Is life any better outside the USA?
>19 years old
>junior in college
>studying CS
>no job
>8k in btc
>no debt
>about to start paying rent
>realize my 8k in savings is about to be zero
>told my mom i was thinking about leaving the country and she laughed
>"you're in the best country in the world, user."
>mfw I realize it's the worst country, as it's not even a country it's an Israeli slave plantation where everyone is thousands of dollars in debt and everyone has to work their whole lives to pay it off
I just don't want to play the game. I know i'm losing either way. Seems like the best option is to not play the game at all. Leave the country. Renounce my citizenship. I want to be free, and from what I can tell, nobody here is free.
Is life any better outside the USA?
He fucking no. Unless you live in Korea or Japan or maybe thailand but it's still debatable. I'm American living overseas and it's not a fucking meme that we live in the best country of all fucking time. Europe is dead
Tragic. Where do you stay(ed)?
How is this the best country?
Literally everyone has thousands in debt and lives the lives of debt slaves. Living paycheck to paycheck, while most of their money is stolen through taxes and currency inflation.
It is literally impossible to live here and be a free man, unless you have wealth. Most people here are slaves. If you do manage to "become wealthy" by following the american dream, you're still not free. You're indebted to the rich. Most business are extremely overlevereged, so someone is always above you. Even if you're """independent""". It's a meme. This country is a meme. There is no freedom. There's only slavery.
I feel like if I stay here, I will be working until the day I die.
Belgium but trave frequently to many other European countries
Not everyone has thousands in debt. Only the stupid ones. And there happen to be a lot of stupid people in America. Take taxes in other countries though. Currently in Belgium, people pay 8x more for a gallon of gas as you do in the US. It's fucking bananas. Not only that, but 60% of your income goes to the government.
Where else can you be more free in a first world country? The only place I can think of is Amsterdam, but their freedom comes from drugs and prostitutes.
Trust me, you'll be working a lot more in other countries to get the same I come as you can get in America. The standard of living is way higher in US but it costs way less. A house that costs $250,000 in the average US city will cost upward 900,000 Euros in Europe. (about $1,000,000).
Just don't get in debt. It's not that fucking hard. Read a finance book. You don't need to be rich.
No. Pretty much everyone is negative.
We live in the most indebted generation.
At least in other countries you could be free from this financial burden.
Nowadays most people go into tens of thousands in debt just to get worthless certification. It isn't worth it. This country is a joke
god damn I wish I was european so I could get free welfare money and spend it on hookers
Oh you have no idea..
In the US it's debt
In Europe its taxes
There will always be something. At least you have a choice not to be in debt in the US. Take up a trade job. No debt, no college, very lucrative. The US is hurting for more of those people in the market and they are making bank. Trust me. It's easier than ever.
Also, millenials fucked themselves with college. The generation behind us aren't making the same mistake.
I have zero debt and I haven't paid net taxes my entire life. It's not really that hard. Hell I can pay my entire months bill one just one paycheck.
>Is life any better outside the USA?
No, you're in the best country in the world I'm afraid.
If it's like that where you are, how the fuck do you imagine it is in your colonies i.e. the rest of the world, that enable you to live as good as you do.
>in college with no debt
>aww boohoo i'm such a wageslave puppet to my jewish masters
Shut the fuck up you little faggot, you have literally nothing to worry about you cunt
>Renounce my citizenship.
Oh yeah op you get charged a exit tax my dude. If you didn't know that.
>Be 20
>Soon to be 21
>No debt
>Soon to buy a house
>3k savings in the bank
Idk, economically the prices in my country are hell compared to how much we get paid per month, but i am doing pretty well myself, i didn't even finish high school and i'm about to buy a house in 4 months.
I do think the USA has a lot more of oportunities, and life is a lot easier since you get more american cashito, but the society is a deal breaker for me.
our only choice is wagie or death so yes its definitely better to be in a country that gives livable NEETbux income
CZ is ok, if you speak the language, dont mind the distopian aesthetic and the fact that 99% of the population are depressed and hate all foreigners.
We have pretty cheap housing and Beer is chraper than water. Also the eastern part is like a tiny France.
Yeh, Europe is a shithole being ruined very fast. i'd go to America if I could my dude.
>People actually let debt control their lives
unless you're rich no one actually pays their debt or forced to immediately, people continue their debt well into their 40s/50s, no it's not going away but you're not being punished for it either unless you owe government money and they only seek you if you owe fat stacks
Get fucked, the big cities are shitholes:
Prague: One giant tourist scam
Brno: Discount Sillicon Valley
Ostrava: Have fun choking to death
The only solution is move to the countryside (which, mind you, is very nice), buy land and basically become Varg.
Europe really is not that bad to live in. Some of the things you mentioned make sense as Europe is smaller than the US so people can afford to pay more for gas and housing is more expensive, but the safety net makes up for that. Obviously if you're rich then yes the US is much better.
The "safety net" (welfare state) won't last much longer. I give it 5-10 years, if that. If you're going to move to a European country, go for Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, or Poland. Those are pretty much your only sustaining long term options. Anything else is going to be going through brutal changes in the coming years, and you do not want to be living among it.
Prague is most definitely a huge tourist scam but damn I loved visiting it.
>Belgium but trave frequently to many other European countries
You've been in Belgium so you must have been in the Netherlands which is pretty much the best country in Europe (in my opinion the best in the world) but "i- in am- erica you can ge- get a 50bmg s-s-s-sniper rifle a- and all kinds o- guns" so you probably won't listen and probably shoot your foot of
>Europeans complaining
You have no idea how nice you have it. At least your women are women. At least your architecture has love in it. At least your food is seasoned with a sprinkle of pride.
I just visited Sicily (one of the ghettoest and least white parts of Europe) and it was 1000x better than anywhere I've lived in the US (NyC, LA, Michigan, and Idaho). OP is correct: the ZOG is a slave plantation, and I'd rather die than spend the rest of my life here.
This has nothing to do with guns (though the argument that it *can have something to do with guns is not asinine). I like the Netherlands, hell I LOVE the Netherlands. But for me it is not a place to live. I wouldn't tell someone not to move there if they wanted to, because I do think it's a great place to live if you want to find a relaxed 1st world country. That being said, I do not like the culture of the general population and I wouldn't want to live amongst it. My aunt is from Holland actually. She's as far right wing as they come. Not the typical person from there. But I like Holland a lot because the people are at least no bullshit blunt.
Oh sorry my guy. I thought you where some inbred American shithead but turns out you're really not. But I don't quite understand what you mean with the general culture of the people there. And yes I've heard we are blunt but I don't really get that
Europoor here, just dropping some advantages and disadvantages of Oiropa:
>excellent available healthcare
>free quality education
>housing is expensive af, i won't be able to afford my own place like ever (working in science)
>high taxes that are mostly wasted on socialist crap (too many welfare programs)
>regulations, bans, nanny state. The amount of stuff you can't buy bcs some retard could kill himself. Most of these don't make any sense (ban on mercury thermometers is total BS)
>not the world center of science and popular culture
Well I am an American, but I have experience traveling so I'm not as shortsighted haha. And what I mean by the general culture, at least in Amsterdam, is the hedonistic outlook. Ya know, fuck whoever you want all the time, take a bunch of drugs, etc. 8 haven't seen many other cities in Holland so idk what it's like everywhere else.. But I'm anti hedonist.
mercury thermometers were banned in the U.S. also, or at least they havent made them with mercury in a long time
Sure, kid. USA bad.
Feel free to go live in some third world shithole where you'll be working for a few bucks in USD each day and digging through your neighbor's trash for food. Then let us know if your opinion on America has changed.