Other urls found in this thread:
>press a lefty on their beliefs
>receive ad homs and strawmans only everytime
It's a cult of feeling superior that preys on young people. All lefties walk around all day thinking about how much better they are just for being left, assuming the world is being held back purely by the people who haven't assimilated to their correct beliefs. Meanwhile the rest of the world hates them for their demeaning attitudes.
>the virgin "I am an x ideology and dislike y ideology"
>the chad "I have may or may not have positions on political issues that may or may not follow a pattern; I let other gives me labels if they wish"
>press a lefty on their beliefs
>receive ad homs and strawmans only everytime
I think both sides believe this about the other side and probably experience it more often than not.
Right wingers explain their beliefs, lefties demand you assume theirs
That's a dumb generalization that you can't back up.
Anyone who argues with the left will learn all about the moral grandstanding.
This is what Kaczynski called oversocialization. Lefties think they're rebelling when they're really affirming and fighting for causes that have always been mainstream and accepted. It's nothing but a way to satisfy their egos.
That was an awfully strawman and ad hom filled post, friend.
you didn't offer a counterpoint to his arguments tho...
Is this why they always act super reassured and post smug simpsons screenshots while calling you retarded instead of ever giving arguments.
What's the end goal for lefties when whites are gone and the West is decimated? What do they achieve?
Literally just change left / leftie for right / conservative and you have an accurate depiction of your kind. Are you this dense? How can you even write this without realizing? All alright retards also walk around feeling they know better just because they follow a new kind of the same old reactionary right, they no longer follow (((mainstream))) media and instead read internet echo chambers filled with racism and pseudoscience but even then take them as a Bible. For the average alt fighter the world is held back by everyone who does not share their believes of white supremacy and ultranationalist ideals. Meanwhile the rest of the world despises their hateful attitudes.
You're really fucking dense.
this tbqh
"the right" is inherently less collective and power consolidating than the left so it's not as harmful in it's partisanship
Heh, nice one OP! Make sure they know that Jow Forums is alt-right territory.
shut the fuck up I'm sick of you virgins talking shit
>conservatives are selfish and afraid of change that is inevitable
>lefties are entitled naive crybabies
>the alt right is just plain retarded with their race and identity politics
>centrists are just to lazy to care because problems dont affect them so they dont care
Lets face it, politics in the modern era are a total shitshow
That's what ''punk'' rockers actually believe.
No actually the difference between the right and the left is they don't need you to be on their side for their ideology to start working finally.
Centrism is the new counter-culture.
the internet killed counter culture. Counter culture isnt cool anymore, its what the losers do.
the right should adopt this word
countercultures don't exist
fuck off teehee Ill rape your ass
I love how we're at a point in American History where EVERYTHING is the counterculture, and subsequently nothing is.
>dont actually conserve anything but fuck everything up for the sake of economy
>>dont actually conserve anything
except wealth and beauty
Egoist-anarchism is the only truly counterculture ideology.
Just show them what happened to the Scandinavian girl and ask them Islam or Women's rights
I can literally count how many couples I see in a day who are NOT biracial.
late night joke men said so, right?
they don't actually hold any views.
They can not define anything and ALWAYS every single time pretend that because THEY don't know anything then neither does anyone else.
What's more is they start appealing to opinion and then declaring everything an opinion, then appealing to popularity, and it's always over such arbitrary things.
The worst part is when they get angry because they can't answer something, none of these godless creatures have a single reason to be alive except for the pursuit of selfish gain, they aren't even conscious of that 'reason' either.
being hard right is pretty counter culture, friend.
>"I am beyond political dichotomies"
very cringe but also the only non-NPC position
bad idea, they need to be led, they can not be reasoned with.
You can't use a socratic dialogue to explain rational ideas to these people, you need things more along the lines of fables and stories.
people dominated by pathos need ethos, very few people have transcendent foundation to act in a purely logos way.
Adding ism doesn't make it a religion/cult/mental illness. Why are Americans so bad at talking politics?