Post your browser as it is right now
Post your browser as it is right now
>Windows 10
>Google Chrome
>not even using adblock
merry Christmas ya filthy original
I want my sites to get money alright
>50332405 (you)
Fuck phoneposters.
fucking phoneposter fuck off
>using one browser for everything
This. I alternate between Firefox and Ungoogled Chromium for certain chat clients.
what you doin on /fit?
you mirin' brah?
My neighbor asked me why I'm limping down the way
And who that fellow was who came by yesterday
I fucking hate that song. kys furfag
I quickly turn my face before I start to blush
>all those porn ads
literally never seen these in my life lmao
feels good not being that embarrassing this time
the black theme is so fucking ugly
You have really poor taste. Doesn't the bright screen hurt your eyes? That, and it makes any smudges on your screen easily visible.
textless posts are not allowed, also im very bad at being original
Fuck off mongoloid but do it originalorgorly
Your kind is not wanted here, Normie. I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave.