Fembots, post your ideal bf
Fembots, post your ideal bf
Hes a good person
No offense but those standards are more unrealistic than those of all the robots on this board
No theyre not. If hes a good person idgaf what he looks like. Neither should you.
Good people don't exist
There are just people and some are less evil than others
What you define as good is just a degree of lesser evil
Yes they do exist. They are the least evil.
>Good people dont exist
Yeah sure, and this girl is still alive
I still wouldn't call that good
What exactly are some standards for good that you hold?
something like this tbqhwy
The ones most people hold, and should be the bare minimum for any human to require: caring, respectful, understanding, responsible, intuitive, thoughtful and so on.
>the ones most people hold
look either you are giving most people way too much credit or I am incredibly jaded, we can't both be right
And those all sound like desirable qualities but I was thinking of more specific examples
Do you think humans want to be inherently treated like shit? You even called them desirable qualities. The fact of the matter is that most people dont have these qualities and dont deserve to be with another person.
it's not the /thread until half a dozen thirsty anons chime in with "I'm a good person, discord?"
I actually am a good person though, be my gf?
I did say they were desirable qualities, and you hit the nail on the head when you said most don't have them and don't deserve another person
That was my point, there are no good people, just some who are better at not being completely evil and having more desirable qualities
People don't want to be treated like shit but they'll end up putting up with quite a lot of it, because they have the undesirable quality of being a fool
I am curious now though can you be more specific about these standards for good you have?
This cutie tbqh tbqh
Specific as in? Those were good qualities that I seek in a future husband and they make up a good person in my eyes.
Well those are all very broad generalizations is what I mean
Like one specific standard I have for a woman is she has to be ok with guns
Surely there are some qualities you like in a man that can't be summed up with one simple word, tell me about those for I am curious
why is it so satisfying when roasties die?
How is that even a "good" trait?
I dont have those for the simple reason that I dont think like that. Is that a dealbreaker? Okay with guns? Thats quite immature. If he isnt as good as I am in say photography then im fine with that. I actually think its a good thing. We can choose to either learn from each other or give each other space.
Intelligence. Intelligent people are intuitive.
When I said ok with guns I meant ok with the concept of people owning them, not ok at actually using them
I thought that'd be obvious
And yes it is a dealbreaker, there are some morals I hold that I won't compromise even for someone really sweet and I expect any self-respecting (some measure of self-respect is also a very desirable quality imho) person to have some morals they wouldn't compromise even if I were really sweet.
Intelligent people are logical, not intuitive.
you need to spend less time with myers brigs
Well if being okay with owning guns is part of your moral belief then is very important to you. Same as other people who think laws are subordinate to their ideological beliefs because they think its so important.
t. idiot
Basically any major breakthrough in math comes from intuition (and is then backed up by logic).
Nice n qt azn boi
I take some of these philosophical beliefs very seriously
Really though? Nothing specific?
kinda cute boy here, any fembot willing to talk on discord?
Pic related, I haven't been able to stop thinking about him lately no kinkshame
Dumb people are intuitive too and more so than intelligent people who use logic more often to come to a conclusion.
Joachim was so fucking handsome holy shit
Nazi uniforms are hot in general though
I second this, but it's not like the damn roastie understands the difference.
Thats not entirely right. If you can rely on your intuition then you have a well established and proven knowledge which you have built from years of trial error and accumulating knowledge by reading.
>caring, respectful, understanding, responsible, intuitive, thoughtful
Someone can easily show all those qualities and still be a bad person. I have most of them and I sure wouldn't call myself a good person. These are more about having a good upbringing and some inborn traits than what kind of person you are.
Dumb people have less logic, not more intuition. Intuition tells you where to actually apply logic to begin to approach a conclusion.
It might seem like dumb people are more intuitive but that's just because they have no other cognitive skills. You're not intelligent because you have no intuition, you're just autistic.
That is just experience then, not intelligence.
>using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.
Trusting your instincts to make the right call isn't intelligent. Somebody intelligent will use logic and not rely on base instinct.
Intelligence allows you to solidify experiences into intuition more quickly.
You don't just rely on your instincts to make the right call. They lead you to good starting places though.
I just told you. The law is not subordinate to your moral beliefs.
I am not inherently subordinate to the law
No one is
Intuition is the absence of critical thinking.
It's going by your gut feeling.
I don't see how that can be considered a good thing and even if you meant intelligence - since when do you have to be intelligent to be a good person?
Yes you are dumbass. Do you think you can do whatever you want without being held accountable? If the law says its illegal to go into a school with an AR 15 then prepare to get fucking arrested you lofty cunt.
Sure but intuition guides a lot of what most people think of as intelligence.
Human beings are comparatively stronger than chess engines in openings, not because they are able to use logic to calculate faster but because they have a better intuition for positions.
Mathematical breakthroughs are made because someone had some intuition about a proof technique, not because they were good at blindly applying logical steps. This is why automated theorem provers sucks.
James Joyce didn't write Ulysses using logic. He wrote what he did because intuitively it made sense to him.
>even if you meant intelligence - since when do you have to be intelligent to be a good person?
I'm not the user you were originally responding too
Just because intelligent people are more often correct when using it doesn't mean it's a trait of intelligent people, even morons and retards have it.
That's like saying morons and retards have logic and they're just bad at using it. Euler, Gauss, Von Neumann, etc weren't geniuses despite their intuition. They were geniuses because of how good their intuition was.
No, no one is inherently subordinate to the law
I can choose to respect it or I can choose not to, everyone has this choice
But if I decide I want to go to school with an AR-15 and shoot people, the law isn't going to unshoot them
People follow laws because they see more benefit in doing so than they see in breaking them, but this state of affairs is not a constant or a guarantee
At the end of the day laws are just people with power making threats. It's not going to magically stop me from walking the ten minutes to my local elementary school and killing as many kids as I can before the cops show up
I'm stopping me from doing that
You dont understand what he is saying and you repeat idiots have intuition too like a moron. God youre so fucking stupid.
You do whats right and the law wont get ya.
Not even female or gay but how can you not be in love with this man. He has every quality ever
That's not true
It's right to let people smoke weed, it's right to let people own machine guns if they aren't murdering people with them, it's right that owners of private businesses can let their patrons smoke indoors if they agree on it, it's right to jaywalk if you just checked there are no cars coming
Laws are just people with force making threats, these threats coincide with actual justice only some of the time, at best
It isn't the same, retards usually don't have any logic, they're mostly driven by intuition and I'm not saying that intelligent people don't have any intuition but they don't rely on it and it's not a trait which can be linked to intelligence - if anything intelligent people are less likely to use emotions or instincts to make decisions.
I understand what he's saying and I'm demonstrating why it's wrong, instead of adressing the argument all you can do is throw a ad hominem at me so right back at you.
Love just brings fucking pain and sex is just the same way. If you're on this board you're just delusional if you think someone will ever truly love you.
It's not worth any fucking time. People are fake. Half the men won't be ideal. You'll all get it and want better. Just fucking give up and stop entertaining the idea of a BF you will never have.
>but they don't rely on it
Yes they do. You're ignoring half of what I say.
Any good chess player will tell you how important intuition is in their game. Any mathematician would tell you they would get nowhere without intuition.
>it's not a trait which can be linked to intelligence
Yes it can. As I have explained, any genius is a genius probably because of their intuition for something.
A intuitive person will follow his gut feeling without critical thinking, a logical person will also have intuition but will also use critical thinking before making a decision.
So which of these do you think is more intelligent on average?
You're trivializing the argument by defining things in a stupid way and ignoring what I'm saying. Obviously logic is an important component of intelligence. I'm not saying intelligent people don't think critically.
However when you say intelligent people don't rely on intuition and it can't be linked to intelligence you're wrong. I've explained this and given several examples which you continue to ignore. Intuition IS extremely important.
Have some quotes:
"The only real valuable thing is intuition." - Einstein
"It is by logic that we prove, but by intuition that we discover" - Poincare
"Thus, in a sense, mathematics has been most advanced by those who distinguished themselves by intuition rather than by rigorous proofs." - Felix Klein
I legit have a thing for guys like reviewbrah idgi, he's so wholesome and has a passion for something. I also watch asmongold and moonmoon all the time and i kinda get the same vibe
How am I defining it in a stupid way when it's the offical definition you can find in a dictionary?
>Obviously logic is an important component of intelligence. I'm not saying intelligent people don't think critically.
There you have it, because you don't need intelligence to have intuition but you can't have intelligence without critical thinking.
>How am I defining it in a stupid way when it's the offical definition you can find in a dictionary?
You define being intuitive as not having logic, ignoring the mutual relationship between them.
>you don't need intelligence to have intuition
You need intelligence to have good intuition as I have repeatedly shown. Do you disagree with Einstein on this one?
>appears mysteriously in my house
>is nice to me
>lets me be annoyingly clingy to him
Especially first point. Pls I want to meet people without effort.
>inb4 HAHa fem"bot"
where's ur house, I can do this
The gut contains over 100 million neurons. Maybe we equate intelligence to conscious reasoning because of our ego-driven culture, which devalues the unconscious and its contributions to mental activity.
>I want to meet people without effort
Yeah then you're never gonna meet me. Honestly, it'd be hard for a girl to meet me even if they put in effort because I'm always at home.
>You define being intuitive as not having logic, ignoring the mutual relationship between them.
If you describe a person as intuitive it means the person overwhelmingly acts on gut feeling alone.
Also I said everbody is intuitive to some degree so don't strawman me that I think they are mutually exclusive.
>You need intelligence to have good intuition as I have repeatedly shown. Do you disagree with Einstein on this one?
And you don't need intelligence to be a intuitive person.
The scientifc method needs critical thinking so I assume that in general the reasoning is correct which would be my intuition in this case because I haven't really seen any studies on this.
This or reviewbrah
My ideal bfs
Heres a pic of what I mean
skinny white boi who sits inside all day with blue eyes and a good vocabulary
Takeshi Goda from Kimi wa Petto (2017). Both in looks and personality.
If only I could find a guy like him IRL ;_;
Were you trying to find me?
Because that's me you just described
Depends how old you are xox
gib bf desoo
I'm 22 years of age as of this previous september
ugh hit me up dreamy
This must be why fembots don't want to go to femcel spaces
Anyone of those guys
Well I have to know first, what kind of girl are you?
tfw your ideal bf is a middle-aged man
sorry but xiumin is objectively the best exo twink, I don't make the rules
His music made me fall in love
you may not like it, but this is what the ideal bf for a fembot looks like. peak performance
Galaxy brain desu. Tfw no bisexual shota trap bf ;_;