Tell me Jow Forums, do you fill into this description?
i fill in everything except i'm not white (f0kin latino).
Tell me Jow Forums, do you fill into this description?
i fill in everything except i'm not white (f0kin latino).
>white male
>straight, but at some point started falling for traps
Only gay for 2D traps
>hobbies are games, anime, movies, music, dabbles in programming, game development, art, cooking, tries to workout
Nope, I don't consider gaming a hobby
>depressed and anxiety
>says he's chill, but has anger issues and regularly flips during games or conversations
I have no chill
Nope, none of them
>Says he's looking for friends, but ghosts anyone who isn't a female because he actually wants a female friend that would become his gf, but he doesn't want to be desperate so pretends to be chill
I don't want friends nor a girlfriend
>Still imagines himself changing his life around and finding his dream girl or becoming successful and practicing his speeches
>Anime profile image, anime reaction images, but either distances himself or pretends to hate other weebs
>Deep pseudo philosophical thoughts and tries to go on long tangents on why his life sucks and why he's alone
I'm just a lazy piece of shit
>Opens up too much then panics and spills his spaghetti
Most of those just describe someone without the ability to achieve anything and thinks all his problems are because of other people. Also just the generic internet user/millennial
also fuck off you fuckin beaners
Yes, 24
>White male
No, Asian male
>Straight, but traps
Kinda-sorta. I'd have sex with a passing female tranny, but I hate this whole "anime traps are le gay/not gay! xD" meme going around on the internet.
>hobbies are x, y, z
I like video games, and I play a few hours every week, but calling yourself a "gamer" and playing videogames habitually as a daily "hobby" is super duper fucking gay. Say you're just some dude who picked up a new game that's all the craze, like Red Dead or GTA, and you got sucked into it for a week and stayed up all night even though you had school and work in the morning? That's fine. That's normal. People do that all the fucking time. It's okay to get sucked into something so good that you binge it for a week and go "wow, I can't believe I did that". Whatever, that's human, and it works with movie series, books, tv shows, whatever. But to actually do it everyday as a "thing"? That's super fucking gay.
Otherwise, my hobbies include browsing Jow Forums, writing stories, working on my homebrewed tabletop game world-lores, cooking for the family and myself, powerlifting (if you're a young male, your main form of exercise should be lifting, unless you're some sort of MMA/boxer/BJJ fighter), and dabbling in acting/voice acting
No anxiety. I do what I want, when I want, and I don't give a fuck if people think it's "cringe", because it's not. I determine if something I do is "cringy". Something is only "cringy" when you're too fucking autistic to be confident enough to own what you do and say (fucking hate that word when used seriously).
Not depressed, but I think I'm just lonely, and it's giving me similar symptoms as depression.
>says he's chill but is actually a cunt
Kinda-sorta. Maybe? I like to think I'm pretty self-aware, but one time I called myself an asshole and a douchebag, but then this girl coworker told me I have unrealistic views of myself, and that I'm actually a genuinely good guy. I can't tell if she's right, and she's able to see this because she has an outsider perspective of me, or if it's just something she said, and she doesn't know me as well as she thinks she does.
I like flipping out though, and I think it's a lot of fun. When I play sports games, I like to act like an angry sports manager and throw my hat on the ground and shout at the screen and shit for fun. It's just a fun way to vent, and it makes the game more fun. FUCK YOU, USE THE BAT LIKE A BAT, ASSHOLE! WHAT ARE YOU? IS THE UMPIRE FUCKING BLIND? *throws hat on the ground*
>drugs, alc, smoke, vape
Think drugs are useless, but aren't sheltered fuckwit who thinks everyone who uses them should go to jail or is a loser. Will drink moderately during events to put host at ease, but no more than a can, and almost never recreationally. Smoking is cool, but the same cool factor can be achieved with a simple toothpick, or a lollipop, or gum, or an apple or something. Don't waste your money and your health. Only smoke when something big has happened, like a few times in your life. Don't make it a "thing".
>Says he's looking for friends
Fuck it. Jow Forums is all I need. I'm smart enough to realize that I'm lonely as fuck, and that it's fucking with my brain, but I'm too stupid to take it seriously and actually fix my problem.
Not a brainlet, and not ugly though, so making work friends or something is fucking easy. Charisma is a stat, the same as intelligence or strength, and it only takes a single year of grinding to really get good at it (whereas it takes 4 years to get smart at something, and 3 years to get good strength). Even able to make the infamous "female friend" without sperging out.
>still imagines life changing, finding dream girl, and becoming successful
My big fucking flaw. Too much ego, and too much safety nets made me complacent. I KNOW in 10 years I'll be at least doing average, with a middle-class job at some car dealership or something, and that if worse comes to worse, I can always just work 60 hours a week minimum wage. I'm too smart to know I'll never really be homeless, which makes me ">tfw too intelligent to try", and so I just fuck around doing nothing with my life. I preach having good work ethic and not being a lazy fuck, but I'm the laziest fuck of all time. I hate writers and movie directors because they fucking suck, but at least they have the balls to actually go out and DO it, while I'm just sitting here writing out synopsises and shit. When people say they're "smart but lazy", they're not actually smart. Being a lazy fuck is brainlet as shit. I would know. Nothing "smart" about it.
Hate anime profile pics and shit. Anime reaction images are fine, because reaction images are just reaction images. They're not meant to be an expression of your self identity, that'd be retarded, they're meant to be an expression of how you're feeling right now, at that very moment-- and if it takes an anime picture to do that, then go ahead. I don't care. As for profile pics though, don't be stupid. Just use your face like a fucking man, Jesus Christ. Don't be a little bitch. Anime profile pics for males is the red-flag equivalent of colored hair on women. Only do it if you're a Chad, and it'll be really, really funny. Using anime profile pics to hide yourself because you're ashamed is gay. Using an anime profile to troll others is super funny, but only if you're already confident enough that you could troll them even without the anime profile and don't have anything to prove or lose.
>Deep psuedo shit
Fuck off, literally everyone does this, you're not special. Even your parents have probably done this. Brainlet shit if you think this is meaningful
>Opens up too much, then spaghetti
Fuck off. It's only cringe if you make it cringe. Just man up and own it. Once met a girl outside the gym, and we were walking in the same direction because we parked at the same place. Didn't know her, didn't care, not some desperate autist, so didn't care whether she liked me or not. To fill the awkward silence, we start talking, and I admitted I hate when people move out of our small island to go to the mainland to "find themselves" or some shit (live in Hawaii). Turns out she had moved out a year ago and returned back after realizing nothing was out there, and agreed with me. After that, whenever we saw each other in the gym, she was always very sweet to me.
Girls like when you open up, but they hate when you make it weird. Just be genuine, and if people hate you for being genuine, then find someone else. Who gives a fuck what 1 person out a campus of 10,000 think about you?
Even if she hadn't agreed with me, she wouldn't have given a shit, and even if she did, so what? Just learn not to care.
That's the final lesson. Just be the best you and learn not to care what other people think...Just don't care TOO little, otherwise you end up fucked in the head like me.
exclusively straight
anime, games, warhammer lore, working out
no depression, no anxiety
no anger issues
no drugs, rarely alchohol, no smoking, no vape
I don't look for friends, I've had the same group of friends since middleschool + a few more. Haven't made any in college, don't talk to women much outside of work.
I'm about to graduate nursing school, still want to find a dream girl.
no anime profile images, but I do like weebshit
I like stoicism philosophy, but I'm not huge into it
I do not open up much, moderately competent socially
i don't fall into any description. it makes it easier to smugly arch an eyebrow (they can't say it but i imagine it) and say 'you are projecting' when someone gets emotional at me
>20, yeah.
>Not straight.
>Got anger issues in the past, now I suppress them (not a sane thing to do either).
>Don't smoke or drink.
>Actually looking for close friends, preferably men (not expecting to evolve into anything, just friends).
>I do like a few anime, mostly films and 90's OVAs; don't commune with the weeb community, but neither I hate them, I just don't enjoy that type of fandom.
Rest is more or less accurate
You seem alright
You seem fucking BASED
Meh, you're kinda take-it-or-leave-it. I'd probably be friendly with you if we were in class, or coworkers, but I'd probably never talk to you unless we were forced together by circumstance.
>white male
>games is really my only hobby i guess, unless listening to music is a hobby. i do take it kinda seriously, so i guess.
>depressed and anxiety, yep
>actually chill, rarely get angry
>have smoked weed before with other people, never alone, not a regular thing
>i almost never go out of my way to add people, but this is kinda true desu. even talking to girls makes me feel a little less terrible.
>yep. still have a bit of hope
>not really, don't like anime.
>uh maybe. depends how depressed i'm feeling.
>yeah, it happens sometimes. i usually apologize.
Fuck I skipped the sexuality question, I'm actually straight-leaning bi, not just prison gay like a lot of people here. I've been attracted to males for a long time.
Maybe I was vague on what I specified and what not, haha. Either way, that's ok, you don't have to be friends with everyone :-)
Fuck, why is this so accurate.
>Says he's looking for friends, but ghosts anyone who isn't a female because he actually wants a female friend that would become his gf, but he doesn't want to be desperate so pretends to be chill
fuck man
I fill everything except:
>Half Jewish, although pale skin and family is Hungarian originally
>Never dabbled in cooking. Tried to workout long ago and never looked back.
>No anger issues, and I never thought of myself as "chill"
>No substance abuse of any sort
>Never used an anime profile picture. I don't hate weebs, just the annoying ones.
I don't get it. Are these supposed to be negatives? Is this supposed to be the reverse NPC meme about how white guys on the internet are all the same? Was this written by someone with a lot of problems in their life who wanted to project?
'oh man i totally relate to Being Afraid Of Stuff Sometimes and BEing Chill Inside But Others Dont Realize'
this is totally deep. i feel a spiritual connection to this place now, we are like life-brothers, bonding over Likes Video Games (that gif of the guy from The Deer Hunter nodding)
recognising negative traits makes them go away and makes it illegal for you to make me feel uncomfortable
every single one, i'm really pathetic eh.
None of these are inherently negative except maybe the anger issues.
most of them
my deep pseudo intellectual thoughts have nothing to do with why my life sucks
>Asian Male
>Not depressed but some anxiety
>False(I would start smoking pot if it became legal recreationaly)
>Had the same girlfriend for 17 years
>Only watch a couple anime, no anime icons and don't even have reaction images
>False. I'm aware of what I do and do not know. And I'm aware I do not know a lot more than I know.
it just makes me frustrated when people medicalize not feeling confident in literally anything at all as Anxiety when their problems rarely boil down to anything more significant than spending more time away from the computer
>Basic bitch thinks pointing out similarities in the people calling them a basic bitch will nullify them from being a basic bitch
trap sprung, i said i'm an asshole so you're not allowed to call me an asshole. also i'm powerless to do anything about being an asshole and you're not allowed to be annoyed at me for being an asshole
im sorry its the law, nothing i can do, my hands are tied