itt us hairlets post our hairline and age ill start
just end my existence senpai
Itt us hairlets post our hairline and age ill start
that's not even bad and you look alot younger than 28 at least your skin does chill brobot
Better thane me and im 20.
Come on I'm the same age, nw3 like you and you know it can be a hell of a lot worse by now.
im 28 and i have like 5 hairs left on top, cry me a river faggot
21 and doing good, no one in my close family that I know of has gone bald or had much receding hairline issues so that's always a nice sign
Oh didn't realize the thread was only for hairlets, my bad guys :^)
thanks robros ive been feeling insecure about it lately
That's fine OP get a wig and be a sissified bottom
That's a mature hairline user.
>t. almost 29 with bald spot and temples receded to soul patch tier, also diffuse thinning everywhere but still sort of able to salvage a copeable combover at front probably because it's still sort of thick
Thats a feminine hairline
I'll take that over balding any day
you got a pretty okay hairline imo
Will be 31 in 2 weeks. Greys are coming in hard, though.
That grey hair looks pretty neat desu.
This is encouraging.
Lol this OP be a slut and spread that boicunt
>Can't tell the difference between a widow's peak hairline and MPHL
fuck you op mines worse than that and im only 19
That's a good amount of grey. Make you look mature without looking aged.
The trick is to get a shortish haircut and style your bangs up-and-back or up-and-to-the-side. Proudly displaying your hairline will make you more confident in yourself and makes you outwardly more inviting, as opposed to really short hair that you don't have to comb.
Long bangs hanging over your forehead make you look like a kid, so ditch that shit ASAP.
t. widows peak
just shave it all off and b urself bro
It's not bad. I'm the same age and have similar looking hair/hairline.
>18 and practically already bald
I-It doesn't hurt one bit!