who is playing this and what are you doing
Old school runescape
Right now I'm doing thieving in like hour intervals, mostly to avoid questing/grinding for a fighter torso. Got 75 earlier today, hbu?
Training up my defense to 70, will have 70 attack, 70 strength, 70 defense. Trying to get my range up to 75 to get blowpipe and kill jad. Finished up my fighter torso a few days ago, very difficult.
doing some blood rune crafting, hit 80 RC yesterday. qps?
W for you sir
Trying to get 60 att
Might hunker down and get 70 crafting too
Should do lunars sometime this week
~180 rn, I recently finished recipe for disaster which was cool because I never managed to do that in 2007/8. Any advice to get up from 34 rc? I know lava's are good but I'm only 77 magic atm so no bind but I hard ZMI was good?
gonna be honest, lunar diplomacy was one of the longest and worst quests ive ever done in the game
What do you mean by "old school" Runescape? It better be the one from 2001 and not that updated shit.
I'm on RS3 (because I already had an account before I knew OSRS existed and was more popular)
Doing elders at 95 wc
ZMI wasnt out when I originally played. But ZMI is great. I did ZMI from 60-77. I did fire runes from whatever level you start fire runes at til 44 and then then natures from 44-60
They unfortunately closed down Runescape Classic in August. Old School is great for the us of us that are slightly younger. I started Runescape in '04 and I have loved it ever since. OSRS is a good successor.
>not playing /v/scape
Got 200k hunter XP last night while faded off le wax pen. Feels good.
Whoever made that pic went to such a length to make the text look like the original text. He even overlapped the letters slightly.
What a waste of time.
>tfw played rs for 13 years on and off and still not maxed whilst people are able to max in a couple of months
let me see if I can't post or not. Thank you :)
no lifing in a matter of months is actual no lifing. Playing like 18 hours a day
Really tried to like osrs but I just cannot get into it. I miss pre eoc 2011 rs. I want 2011 618 revision graphics, chaotics/dungeoneering, curses, nex, soul wars, stealing creation. Take me back
>be me over a decade ago
>friend constantly playing this
>go to his house
>"looks lame m8"
>never wanna play it myself
>years later
>it's an app
>download it on tablet
>play incredibly boring toturial
>toturial ends
>"tf do i do now?
>go to adviser/wizard guy
>first quest is over there,user
>go to new quest giver
>first quest is fetch quest for a chef
It's fucking garbage.
Only nostalgia fueled fags still praise it.
I play for most of the day too but I don't do it austicly, I play it for fun and because I enjoy it.
nah, its a good game. you're either too young to grasp it or you just dont get it. what you're saying is that you want a game to hold your hand, while runescape doesnt
Test am I banned test
when I do play it I play for most of the day, but not efficiently. efficiency literally ruins the fun
You have a whole list of quests that tell you where to start but I can see how someone who has been babied by most games to be completely clueless by something open ended like osrs
i botted to 40atk, 98 str
over 80 mining, smithing, cooking, fishing. over 90 fletching. i had fucking amazing stats
then i got banned
i still have like 50mil on 2 different accounts. i dont know the pass for 1 of them though
>botting in a game where the whole point is to achieve something by your own willpower
literally nigger tier
training construction to lvl 85
i hate the fucking grind
The early slayer grind is a bit boring but I like my progress. This is just my main, going for base 80s. Plans to do an Ironman next or UIM