This pyramid makes it seem like getting sex is as easy as going out to the store for groceries. All you have to do is be a human.
This pyramid makes it seem like getting sex is as easy as going out to the store for groceries...
It does explain why virgin losers are losers. They can't satisfy basic needs therefore they can't progress upward in the pyramid.
how the fuck is sex a physiological need?
Normies literally can't go a week without sex. It's as essential to them as eating food. It's why they make movies like Forty Days And Forty Nights about that guy who had to go without sex for 40 days. How crazy. A normie going 40 days without sex!
I honestly didn't think the chart was that bad at first since I saw "sexual intimacy" at level three under love and belonging. If 'sex' was taken from physiological and just sexual intimacy was left, this chart would make more sense.
No, they just pretend to get laid more than they actually do because it's a dumb status thing.
>acceptance of facts
>lack of prejudice
These are mutually exclusive.
Josh Hartnett is so chaddy
I can't stop mirin'
>All you have to do is be a human
That's true though. Robots are just worthless subhumans. Them not being able to get laid is a good thing: cull the wheat from the chaff and all that.
It is. For Chad.
that's subjective and also wrong.
robots who channel their autism go on to advance fields like mathematics and the sciences. When you proclaim hatred for robots, you may as well stop using all the modern conveniences you take for granted.
I just noticed I don't have anything that involves other people.
The "sex" in the bottom tier of the pyramid is generally assumed to mean sexual pleasure and release via masturbation. The sex on the third tier is the actual sex with a partner.
incels please kys and shut the fuck up
Read his work. He is not seeing you need all those things listed but you need the majority
Normies just assume shit on works they never read or screen caps with little context.
Sex isn't supposed to be down there, but you see it sometimes although Love/Intimacy is literally it's own fucking category right above it. This pyramid is actually pretty accurate and a good explanation to why a lot of robots can't get laid.
Being skilled in a field isn't the same thing as being a robot. Robots are fuckups that don't benefit humanity at all. Socially awkward people that are savants in their field aren't robots. They're what robots wish they could be.
Sex is easy if you stop blaming others and improve yourself. The only real problem is false rape accusations and getting sperm jacked. The judges will find you guilty and responsible by default. If she stole your sperm against your will then too bad pay that child support.
This is perfect for showing how sex isn't as important as love and belonging.
It's right there for worthless feminist trash to gaze at when they want to claim all men are rapists who just want to fuck women to death and that's why they're so upset.
Have you never tried nofap?
People often tell me "the reason you don't have a girlfriend is because you have no self-esteem". Well according to this pyramid, the only way for me to get self-esteem in the first place is to have women in my life.