You guys are killing Tahlia. She is threatening suicide right now.
You guys are killing Tahlia. She is threatening suicide right now
I want to make her feel better with my affections, how do I do this?
Good? Saves me having to give an e-whore a dollar.
that is literally a good thing. the world needs substantially less roasties, let alone ones that e-whore.
post proof she is threatening suicide btw, i want to jerk off
boo hoo
am i supposed to care?
Hi tahlia!
how's it hanging?
Check 8ch shes posting there
skippy the bush kangarooooooo
Good, I hope it dies. I'd kill it myself. I hope all it's pathetic orbiters like yourself go with it. We know it just wants attention and it will never have courage to litterally do anything let alone kill its self. So your pussy thread really is pointless anyway faggot.
at least we have our beautiful ciara.. oh wait, we dont, cause one of you assholes stalked her at work and scared her off.
nobody cares about that tranny
All based
All redpilled
Faith restored
Death to e-whores, all of them
Tahlia, we know you're lurking ITT
And I want you to be my gf
Good. All thots must be bashed. All you orbiters need a .45 through the brain stem.
I just wanna see that human/ape hybrid snatch
>She is threatening suicide right now.
She always does, nothing new here.
How do you know? Did she already made a new youtube channel?
Check the 8ch thread about her on Agatha2
Is she isn't sucking my dick why should I care?
I want to impregnate that human ape hybrid snatch and kiss her bulging belly
kek she tried killing herself by walking through the outback. Also that fucking color for the board is eye cancer.
can't wait to see her grow up, so that her stupid hormone-induced drama phase finally comes to an end
I know it's hard for her and shit, I've been diddled as a kid too
Go be a normie somewhere else
>Sunny is best girl
Beautiful angel ciara is the best thing about r9k. It's the only reason I even come here. She's so cute and so beautiful. What that loser did was a crime worthy of the Hague. He took her from us. Her videos brought me so much joy. Her voice is angelic. She's one of the sweetest, kindest, persons I've ever met.
btw, where is that pic from? Looks liek a still from a video.
she's killing herself because of me? but I've never heard of her... oh, she's an attention whore. then it makes sense.
A man with autism took Ciara from us.
She's cuter than you
If anything, worshiping females makes you a normalfag. You're essentially a soiboi defending Twitch thots on Twitter.
it was from her story on her public Instagram last week.
i believe she will return. she just got overwhelmed.
>it was from her story on her public Instagram last week.
Can you post it?
>i believe she will return. she just got overwhelmed.
right when Ciara was starting to put her life back together and turning herself around.
Who the fuck cares. You pathetic retards will find another whore to orbit within 12 hours. She's not special.
this will help her get her life together. she said she went in talking to her hr girl about harassment online and then when talking to her coworker about it he said that some guy came in asking for her and it turned out it was the guy who wrote a huge essay on her for his college class.
>hr girl about harassment online
hr girl?
i assume she meant human resources when she said that. she apparently had a panic attack when she found out this guy came in.
Maybe the other, typical orbiters do. I, however, just admire the beauty of them. I know the quality of their personality is shit. Also, the style of 'worshiping' here is different. The girls that come here end up in a way shitter state than before they came in, which makes this whole thing great. Normally, the ones being worshiped are in control, but this isn't the case. I don't actively take part in that, but it's amusing to watch. You can definitely see the down-trend of sunny of her pictures from when she started to when she stopped.
Sunny's cute. Please tell me she backed away from those drug addict sociopaths online she was hanging around with right?
As far as I know, she started doing drugs (some injections that aren't commonly known) with the assistance of Michael Sosa. Once she realized she was being manipulated, she cut herself from this place with her supposed online bf.
>Michael Sosa.
One of the very psychopaths I was referring to.
C'mon, leave her alone
don't an hero, Tahilia. If you were born with a penis man the fuck up. If you were born with a vagina, woman the fuck up.
>whiteknighting and orbiting in 2019
Get the fuck outta here faggot
Public IG? I thought she only had a private account.
Where is she threatening?Should brooke also threaten suicide for having tahlia bully her?Fucking disgusting victim playin whore.DO IT TAHLIA
DO NOT do it Tahlia!
There are things to live for!
Yeah like bullying other girls because they are prettier than your pig-ass just to make you feel better.How nice of her.Tahlia,admit it,you only live to hurt people,you're toxic.Think about what you might be doing to your little brother when he's older.
She was literally lying about killing herself. She sat watching a 8ch thread about her and relishing in all of the attention, made people think she was unresponsive, then replied to some post a few hours later and went back on killing herself.
Women are brainless pathological liars and inherently manipulative cruel sympathy vampires.
Good,I hope she did it.She's awful.
where is this thread exactly?
she could have been my gf
Wow, I never visited the Agatha2 board at 8ch before.
Whew. People there are even more fucked up than people here.
I think I may have a new hangout.
Link the 8ch thread.
>inb4 you cant link 8ch in here
Do it with the DOT instead of '.'
>Yeah like bullying other girls because they are prettier than your pig-ass just to make you feel better
Isn't Brooke a skank femdom hooker now though? Seems like Brooke needs more bullying, not less.
>Isn't Brooke a skank femdom hooker now though?
She just found an old guy who desperately pays her to talk to her and make her happy.It's pretty close to findom,no sexual shit.
>Seems like Brooke needs more bullying, not less.
I think she was the most bullied femanon in here,and only because she is good looking and not a conventional r9k girl.
>She is threatening suicide right now.
Where is she doing this at because her youtube is gone.
I think 8ch,but these faggots won't link the thread.They are afraid we're gonna push their e-waifu to suicide kek.
Tahlia is fucking retarded.
She keeps talking to these asshats that are mean to her but when I try to talk to her she doesn't respond or gives me one word responses.
But she always does that
Tahlia,brooke,hell name any of them.They are fucking addicted to this negative attention,even though they claim they all want nice people around them,guess which type of remarks they ar the most responsive to?The bully ones.This shithole has taught me more about underage girls than years of middleschoool/highschool.
I never bullied Brooke, I spoke to her once in discord, I have never spoken to her again after that. I said some bad things because I was bitter that when I complain about being ugly I get shit on -because I am actually ugly, and that when attractive people do they are welcome with open arms.
I said the following nasty things to Brooke:
> You make me and other ugly girls want to kill themselves
> Nobody who is insecure willingly posts lewd photos
I came to my senses and realized that I was being just as judgemental and rude as people had been to me. I apologized but I was still very bitter so it was half-arsed but I meant it none the less.
After that we never spoke again, I was rude to her once, that is it. Recently one of the old men who pays her for findom (he is 54 years of age) doxxed my family and harassed them incessantly. Because of this and my immature response to it I might have to go to the mental institution again, my family are also going to the police with all the information we have found on this guy.
Please leave Brooke alone, this is in no way her fault, she is not responsible for what these creepy men who obsess over her do.
I know I am ugly, I know I am a pig, I know I am not the best person and I am a pain to be around, but my family are good people. We have had ups and downs but they are great at the end of the day. I know you worship Brooke and you want to see me suffer, but these are innocent people, real people, who exist off of the internet. So please think of that. I do not care what happens to me, if you hate me enough I will even let you murder me personally, as long as I can be guaranteed my family is left alone
I have tried slitting my wrists this morning but it has not gone deep enough I think, my best chance is to just help my family with this case and get any legal ramifications necessary.
We focus on negative attention over the positive because it cuts deep. We don't enjoy it, it caused a lot of suffering. And it gets to us to the point where it's hard not to focus on it lots
>T !kH5ueQYErw
What do you know about Ciara?
You're really cute just saying.
I stayed up all night reading people writing horrible shit about my family, wishing death upon my grandpa who has cancer, saying that I don't care about them when I love them. Forgive me for getting really down and wishing death upon myself. Believe it or not I do not relish in attention, I know nobody will believe me, I don't know why I am open about how I am feeling, I just wanted help, somebody
Hey I just found out who you are today and I think you're quite cute
Can you be mine?
>severe daddy and attention whoring issues
My kind of woman
I don't know much about her, just that she did lots of bad things. My ex boyfriend was hurt by her so I always thought she was mean, I know for a fact by reading up on it she has done bad shot but it is clear she wants redemption, to stop doing bad stuff and move on with her life, so I think you should stop posting about her and let her
tahlia with all the personal info on you out right now i wouldnt fuck with Ciara
Do you have a discord?
I don't have daddy issues, my dad is a great man. People say I claim he was abusive when venting about his video game addiction but playing lots of videogames is not abuse. I have always loved my father. He is good
why the fuck are your parents allowing you on the internet right now
How do you that that guy was brooke's paypig?Did he just admit it like that?God,what a fucking disgusting whore,she's the one who should die.
Tahlia seriously why do you not talk with the people who are nice to you and want to conversate with you?
Why do you talk with the asshats that are mean to you?
I am not fucking with anybody, I don't want trouble with anyone, if things are ideal I will be dead soon
There is nothing to live for, my family have been doxxed, my full name is everywhere and my whole life has been a series of different people being really nasty to me. The one time I double down and fore back with nastiness because I have had enough of people and it caused my family to get doxxed and my life to be ruined. I am done.
>Recently one of the old men who pays her for findom (he is 54 years of age) doxxed my family and harassed them incessantly.
>bitch stop talking shit about me or imma get my sugar daddy to doxxx and harasss yo nasty ass
What did this place become?
I mentioned this in an earlier thread, if you are too nice to a girl she gets bored with you
It makes her think you are weak and pathetic, and as weird as it is that girls always seem to go for guys who act like dicks to them, there's something seriously wrong with a girl who wants a weak pathetic man
Nigga what the fuck are you still even doing in this board, being here is going to fuck your life even more, take Ciara as an example.
Brooke has been doxxed as well,there are people who know her adress,you can either turn this around or just live with it.She does live with it and nothing happened to her.
>The one time I double down and fore back with nastiness because I have had enough of people and it caused my family to get doxxed and my life to be ruined
Also this is pretty fucked up and sad.
Tahlia is a dumb naive retard who believe everything she reads online. Tom is not Brookes paypig. Tom May have not even done this. Shes a fucking idiot
They turned my internet off, but I have workarounds, I just wanted to defend myself.
Because I want to clear my name, people are saying I am a bully when I had one rude interaction with a girl. It's funny because what started my hatred of women and joining incel communities is a girl starting a rumour like that and having everyone at my school hate me, and it ends the same. People aren't that different after all.
I don't hate women anymore of course, many men have been abusive to me. When you are ugly men view you as nothing but a something to be tossed out after sexual gratification which is why I will remain virginal in my death. I realize everyone is evil deep down.
I am truly sorry though, Brooke, I have heard people are harassing you over what your paypigs did to me and my family, I know you didn't ask for it.
Well then I don't fucking get women.
I have been nice in the past and get nothing but shit from women.
I have treated them like shit and I got fucking fired from work.
Back to being nice and cant even get more than a one word response.
He basically told my mum on his throwaway account that Brooke is his queen, I shit you not, even my mum laughed at that and found him pathetic
Who even is Tom May?
That's not true, I get addicted to people as soon as they become nice to me. My oneitis, George, is the nicest man I have ever met.
Because I have got nothing to lose. I have lost everything, all my sanity, whatever sympathy I had for other people left
>When you are ugly men view you as nothing but a something to be tossed out after sexual gratification which is why I will remain virginal in my death.
ok seriously fuck you. I have tried to talk to you many times and only get one word responses. You talk about men treating you like shit but there are plenty out there that dont and you just fucking ignore them.
Not everyone is evil, maybe the only reason you seem to keep interacting with evil people is because you are the one thats evil.
What else did he tell your mom?Do you think you have the guts to get revenge on brooke?I got her adress and lots of other shit.
Brooke is a horrible person. Why are you apologizing to her? Also, are you still using Tumblr?
Ok well don't treat the women at work like shit
Unless you are in major cahoots with your boss that's a great way to get fired
And it's not necessarily always treating them like shit, it's like 80/20
80% of the time you need to assert yourself and keep her on her toes, the other 20% you be sweet so it tugs on her heartstrings
But yea for work, it's best to keep your professional life and your private life as separate as possible, this applies to all aspects of life, not just women
"people" aren't saying things, one butthurt orbiter is. The thread with your pictures had only a few posters in it, he just kept samefagging. This will all blow over pretty soon once he's taken care of.
>That's not true, I get addicted to people as soon as they become nice to me
ur a fuking liar, I have tried to message you and didnt get a fuking response
>They turned my internet off, but I have workarounds
not healthy my dude
just switch off for now and stop driving the drama
>My oneitis, George, is the nicest man I have ever met.
When are you going to go to the US and meet George?
Or can you convince him to go and see you?
I am genuinely sorry if I have been bad at responding to you, I have been having a lot go on in my life right now and I started talking to all online people less and less. If you were kind to me than I really can't thank you enough for that. I do appreciate it even if I am useless at showing it
If you were the pajeet who was sending me pictures of himself and begging me to respond that was not kindness, I didn't know how to handle that
Do you still have your virginity? If you don't care anymore anyway why not make one of your orbiter's dream come true?
Actual full on kindness where we open up to eachother and they become my best friend. People like Decwan, Brian etc. Best friends I will forever treasure in my heart
dude it wasnt a professional job
coworkers date each other all the time, it was fucking Target
>I am genuinely sorry if I have been bad at responding to you, I have been having a lot go on in my life right now and I started talking to all online people less and less. If you were kind to me than I really can't thank you enough for that. I do appreciate it even if I am useless at showing it
Imagine typing that shit out and just hoping to be forgiven.Girls are nasty creatures.
Any plans on returning or a way to message you directly?
My virginity is important to me, I have had people make a whore of me online so I want to keep one thing pure about myself. I will either lose it to my husband if I overcome this, or keep it in death
Why do people do this it feels awful