The soi boy numale epidemic is a result of hormone disrupting compounds found in industrial and commercial waste.
You were denied any chance to fulfill your biological imperative, the moment you were born into this world.
We should start injecting pubescent boys with testosterone to save the future..
The soi boy numale epidemic is a result of hormone disrupting compounds found in industrial and commercial waste
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A thread with no comments. An OP without responders. Alone in his thread, alone in his thought.
Better to be alone than to accommodate.
Do you have the slimmest shred of evidence to substantiate that claim?
I could show you the correlation and explain the causal relationship which is well understood in biology.
Show the science nigga
Here's an article about PCB.
You made some solid claims up there, I expect some equally solid evidence.
Do you have any proof that these "hormonal disrupting compounds" are getting into youngsters' diet? What compounds are those and how do they affect the endocrine system? Is there any proof that the "soi boy" demographics are suffering from reduced testosterone levels or any hormonal imbalance whatsoever? Who is this demographic anyway? Why these hormonal disturbances don't affect the whole population? Why the majority of men continue hormonally healthy, or you have any evidence to suggest they don't? And finally, do you have any evidence that lower testosterone levels in adolescents cause the symptoms you pointed out? Oops, you didn't point out any whatsoever.
Memes are nice, but they don't get along with scientific methods. I suggest you stopped visiting Jow Forums and stopped sourcing your opinions on anonymous posts on the internet.
Very scary, what other pollutants are there fucking us over?
The article literally says PCB does not affect testosterone levels and even claims inconclusive results, do you even read what you post? PCB, according to your very source, halt men's fertility because it causes damage to the sperm's DNA.
There is a wealth of literature on the subject. I would venture a guess that you are already familiar with some of it at least.
You can hardly deny that testosterone and male fertility rates have fallen, especially in the Western world. This has caused the amount of low testosterone males, aka soi boys, to grow.
>You can hardly deny that testosterone and male fertility rates have fallen
Male fertility yes I'm aware of that, but lower testosterone levels on modern males in the west? That's a very bood statement, I'm gonna need to check your sourcing on that.
you can try to email this guy but you are not even worthy of his response.
No, I didn't read it. I am not interested in justifying my claims. This discussion is already being had by people more qualified.
I am more interested in the implication. What is the effect of all this lowering of testosterone. To me it is obvious. As a whole we become less masculine and more feminine, that is, weak, emotional, irrational.
Is this a joke? Those are your sources?
I don't know what I expected honestly.
its not hard to figure out that the people with some of the most power in the world want to make their transsexual faggot god become a real way of life. or should i say demon.
This is the best I could find right now.
I read about in biology, and remember a comparison between Scandinavian countries and some Eastern European countries like Poland, with the Poles having twice as high serum testosterone as the Swedes.
the guy listed evidence and patents on his site you just don't know how to find it or you already missed the train.
I doubt it is planned by anyone. I think rather it is a side-effect of industry.
>No, I didn't read it. I am not interested in justifying my claims.
I'm glad you at least have the nerve to admit it. Your opinions are just that, opinions. Unverifiable, unsourced, unproven. You speak of a lower testosterone level in tge west like it was some sort of scientific consensus when it's nothing more than mere speculation.
Your opinions are memes. Come back to trying to discuss a topic seriously when you get facts. Otherwise the best you will get in this echo chamber is bland and vain reinforcement for your faulty remarks.
Not having any evidence doesn't make my remarks faulty.
The transsexual faggot god you speak of is called baphomet, and it was a very widely worshipped pagan deity, a symbol of fertility long before it was demonized and by the abrahamic monotheistic cults as some sort of evil entity, just like they did to every other religious symbol that wasn't theirs.
Not that it has much to do with my thread subject, but I don't think Baphomet has ever been a pagan deity.
From Denmark to the west I suppose you made a bit of logic leap of faith.
nah it's having an easy life.
only the white guys have gone full fag. i almost never see a white guy trying to flirt with anyone, but the non-whites who grew up here with the same waste are doing much better.
Not that big a leap. If there is something in the enviroment affecting Danes, it's probably all over Western Europe. Most likely America aswell.
Again, a huge, huge, intercontinental leap. Do you have any evidence that this danish phenomenal is being observed in other Western countries, besides your obviously desperate will to give some factual credit to the "onions boy" memes?
Nah wasn't it invented by some rich old white guys that wanted a club where they could suck each other's dicks?
Lol. All I had to do was google search:
Same for American men. I'm not desperate, I'm just lazy. You are wearing some major blinders.
Sperm counts have declined over 50% in the last forty years:
The people behind that metaanalysis are in near unanimous agreement that various plastics components (biphenols and pthalates mostly) are behind this, due to the way they act as estrogens in the human body.
uhm no sweetie or should i say disinfo faggot.
baphomet has nothing to do with odin or paganism
it has to do with masons. knights Templars, and the shriners.
they are trying to turn the world upside down.
Can you take your crazy nonsense to /x/. I know you mean well, but you are embarrassing to be associated with.
Yes it does. That's how basic logic works
That particular drawing you mean. And you're thinking about LaVey satanic church
goathead+tits+penis= a good thing
i don't quit understand.
I couldn't possibly think of a more fortunate combination
No, it's not. Whether the statement is faulty or correct has nothing to do with what evidence I present. The shape of the Earth doesn't change just because you discover evidence that it is round. It was round even before you had the evidence.
you secret cult people wont last for long
you cant hide in your secret cults forever
society is too big for you to last.
no one can hide from god and the way things are supposed to be.