. You are retarded.
Only wagecucks can be truly be incel when you think about. Voluntarily dropping out of society like NEETdom/some other scheme is removing yourself from the game entirely, making you a voluntary celibate. Male wagecucks are getting fucked over pretty hard by modern cultural norms, but it's their fault for not dropping out to the maximum extent they reasonably can. The term incel should evolve to wagecel, since that's truly what defines incel; Participating in society and not getting any reward.
>99.99999% of studies say otherwise
>all studies say otherwise
>links no studies
you are more retarded. wealth correlates with fewer kids and better self-care.
What more evidence do you need? All incels are murderous psychopaths who harbor fantasies of rape and violence against women and post them all day long on the internet. Yet when you see their pictures they are all normal looking. Elliot wasn't ugly physically, nor was Minassian. How about you post a picture of an actually ugly incel? Sure a few exist but so do ugly normies.
Wealth isn't caused by being attractive. Maybe you have an argument that incels are low iq but it's been proven an iq of 85 is the chad iq in high school.
>it's been proven an iq of 85 is the chad iq in high school
Prove it then. And even if it were true, high school doesn't mean shit in real life.
>wealth correlates with fewer kids
Not in the natural world, which is where we evolved.
>mentions rape specifically outside of violence
lol it's just one of those people
Here you go, this is called sourcing your claims
naisu getto
>being unaware of low virginity rates
>being unaware of high fatherhood rates
>being unaware of juvenile dependence
>being unaware of low occurrence of polygamy
>being unaware of human infanticide rates by males
>being in a conversation about male sexual viability