This is it lads, in two hours I will hand myself in nearby forest. I just finished cleaning my room and writing suicide letter for my parents.
Wish me luck.
This is it lads, in two hours I will hand myself in nearby forest...
>i will hand myself
no wonder you are killing yourself, you cant even fucking spell
Attention whoring is selfish bro. Can you PayPal me some money first?
why are you doing it OPoriginal
if someone pushed you to suicide why not greet them at home and friendily tell them they are not nice
retard poorfag
you a real one user. Next post better be you on the ground
RIP :'(
Please don't. Life is worth living. It gets hard and I know that you have it in you to face any tragedy this world can throw at you. You might need some support and taking care of but still killi g yourself only eliminates the chance of things getting better
Why not use an exit bag? It's a lot less painful than hanging.
give us money OP
t. zoomerfag
Another one goes.
Godspeed op. I hope your suffering is soon over.
why write notes if youre just gonna jerk off innawoods?
I do not have any money, I already gave all of it to my friend who has sick daughter. I am doing it because god thought it would be funny to create my character with all stats set to zero without any positive friend. I am ugly brainlet, dicklet manlet without any talents. If you have more question ask.
Can you tell me your name and the color of your hair so I can have your soul when you die?
This would actually be very helpful.
*positive traits. Sorry I am drunk
Please don't do it user. Even if you can't see it now, your life can and will get better, and you are capable of making that happen. Trust me, you don't want to do this to your parents. We're here to talk about anything you want. Please user. We believe in you.
Normalfaggot. See you in the same thread tomorrow
you better post the death shoot soon user or Imma lose respek for you
Tell me your full name and the color of your hair.
Find some money that you can donate to us
I want you to do it.
I also want you to tell me your name an the color of your hair.
I also need the time your doing it
Huh? Last time I saw it was two years ago. I just wanted to do something good before dying.
I do not have a phone that can take pictures. I still use Samsung Champ that doesnt even have working internet or camera.
I have 13 bucks in cash left.
No I hate this guy. I just want to help his daughter.
>I already gave all of it to my friend who has sick daughter.
You are a good person user. I wish you could see that.
>I am ugly brainlet, dicklet manlet without any talents.
I am sure that most of this is all in your head. We tend to be our own biggest critics. Can you tell us more about yourself and why you want to do this?
Why? I dont trust you.
What dark magic ritual are you attempting user?
Can I borrow some money thanks
>all stats set to zero
>can somehow use the internet
ok retard
I said I dont trust you. I want to die peacefully.
How are you planing to end it all in the forest? Hanging?
Can you tell us your age, height, and what you are currently doing in life? I am sure that most of your insecurities are just amplified by this board, while barely being noticed by others. Most people don't notice strangers all that much I think.
Can you please rethink this user? For us?
It's hardly relevant to you unless your op, if OP would just fucking answer me then I would have what I need.
I would like to learn this ritual. Can you teach me?
Why dont you fucking trust me? I am not going to call the authorities. Im the reason why 18 people have killed themselves this year. I have no intention of saving you. I just want this information so I can properly conduct my ritual. If you would fucking give it to me then maybe you could make yourself worth something before you die.
don't do it, I alone will feel sad lnowing you killed yourself, just imagine how many other people will, it's selfish, and tell us your problems and we can help, suicide is a last resort, not a pussy forfeit game and start again, there's not coming back, rethink and reconsider, see a therapist, believe me you won't think it helps until you're open and honest with one, at least tell us a time, date of when you will die so I can look at the clock and know you're being a pussy at that time, also tell us what lead you to suicide
alright but why do you need it for? am I going to suffer more because of that? tell me details
also my mom is comign home in 30 minutes so I have to leave before that
>only 18
Why don't you talk to us user? Please tell us why you want to do this.
You wont suffer. Don't worry about that. I am just going to use you as a conduit. I need it for a summoning. You will just be watching like a bystander and then you will be released.
All I need is your name, the color of your hair or eyes (preferably eyes) and the time you plan on doing it.
Are there any online therapists that actually work?
If you prefer to be given eye color, then why didn't you ask for it first? I am starting to get suspicions about the authenticity of your ritual user.
Maybe, but you can always talk to us if you can't afford a therapist. Just be sure to avoid the trolls.
I don't know, find out but what's wrong with irl, or just family, friends
Good luck user, I hope it goes smoothly. The same idea has been swimming around my head for a long time too. I hope your soul doesn't have to endure any more suffering.
People tend to be more hesitant with eye color than hair color. Eyes are "gateways to the soul" in some respects and some people remain reserved about telling randoms. So I ask about hair until I see them budging.
Either way. OP, I am waiting for the information. Just tell me, nothing will happen to you. Just don't listen these guys and tell me. They don't care about you, I do.
post a last pic of ur situation b4 u do it
Don't do it user. Stick about and enjoy that tidy room instead.
Please just tell me the information before you do it! TELL ME! ITS SIMPLE
But for most people, the answer would just be brown. I don't think it's that personal when it's a trivial unchangeable characteristic with only three answer options.
See you on the other side brother.
Trust me no matter what any one says, suicide is commendable. There's no reason to live through this horrible existence when all that awaits us is death anyway. Most of us just delude us self that there's something grand worth looking for, or are too smalltesticled to actually off ourselves and wallow in pity until we finally die of 'natural' circumstance.
Wish you cozy foreversleep, spacebot.
Just keep living.
Shit gets better.
This. Get a fun hobby
Faggots ITT literally asking why someone would commit sudoku.
The real question is why not, and the answer is always some generic NPC garbage.
Literally good for you that you can't see the reason for offing yourself and the only reason you've the thought was because waaaaaa i just need someone to talk to
life is fucking pointless and if you're not having fun, and there's no fun in sight, why fucking bother with a fucking uphill battle that might go wrong anyway when you can end up where you would inevitably anyway just faster, the grave that is.
OP, just tell me what I asked for and then fucking do it.
There is nothing to live for.
Live a long life, youll find a lot of cool stuff to do
there is literally no reason to live. you are contributing nothing. You are nothing. Just end it.
Tell me the information I asked for and do it.
I habe grene ye
can you tell me this ritual, id like to know it plz user
Fucking cunt is probably already going out to do it. Pointless, he could have told me what i wanted.
if u want this shit to work ask him politely :)
Ok, and what is you name. What time are you going?
Youll be thankful when you realize how much fun life can be
>if u want this shit to work ask him politely :)
> Anonymous 01/09/19(Wed)17:34:49 No.50335197
>Fucking cunt is probably already going out to do it. Pointless, he could have told me what i wanted.
> Anonymous 01/09/19(Wed)17:34:27 No.50335186
>File: pep.png (27 KB, 657x527)
>if u want this shit to work ask him politely :)
>hand yourself
>suicide letter
Why would fapping in the forrest kill you?
If you want him to give you information, you should probably tell him what you're planning to do.
please tell me the information I asked for.
Tell him what you'll do and maybe he'll consider it.
I have exactly two reasons for not killing myself, and without either one I would not hesitate to end it
>not wanting to hurt my family
>my passions (literature, playing and listening to music, anime etc)
So why do people with shit family situations and/or anhedonia not kill themselves? How do people spend all their time with others or with their job and not sudoku? I genuinely can't thing of a single other reason to live and I don't think I'm that far gone, I'd say I'm borderline between robot and cyborg
I did. Its just a summoning so I can communicate
Communicate with whatttt?
I am communicating with demons I dont see a need to go into details as to who
Do you really expect people to participate in rituals that they don't know the details of?
I gave the details
>I am communicating with demons
Not very specific.
Either way, OP is probably dead.
my hair is blonde and my name is albert rodney watson
Still not enough info.
Is that really you OP?
OP give us some information so we can find the newstory after you do it
i also enjoy beating off in the woods.
never wrote a note to my parents about it though
Time? Tell me the time? tell me the time you're doing it.
9, you shouldk now what i mena
Please don't kill yourseIf user I love you fren in a Jow Forums anonymous way.
Well I don't give a shit if you don't see the need to go into details. Just fucking tell me the information I requested you demon dick sucker.
Live stream your suicide
Do it for me
Are you dead OP??orgenonal
>I will hand myself
literally what did he mean by this?
Pls no hangerooni op
yes. this. A hundred times this.
I don't get how this has been spreading through Jow Forums for years and people still ask about a good method.
If you're afraid a helium tank might contain too much oxygen then settle for argon or hydrogen, which in this case work the same as helium.
He meant hang you brainlet.
What did you think of? Giving someone a hand, giving a high-five or jerking off?
OP probably is a phone-poster so auto-correction made a mistake.
>If you're afraid a helium tank might contain too much oxygen then settle for argon or hydrogen
That's not the point. It's hard to get pure gas these days, you'd have to get one of those from welding shop or something and who knows what permit you need to have to buy those.
>mfw OP is probably dead
Rest in peace OP, you were a good man
if he's not dead he better reply to this thread
Well I just found a pure 8l. argon tank on my country's version of craigslist. Doesn't seem like it's so heavily regulated because of some relatively little known suicide method.