I want a world where only white people exist
I want a world where only white people exist
Just die and take your crudely shit art style to the grave with you, you SHIT TASTE cretin
I hate seeing your low effort GARBAGE threads
eh faggot
I'm gonna make one
Y'all would find some other way to discriminate, man, you just don't like people.
While posting an image of a cartoon asian girl
>Y'all would find some other way to discriminate, man, you just don't like people.
As a white man who has had a dislike for other people as long as I can remember I can confirm this.
inb4 "Anime characters are white"
>and the only place that will give him socialization is a japanese imageboard copy
Most white people are normies assholes though
What if we used black magic to turn everyone white...
I want a girl I can make more white people for this world with
Same here, we are the best race because we are creative,intellegent,brave,tall,strong and fast other races only have one of thise characteristocs while we have all of them
May the gods bless you OP
Let me guess, you're either an beta asian guy or a spic.
>tfw I'm actually gook-American
hapas... not even once
I want a world where testosterone doesn't exist! OwO
who will do the menial labor
I'm okay with people of other races existing, I just wish we had places like Africa or China where it's 80-90% racially pure.
you do, but you arent White enough to live there. theres an entire True White Hyperborean continent, but its existence is a secret from the public.
>they think Greenland is just ice and devoid of civilization
... UwU :3
When I awaken my godly psychic powers, I'll recruit you in my army of blessed beings. This means I'll grant you autonomous telekinetic protection and support, essentially turning you superhuman in physical capabilities. We will conquer territory in Europe together, like we're anime characters.
Additionally, suiting your Homura Akemi theme, I'll give you the blessing of timestopping so you can wreck our enemies efficiently. Furthermore, everytime you kill a subhuman its death will serve as a quicksave: you'll basically sacrifice subhumans for the possibility to go back to that point in time.
This... I really want this to happen. Make it so.
>Not being white