What's the point of living if your penis is small and you're also ugly?
Small penis
by fucking hot girls that 9/10s?
They don't want ugly dicklets.
speak for youself. women want small dicked manlets, last time checked
Since when you coping fag.
Unironically become the gf user, you can never compete with Chad.
Since- how about right about now nigga. I'm fucking yo bitch wit gucci flip flops
Not if I killed Chad. Then she'll have to suck my dick for conquering the weaker man
Mine's 6.5 inches... Is that small?
(no homo, I'm just expecting some numbers to compare myself to)
Also, who gives a shit... I want to attain higher goals.
Also, that looks like a shitty Jewess.
I'm 4", but 6" can be considered small by women.
I'm really sorry, user. I heard 6 is ok and 6.5 is actually above average.
It's just genetics, it's not your fault, it's your parents fault.
Find a meaning to your life, create a plan and chase a high goal(and expect some failures too).
You can't change your genetics, but you can evolve mentally and perhaps physically too.
Improve what you can, don't worry about what you can't.
Just because you can't get a 9/10 doesn't mean "settling" for a 4/10 or 5/10 can't be enjoyable
Girls care more if your penis is ugly rather than small.
Thing is those won't even settle for me user.
Good idea user, I'm ashamed if even being male at this point, but where do I start?
>Thing is those won't even settle for me user.
Because you put no effort in bettering yourself.
By finding purpose in life
There is none. Kill yourself user
Nigga why you posting this pro pedofag, fuck Allison rapp, I'm glad the sjw trash got cannibalized by her own kind.
Pro pedo bullshit? This is a dicklet thread black larper
i'm trying to find out, it's not very enjoyable so far
Get more resources and be more approachable. There's a point where women don't care really.
>caring about women's enjoyment
don't worry user you're gay
Women don't care about sick size, stop watching porn.
might be a stupid question but how does one measure his dick? I know it's measured as a boner but do you start between your legs or where your dick meets your belly or somewhere else?
>Assuming women will even date a dicklet
Just become a ugly sissy, lock your boiclit up in a cock cage and let robots TOP that boipussy so they can lose their virginity
5-5.5 is average. A 6.5" penis is in the top 1%.
Maybe transition OP robots will take a ugly boiwife
user you must understand that not all women are as shallow as the faggots here claim they are.
Yes they fucking do why are you lying niggah
But they do. Sure they won't mind for a while, but after years of having rather mediocre sex where she is never "filled" nearly enough, she'll start wondering how sex with other men is like and start finding the idea of having sex with other, bigger men very appealing and most likely act on it. This has happened immeasurable amounts of times.
Don't listen to these mentally ill retards, OP. It never works out the way they say it will.
Your best bet is to just engross yourself into hobbies that take up all your time and mental space. For me, it's video games, MMOs and the like. I can forget about being an undesirable male as I'm focusing on immolating as many enemies as possible before the timer runs out.
I ask myself the same thing op. I dunno why I go on but I do.
Thanks for the light user, thank you for actual advice.
Ya but if you listen to him you will never get your di k sucked by a sissy or trap
That's fucking gay, though.
You can't turn people gay, you vacant-headed shitstain of a person.
I'm unironically 7.2 inches and 7 inches depending on how I measure it (this is about 17cm and up or so for my size/17.6 to be specific I believe) and I've heard girls call that average and small.
You can never satisfy them desu, they're delusional, so don't worry. My friend who is the biggest turbochad I've met or seen (no exaggeration, dude is carved from marble) says he has a 6 inch and he hit the cervix plenty of times while fucking plenty of women. I thought he was lying but I'd rather choose to believe him because he doesn't have a reason to cope or lie to me.
Dick size is stupid to worry about unless you're under 6 inches or something.
There is no point actually.
Life isn't about these things.
learn math or something and do something useful
Contrary to popular belief girls that aren't shallow exist user, some are and aren't conventionally attractive. The only issue is you have to find one that has similar interests and morals and that's impossible to find irl if you are like me. I had to find my qt virgin trad gf online through groups of people with my interests. Women are largely trash this day and age but it doesn't mean all are and doesn't mean those that aren't Haven't been taken advantage of and aren't going to take work to open up.
T. Short fat dicklet with qt now irl trad gf
Let me stretch her pussy out and have you clean up the creampie dude no homo
Only after I gape your ass with several pieces of hot rebar faggot
Hmm no thanks but we good on my thing right?