Define good/shit taste in music and why.
I want to hear what you have to say.
Include your age as well.
Define good/shit taste in music and why.
I want to hear what you have to say.
Include your age as well.
shit taste in music is not having an opinion
just listening to whatever's on the radio or whatever everyone else is listening to makes you a fucking pleb
Its completely down to the person.
I have listened to all types of music so much in fact im jaded by almost everything now ive lost a lot of interest in music.
>believing in ontologically basic "good" and "bad" taste
>not realizing that the concept is meaningless
well I'm 28 and music the thing I care about the most in life. when I was growing up I got into it threw books, encyclopedias, late night/off kilter radio stations, family record collections, early internet sites like allmusic and wikipedia and even amazon, even just googling random shit, and taking risks in buying albums with what meager money I had. I care about music very deeply, to me someone like it just as bad as what they're vilifying you can tell by the terms he's using that he can't think for himself and definitely listens to what his peers listens to. people like that are a travesty and I don't even get worked up about it anymore I just wish they'd fuck off and die. they don't care about music at all, they have the shittiest tastes in music. people who don't care about music and listen to what's on the radio just don't care about music, that's all I see them as, they just care about other things. I don't expect everyone to spend years developing an interest in music from the ground up with their own time the way I did. but people like him are a sad joke, trying to fill the void of their personality by brandishing things he doesn't understand the context of himself and trying to convince you he knows something you don't. fuck you faggot, go flake off to back where you belong.
there isn't a wide spectrum of tastes (maybe a bit because of IQ differences). If somone doesn't like something that's objectively good he just isn't open minded enough
to get into the genre or his taste just hasn't developed enough. Also many people have a terrible attention span so they can't get into certain genres.
I like music that quite a few people would consider bad (electronic music, IDM, metal, even some Noise). I cant stand the vast majority of mainstream pop/edm.
Anyone who says otherwise has the shittiest taste of all.
27yo here. Good/bad taste may be difficult to define but developed/undeveloped taste is obvious. Some people make an effort to figure out what it is they do and don't like while others are happy to just get all their opinions from Scaruffi or RYM or whatever.
I exclusively listen to pre-2000 country music, pirate metal, and sea shanties.
Punk, grunge, industrial, EDM, alt, some metal bands, synthwave, and probably other things i'm forgetting. I have some trash taste, and I know it.
Building a battle jacket right now, actually, so i'm one of those guys.
Pretty much this. Like whatever you wanna like, don't give a hoot what others think.
of course good/bad is obviously subjective but i feel like the question was more based on opinion.
Good music
I think good music is catchy and not pretentious and not too easy to listen to. Early 2000s pop is repeptitive but its catchy. A lot of mathy or twinkly rock songs are good because they can be repetitive but bring emotion, a lot of times the lyrics mean nothing or theyre hard to understand. soft pop that sounds jazzy is also good because its classy and relaxing. even rap can be good if it has a good beat that sounds badass.
Bad music
Bad music is music faggy?
So electronic music, lounge music, most indie, and anime soundtracks.
Pure orchestral music is meant for movies for a reason, same with anime. lounge music is coalburner tier and doesnt sound catchy at all, I dont see the point of it. dnb and "chill" music is just the same thing over and over and it just has no personality. And indie music always tries to sound really deep when its not its basedboy tier.
I know I didnt explain it well or in technical terms but someone must know what I mean.
I like outlaw country a lot. Waylon, cash, Willie, hank, price, paycheck, haggard, reed, kristofferson. I love them all. I like Russian classical music too. I like some nice metal that I listened to in my teenage years like korn (one of my favourite bands). Country probably my favourite though which is weird because I am a pajeet from London. I just find it so relaxing
Oh and I am 21
Shit taste is liking anything main stream.
I have next to no taste in music. I'll tolerate anything, but I guess blues is alright.
Roast my tastes bots
Op is a tourist. You're all fucking tourists.
Shit taste in music is liking music genres that I don't like.
Shit taste is especially following popular trends and only listening to them.
I think I have kind of shit taste because I listen to and collect music that I randomly encounter, and most of it is nowadays anime music.
Good taste is having a vast knowledge of many different genres, the history of music, classical music, and also not being a snob faggot that automatically hates anything just because it's not some niche fucking sub-sub-genre that he's into since two weeks ago, as per some of /mu/.
I dig Nirvana, Gojira, and TBDM from the top 10. Like Metallica's first three albums, not much after that.
unpopular opinion, but i think most old music is incredibly boring compared to today's modern music. i think today's technology allows music producers to really get a unique sound with the instruments and vocals (t. music producer). i listen to shit like this and i think it's pretty good, though most people here would probably tend to disagree.
18 btw
tourist core
objectively bad music is anything thats over-generic , inauthentic, gaudy, or juvenile (In instrumentation or meaning)
Aor, easy listening, brostep, big room house, tropical house, lofi hiphop, underage soundcloud trappers, bro-country, post grunge, glam metal, latin pop, electro swing. theyre imitations of a style with nothing of value, no interesting instrumental or lyrical ideas, no real emotion or passion. its all throwaway muzak.
Have you listened to Colter Wall or Sturgil Simpson? My two favorite modern country artists.
>Colter Wall
My man right here.
Spotted the retard zoomer niggers who unironically like soundcloud emo trap shit.
Have not heard of them. Usually stay away from modern country but I will give them a quick listen
Music is like food.
You might dislike something that has value for others. But when you put a big nasty turd in your mouth, it taste like shit.
Now the thing is, some people actually tolerate or enjoy this shit, but that is because they suffer from ageusia.
The same idea goes from music just considering a lot of people suffer from ageusia.
Hey man, some days you're just in the mood for some trash
It's true, but that doesn't negate the fact that it is objectively trash.
No I'm not talking about fast food, which is between food and excrement, I'm talking about real and genuine fecal matter.
So sometimes you are in the mood for some Mc Donalds or so. It happens to a lot of people myself included, I don't blame you at all.
But some music is just that : fecal matter. And it'sa hard time understanding why people are having a food-sex orgy in that fecal matter and claiming it's the best thing ever while everything else have no interest at all.
I believe shit taste in music comes from the unwillingness and lazyness of a person who just doesnt want to explore whats beyond the popular songs that he/she hears in the radio, because it is well known that popular music is boring, generic and uninspired by default since normalfags are the main targent audience of these songs/genres and we all know that normies are very low IQ, shallow and unable to appreciate true art since they are incapable of read between the lines, that is why modern popular music is fuckig trash, vulgar and juvenile.
But the shit taste problem also comes from some artist who are incredible dull, lazy and stupid who refuses to experiment wih new perspectives, instruments and layers so his/her music becomes sterile, boring and juvenile which results in poor imitations of said artists who everyone pity them of how pathetic he/she has become
If you only listen to a certain generation of music then you're a no taste pleb.
Good: some things before 2000
Shit: anything after
It really is that simple.
I would normally say that its stupid to not listen to music because its mainstream or from a certain time, but a lot of the music that is popular nowadays does suck. And this is coming from someone who hates it when people say they hate something if normies like it.
I dont understand why someone would listen to trap all day. maybe a couple trap songs are catchy because it works, but I wouldnt make that even 20% of what I listen to.
I also think that those people that like "literally everything" are annoying. You should have 1 or 2 favorite genres and thats it. You should have your own style, switching around so much makes it seem like someone cant commit to music and has multiple personalities.
too much "mixing" of style in general is what killed subcultures and thats a reason I hate modern music in the first place.
Even that bubblegum pop thing was good compared to this. Popular music from last decade had heart. This new electronica or whatever doesnt, its just random sounds.
I respect artists that were popular then and have stuck to their style like gwen stefani for example.
Honestly I get the feeling that unless you're making it, music is for children and is more embarassing to have as a hobby than videogames or anime.
.t Juggalo fag
Good music has melody, usually something you can hum to. Otherwise it's just sounds with a beat, not good enough to be called a song. Most pop songs nowadays are just that, noises with beats, with a single line or two as lyrics at best. Trash in it's very definition.
Music is a meme and is overrated.
Bad taste = Forcing yourself to like the music you listen to/ironically listen to it
Good taste = Genuinely enjoys what you listen to no matter the fucking artist or genre
Same goes to any fucking art medium
Pop music is the most melodic music you can get you fucking idiot, you don't know what you're talking about.
This is the best post in this thread so far.
Music that have more advanced and nuanced components to it is to me better. Also music that truly allow an artist to express something. Eg music that is used in commercials and played on the radio tend not to be very representative of the above-mentioned categories.
I'm 25 years old btw haha lol
i dont think so user as a bot music saved my life and gave me some joy in life
How in the holy fuck did that nigger noise they call "rap music" got so mainstream ? Every song is the fucking same.
>*flexing wealth that the record company acquired for me*
>I Kill you
>Fuck some white pussy with my 20inc snake
>Graa skrr bang bang *dabs*
Because rich old faggots in suits decided "being a good artist" will come from having popularity instead of popularity coming from being a good artist.
Current pop music artists are more like actors or clowns than musicians, curated by rich pieces of shit in control of media who are pushing their fucked up taste on the public because they can, and because normalfags are sheep and gobble up anything that's on tv.
i like bands like deftones, 90's early 2000 rock for nostalgic reasons
Good taste is appreciating Tekashi 6ix9ine. Shit taste is not appreciating Tekashi 6ix9ine.
I'm 69 years old
Only hipsters care about music
I'm 22
people say I have bad music taste so you can use this as a guideline
im 20
you don't have bad music taste at all. Who the fuck is telling you that?
Anything with a nice beat or rhythm, though I prefer faster songs, or one's that are suitably hype.
friends, family, myself
Huh, that's true. I guess I am a fucking idiot Should've thought more than nothing about that one.
I guess you just weren't made for these times
>posting anything besides Finnish folk metal unironically.
"Taste" is based on a hivemind. you can like something i hate, i can like what you hate. etc.
for example, the taste in music where i live is mostly country music and rap. i dont like that taste, so i have my own taste, which the locals with their taste would dislike
so now that you know that, why would you care about a hivemind? im 21
i can agree in a way. music is like coffee or tea. just because most people like it doesnt mean you have to. did you know the foamy guy still makes videos for that stupid ass squirrel? its been 15 fucking years
this is true
I listen to rap which typically automatically means I have shit taste to most people here, I used to hate it but now love it because I guess I've developed the ear for it and really enjoy the lyricism. I don't pretend to have good taste in any other genres since the depth of my knowledge is not as refined, but within rap I think I have solid opinions.
If you categorically hate a genre of anything while barely understanding it or making the effort you probably shouldn't judge others for enjoying it.
for about two years pink floyd have been my absolute favourite but recently i just wanna listen to metal that shit gets me so hyped up
repetitive shit like lil pump or woteva is truly piss
also, seventeen ig
>Define good/shit taste in music and why.
Is the music that you enjoy going to be universally/semi-universally considered embarrassing, cringey, and/or stupid as fuck within the next 5 years? Is it so fucking faddish or narrowly conceived or self-absorbed that it is incapable of being appreciated by past or future generations? If so, your taste is shit.
Shit taste is enjoying songs that are very boring. A lot of people enjoy boring music.
What makes music boring is how poorly nuanced the repetition is. Music needs to be repetitive because humans enjoy structure and order and will listen for it, but too much repetition in too obvious a way can become unbearable if it isn't building any kind of tension or atmosphere.
Generally bad music relies on lyrics to stand out, because musically there's not a lot too great going on. It will often revolve around the concept of love, sex, drugs, luxurious lifestyles, life, that type of shit. It's not necessarily that they're bad concepts, but it's overdone, it becomes boring to hear people singing about the same things all the time. I don't understand how people can only listen to that sort of music because it feels fake. It is fake, it's mass produced.
Good taste isn't as easy. If you enjoy Bach then I suppose your taste would be good.
Bad music usually contains unbearable amounts of autotune and lazily copy and pasting lyrics to an astronomical value.