30 year old edition
30 year old edition
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Do you have any plushies?
I have an alpaca one and a shark one and I love them very much.
First for very nice new thread.
but the last one isn't dead yet, ya dork
A lot of the thread makers are impatient.
But no one really minds
I have two huge shelves full of them, a huge lion and a huge polar bear are the biggest ones. Dakis are for plebs, big plushos are for best hugs
I have a few. A friend of mine gave me a Pachirisu and a small-ish Mamoswine plushie a few years ago. The latter is my favorite.
For myself I bought a bootleg Substitute plush, which I sort of regret. To make things better I bought myself a bigger and actually authentic Substitute plushie.
Getting a Substitute sounds like a great idea.
a dolphin I sleep with
Any history, philosophy, lit fags wanna bully each other into better reading habits?
>tfw no gay foxe to pound my foxe
is the janny awake? i made him really mad last time
Gib clingy friendless bf who lives in washingtom state thanks bye
Hmmm...Yes, I know!
please mr janny delete my posts
janny u there? u okay?
I want to take it out of its packaging so much, but I want it to stay dust-free even more. I still hug it from time to time. I really want to get one of those much bigger Substitute plushies, but they're too expensive.
do you think hes comfy seeing as he never leaves the bed
i brought these blueberries for you janny
how do you hug it while it's in the packaging?
Yes and probably very thirsty
I'm drinking water I'll channel some of it to him
did something happen to janny? hes not here that much anymore he used to be here like 20 hours of the day
u okay??
>tfw haven't read a book in months
Not too much your bed will get wet
Pretty much just hugging it while it's in the packaging. The plastic is loud and I'm sure not as enjoyable as hugging the actual plushie, but I want to keep him clean.
just enough so hes not thirsty but doesnt have to pee constantly like me
>dark circles under eyes
>contrarian, but too nervous to ever voice dissent
>clingy to any small amount of affection given
>shy, but immediatly autistically ramble about topics they're excited about
>can never be offended
>not super sexual, but when riled up hard to settle down
If you're out there, marry me
just dedust it every once in a while?
C'mon, ya queerbo, expand your horizons
I see. There's two kinds of people. The preservers, and the indulgers.
Maybe you'll unwrap him eventually...
small bladder
Don't describe me like that, it makes me feel uneasy when people talk about me indirectly.
this sounds just like me for every detail but it could be one of those cases where the things listed are so nonspecific it applies to everyone
I guess I'm starting Lolita today
>Maybe you'll unwrap him eventually...
I'm pretty sure I will. I'll just clean my house first so he'll be cleaner longer.
yes and it is very annoying
I love my husband with all my heart!
I had a Spinda plush once and this is such a nice reminder that I totally need another.
Just a constant inventory on your mind, always second guessing and doubting yourself yet feeling like you're going nowhere? Cute.
List off some others, I wanna learn more about ya
>NA hours
>anime girl posting triples
That sounds cute, user. Makes me sort of want a Spinda of my own, if they even make those anymore.
It's actually really good, Nabakov is a stellar writer. I grew up near Cornell where he used to lecture, so it's interesting reading about places still standing today. Vonnegut's stuff is the same way.
I'm not good at thinking of what people would want to know so its easier if you ask
>tfw no big bf to smother me with his weight
This is eerily close to being me
thats me but I think thats many of the robots here, not hard to find someone like that here I think.
>tfw no small bf to smother with hugs and kisses
The last book I read was actually Slaughterhouse Five. Are you reading anything, user?
youre cool dude, we talked in a discord server one and then I got banned for some reason.
You stop this or I'll break down and cry.
I want to know directly what you think, silly. What are key aspects of your personality you want people to love? One's you try to hide? If it's a bit nerve-wracking, then I'll lead you through it
It's okay, I get banned all the time too. Typically people get annoyed by me and then they harass moderators to the point of annoying them into banning me, or moderators are just annoyed by me in general.
>no dream pop bf to share albums with
Right now I'm going through Howard's Conan series again, I read it a couple years ago in highschool but appreciate it more now. You used to read more? What books are ya favorites?
I dont even know why I got banned, it seemed to be a dececnt server. But I remember talking to you about some personal experiences we shared and I had a good time. I appreciate you dude. Stay faitfhful to your husband.
I think I'd like someone to enjoy my company and want to spend time with me the same amount I do with them. I think I try hard to make people happy but it feels like its unrewarded usually and it makes me moody. I don't know if that's my personality or if thats something else though. I try not to be too emotional in public because I dont wanna look vulnerable. Is that what you meant? I dont really get it but I tried.
Tell me more, do you have skills beyond internal dialectics?
Yet here I am ;_;
im sry, I luv u
I like it, you seem like a sweet young man. Have you been hurt by others before? Or are you afraid of hurting others? You seem too delicate for this world, I love it.
Nice trips, and thank you, I hope you have a good day and I will make sure to stay faithful to him.
I've never read any Conan. I used to read a bit, but I stopped about half a year ago because of depression. My favorite books would be American Psycho, Catch-22, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and Siddhartha.
Where are the brits? I want Costa.
Hello, am brit.
I think they're shut right now.
You're spooking me a little with how you're talking! I don't think about things that much but I guess so to both.
I want this but being a robot, old robot it's impossible.
Never read American Psycho, but if you like it I'll give it a shot. Narcissus and Goldmund by Hesse is a really pure book, it's like Siddhartha but two different archetypes of medieval man. You ever check out Camus? Why were you depressed? He's a good author to help make problems feel meaningless
I play a few instuments, and im okay at coding, but thats about it
>tfw only interested in older robots
>be 25
Time is ticking away for me to find a bf. I cant imagine me or anyone still posting on here after 31
Really? They close pretty late here.
It's cold outside anyway...
Don't sell yourself short. It's obvious talking to you you're relatively sharp but extremely humble. I would suggest keeping your pure nicest, don't let the world take that from you. Do you feel you go gay out of loneliness and need for intimacy, or genuine love for cock?
Do you sing? I bet ya have a soft voice ;3
wow smooth flirty
You're perfect and I guess you're in USA?
Thank you I guess? I'm lonely but its not related to being gay. Ive liked guys since I was 13 or so
American Psycho is actually kind of hard to get through, so you might not actually enjoy reading it. I'd really like to read more of Hesse. I've read a little bit of The Myth of Sisyphus, which was pretty good. It's hard to pinpoint a specific reason for my depression, but I've mostly worked through it with the help of psychedelics. I'm curious about your favorite books, would you mind telling me?
Being gay under 20 is cute.
Being gay over 20 is degenerate.
>>tfw only interested in older robots
>>be 25
>tfw I am a little older
What? I can't help it, he's cute >~>
that's what big comfy coats and bfs are for.
Dont be so verbose or its just weird
Have you had any boyfriends? Very rare to see true blue dinky doo fags on here
Do you have a big comfy coat?
I dont think its that rare. I havent, have you?
I think big, sorry. Brevity is a good habit to get into though, I'll try better... >.>
I have big comfy arms at least.
And a bunch of sweaters and jackets.
What kinda stuff were you dropping? I know it's basic bitch, but The Stranger was my first real favorite book, still have a soft spot for it. Now, really like Dune, some Joyce, starting to revisit poetry.
For a couple months my freshman year of college, gave me confidence in myself, was pretty wholesome. Just seems like a depressing lifestyle to continue past early 20's, not sure if I'd wanna play around anymore beyond then. What made you like guys? Where do you see it going?
I wanna know more about how your brain thinks
Add me again
Well, I've done acid, shrooms, and DMT since I stopped reading. I'll make sure to read those. I've never really read any poetry beyond some in The Gay Science that were translated.
your id isnt the same I just tried
Oh fuck, you like Nietzsche?!?
Yeah, Nietzsche is top-tier. I haven't actually read a whole lot of his stuff though.
Why is it depressing, you don't like guys? I had an online friend I played games with who joked around about wanting to see peoples dicks and everyone else got mad at him for it but I didnt so he liked me. It got me thinking about it more and I realized I liked guys. I just want a nice relationship and someone to share what I enjoy with
Hmmm try now
Zarathustra can be a fun one to read aloud. His short essay on metaphors is a good early reader yo him, but really cool you're into Gay Science. I'd mail you copies of Genealogy of Morals, I have several I've accidentally picked up over the years. You read any other philosophers? You ever look into Terrace McKenna with the drug stuff? Pretty cool stuff
Yeah i do vocals sometimes but right now i have strep throat and life is suffering
So I can only post in this thread If I'm 30?
do guys catfish using average 5/10 looking dude's pictures now? i just want an online bf so i don't have to leave the house for love
Oh fug, I've been thinking about getting Genealogy, that would be super neat. I've read some Dostoevsky, but that's about it so far. I do like Terence McKenna. It's really interesting to listen to him while tripping.