>most Russians can at least speak rudimentary English
>I, an American, can only speak English
I feel fucking retarded. We fully deserve to be the laughing stock of the world. It still blows my mind that almost everyone else is bilingual.
Most Russians can at least speak rudimentary English
>We fully deserve to be the laughing stock of the world.
Those are nervous laughs, we have the only relevant military in the world
>"we have the only relevant military in the world"
>what is China
>what is the Russian Federation
Dont feell too bad son. The american education system deliberately tries to make most americans only speak engliah, to prevent immigrate out of the country to say, a country with cheap college, or free healthcare. >And befor libtard, no im republicanish more over.
Being American is like being a sexy 19 year old girl. You don't have to accommodate for other people, they will always do it for you.
>We fully deserve to be the laughing stock of the world.
If you think monolingualism is anywhere near the top of the list of America's faults you need to take your head out of the sand.
Imagine believing this
>If you think monolingualism is anywhere near the top of the list of America's faults you need to take your head out of the sand.
That's not implying. It is evidence of the American population's stupidity, though.
t. shithole country that's hiding behind americas defense program
English is the new world langauge though, it's unrionically the only important language to know.
>That's not implying
you're right, just kys
>the new world langauge
You mean Mandarin?
>You mean Mandarin?
You mean swedish?
>took 3 years of German in HS and another 2 1/2 in college.
>still not fluent, takes me forever to read something in German because it seems I have look up every other word. Sometimes the grammar confuses me as well and I misunderstand what was there.
>I can hardly understand spoken German at all, unless it is spoken extremely slowly.
being a brainlet is suffering.
>top 5 in HDI
seething y*nkoid
I as an American I speak English, Japanese and Spanish. What's your excuse? My buddy speaks English, Spanish, French, Italian and Romanian.
Teach yourself you lazy nigger. I mean by your definition Japan is a laughing stock because they don't speak English right?
tfw you realize you're talking with an australian
I'm a Russkie. English is extremely easy language to master given you at least try.
How can you not know it in [current year] when internet is mostly English is beyond me.
In short feels good to not be retarded. Think i'll start practicing Spanish sometime this year if i won't be too busy.
There are network effects at play here.
Regardless of the method chosen to teach language, most people (of whatever intelligence level) will only be able to usefully speak a language if they are regularly able to practice it.
For Americans, in practice the only non-English language most people would have any chance to speak frequently is Spanish. And issues of class and geography still separate most Americans from most residents of the US who speak Spanish.
Europeans have a ready-made opportunity to practice English because:
a) you have fucking England right there, and fucking limeys swarming across your continent all the time;
b) until recently, there were US military bases with hundreds of thousands of troops in several western European countries;
c) a + b together led to so many Europeans speaking English that English became a language you use to communicate *among yourselves*
Any effort I put into, say, learning to speak French or German would be utterly wasted. I'd never get a chance to actually speak it to anyone on anything like a regular basis, so anything I learned would wither away from disuse.
English is the dominant language. You can get by just about anywhere only speaking english. It would be kind of rough going but doable. I lived in Germany for 3 years and only had to learn bare essentials for shopping and reading signs. Others learn your language, you don't need to learn theirs. Not unless you just want to.
I can speak 4 languages and learning a 5th one and I'm fucking stupid.
If you think speaking multiple languages makes you smart, it doesn't. Really just opens a ''new world'' and a new way to view how really degenerate and subhuman and cretinous people are in different cultures, really.
Won't make you any smarter
And I do happen to speak russian quite well, which is funny
it's interesting to talk to them but otherwise they are bizarre.
Learn Dutch/Swedish/Norwegian they are super easy you will be fluent in 2 months. I got bored of learning Swedish because its so easy.
Govna poesh chmoha
Sorry user, the Russians have us beat.
>russian aircraft carriers-2
>chinese aircraft carriers-1
>american aircraft carriers-18
that looks fair to me
>Russian aircraft carriers-0
That's what you mean right?
Russia only has 1 active carrier and it's a piece of shit torpedo bait
Yeah actively listing into the Black Sea.
Let's all laugh at the Admiral Kuznetsov.
Aircraft carriers don't have any use in todays military
chuhan siebi s moego lampovovo pobotdevyatk
>Implying some big ships would save you from nukes
I love retards who have no idea what they are talking about