shouldn't we just kill neets?
Shouldn't we just kill neets?
kill all welfare recipients
Please do. Please, someone just kill me.
Just because someone's unemployed? Would you kill the housewife? The retired grandpa? The dad who just lost his job? The recent graduate who has just started his job hunt?
If they have a note from their doctor or some shit they can stay, otherwise kill the leach
NEETs are too powerful.
No they arent. That why they are NEETS
So, if someone loses their job, just graduates, or quits their job and doesn't find a new one right away, they should be killed? Really?
let me guess, you're a Ieech aren't you
i think that in order to receive welfare as a male, you must submit to a voluntary but reversible castration procedure, so they don't knock girls up and add to the problem.
NEETs are the most powerful race. You can't do anything to stop them. They control the world.
I straddle the line, honestly. I work but still have self-funded NEETbux too
If it is a NEET you can YEET
well at least offer me your sexual service you lowly worm
Lol. No they dont. They contribute nothing to society. They have no power. They are laughed at and ridiculed at every turn.
They control nothing,not even their own lives
Then stop them. Oh, that's right. You can't. You work for the NEETs, boy, you're their slave.
Right. Ruling the world from you desk covered in piss jugs. Respectable leader and all that.
t. seething slave of a based neet
Lol. I dont work for the NEETS. I work for me. My employees work for me.
Through the magic of legal and illegal loopholes, I pay less taxes than my employees which means, I dont pay for your lifestyle and I get to funnel my money overseas
Lol. Without government money,you wouldn't have a pot to piss in,I mean soda bottle to piss in.
My bank account is nice and full.
>has to lie online to not face the shame of being the NEETs slave.
Remember, you are less than a dog to them.
t. slave
I hope your neet master doesnt find you on here bitching
Lol. I dont lie. I'm not a Jow Forums NEET who's very existence isi ing for this website.
I just come here to laugh at how pathetic and hopeless you all are. If I can help be the cause of one of you wasteoids killing yourselves I'll be smiling for at least a day.
NEET I am the master. Dont forget to empty your piss jugs you filthy degenerate
lmao nice cope slavecuck
The suffix -oid denotes something having the likeness of something while not being that something.
In your ignorance you think the NEETs are waste, but they are actually your masters and they have tricked you into thinking you work for yourself.
Sure neet whatever you say. In 5 years I retire and you'll still be at home in your childhood room.
I'll be in the Sierra Mountains living the simple life and earning 25%.
Shouldn't we just kill you instead?
>Shouldn't we just kill you instead?
>That's right goy, make me more shekels or die
Why would I do that? It's not like I'm hurting with this many income sources
Why even ask that? Neets will inevitably kill themselves, you did not have to ask to make that happen.
>Why would I do that?
Because you're lower than me
Those people already contributed to society in some way. So the answer to your question is no. Just kill those who are able to contribute but dont want to.
Its a common and well described defence mechanism for people who occupy the lowest positions in the social hierarchy to adopt an identity of being superior to everyone, and to rationalize that the reason why they are where they are is because they are so superior no one can understand them.
I wish there was a government place you could go and have a dignified execution. Maybe like a mass gassing and it'd be planned almost like an event you were attending that month.
>for people who occupy the lowest positions in the social hierarchy
i.e. you
I'm a NEET rn but i want to change that, any tips for a noob?
So, what about the retiree who's probably still got a few years left but chooses not to work? He should be killed?
>Those people already contributed to society in some way.
cope more neetcuck
Seeth more neet
>he's still replying
the butthurt is palpable
I.e. you neets. You are the lowest cockroaches in society.
Theres a reason you stay in your room all the time browsing Jow Forums.
You cant function in the real world.
You fuck up everything you try.
You arent superior to anyone.
You are delusional.
lol we started the convo with me condemning leeches and then I called you out for being said leech, are you retarded? you just dont remember? pathetic leech neetcuck lmao
Wow way to make a retard out of yourself dude
>let's murder NEETs, who are negligible, and not corrupt bankers and politicians who are robbing us blind and getting away with it
Being a normalfag is a mental illness.
You're still replying back.
You are pathetic
Wagies on suicide watch, many such cases. Sad!
I know the truth hurts.
It's ok 60% of you will end up in jail,the other 40% in the streets
t. retard who cant fol
Lol. Not a leech.
I replied to the wrong person. Take it easy
As a neet, i say you should.
Put me out of my misery kind stranger.
At least I can remember a simple dialogue you pathetic braindead leech
Fahgot who can be function
You cant follow a simple conversation, leech retard lmaooo
Try again you drug addict degenerate.
You cant even color in the lines.
Every day
You are a leech, you deserve death you fucking virgin
Lol. You cant even color in the lines you braindead autist
and you're a friendless virgin haha :D
You are a neet. You deserve to be locked away in a cell.
Btw,you couldn't kill a bug you wimp
Cope harder neet. I have friends.
You are alone in your piss stained room crying into your pillow
t. cant follow a simple dialogue
You're the leech here remember? virgin
never related this much to a post
They are in your mind, heretic. Laughing at your unworthy contributions. Strengthen up and never doubt again what immense power NEETs hold. Go ahead, ask /x/.
i am a NEET by choice. quit my job (programmer) 6 months ago
i prefer this life. i am finally happy
continue seething, wagie