>professor unironically just said communism has never been tried before
Professor unironically just said communism has never been tried before
>college Republican makes thread on Jow Forums and bitches about being an incel
Yup, right on schedule
yea Im sure you're swimming in pussy brah, hahaha
He isn't wrong. The shortcomings in communism lead to more authoritarian alternatives.
>Assuming he's a republican.
>Assuming he's an incels because communism has never been tried
GTFO off this board you brainwashed sheep.
>le roastie norman in history class: "black people have rights"
>me: "REEEEEEEE fuck niggers and normans"
le normans amirite Jow Forums? why cant everyone be as based as us?
>made a thread
>instant SEETHING
Hang yourselves
>another political flame war has just been started
Yup, right on schedule.
>Nation tries to implement communism
>Communism doesn't work as intended so alternatives are used
>Communism somehow not tried in the first place.
That's like saying I tried weed but because the weed was shit I've never actually tried it
>Real Communist
Choose one
because we've had some semblance of "polite society" in mainstream public discourse for decades where unpleasant topics are not discussed, but then a bunch of leftists started being epic on twitter for internet points and now the gloves are coming off everywhere. Full blown civil war when
>Communism has never been tried
>Communism has been tried, and it was bad
>Communism has been tried, and it was good
You've all been fed the western liberal shill pill since birth. You've been indoctrinated to believe "b-b-but communism was bad right?" Wrong. The socialist states of the 20th century accomplished a great deal and built actually existing equality in the modern day. Open your eyes, people.
No thanks. I like to consent before getting fucked by the government.
>The socialist states of the 20th century accomplished a great deal
Including the 4th reich buddy ;)
Are you brainlet-posting and thinking that Nazi Germany was the 4th reich, or are you referring to the German Democratic Republic as "the 4th reich"?
I hope it's the latter. Although there is no comparison between socialist Germany (which rightfully should have been granted the rule of all Germany post-WW2) and the previous 3 "reichs" which were all awful in many of the same ways.
That's the problem, "true" communism can't possibly exist. You need a state, and a large powerful one at that, to force any kind of collectivism on people. If you don't force it, people stop acting in a collectivist manner very quickly.
Nice job trying to side-step his point buddy
#4thriech4life ;)
He's right though. Vanguardism isn't communism.
nothing is communism, not even communism
>That's the problem, "true" communism can't possibly exist.
They work, just on small scales.
One nation can't try communism by definition of it. Are you american undergraduate or something?
it's literally impossible to try communism because it's not a real concept
people who claim to want communism are just saying they want to be fucked in the ass by someone charismatic. everything else stays the same.
>it's literally impossible to try communism because it's not a real concept
You have more enemies than republicans these days sieg heil
>he's wrong because he can't get laid
Found the cunt
The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System's trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most over-socialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.
Because they are the teachers of young people, the university intellectuals are in a position to help the System play its trick on the young, which they do by steering young people's rebellious impulses toward the standard, stereotyped targets: racism, colonialism, women's issues, etc. Young people who are not college students learn through the media, or through personal contact, of the "social justice" issues for which students rebel, and they imitate the students. Thus a youth culture develops in which there is a stereotyped mode of rebellion that spreads through imitation of peers-just as hairstyles, clothing styles, and other fads spread through imitation.
you all need jesus, original hurr durr original
how can you try the literal opposite of any functioning system. as soon as you break the hierarchy a new one is naturally born.
incels really can't have a logical argument though
congratulations, you've earned yourself an all expenses paid trip to bergen-belsen summer kamp!
Neither can roasties apparently
Keep saying that incels mop the floor with you
>insufficient Wessie slandering
It's gone user. You don't have to keep up appearances anymore
Isn't communism authoritarian by nature?
How can you have communism when capitalism exists as an alternative?
Who would willingly participate in communism?
It sucks.
I don't want to share my property with other people who won't take care of it.
Communism is nebulous enough for him to be correct in certain contexts. Without context this thread is just bad bait deserving of Jow Forums.
Here's your (You), now go shoah yourself you little bootlicking worm.
Stop being a pussy and talking behind his back republicuck
Raise your hand like a man and tell him he's wrong since you're so knowledgeable with your pol
Stfu you dumbass white boi nigger-larper.
Don't be THAT cringey jackass in your class who spills spaghet all over the place by revealing his power level like a sperg.
If you absolutely have to fuck with him, use the Shapiro method and ask him subtly leading questions that progressively force him to acknowledge the contradictions and inconsistencies in his views.
>virgin beta cuck cac suggests being passive aggressive worm like Ben Shapiro
Lmfao of course. And that is why you're a virgin