>Pedophilia ls wrong and disgusting
Pedophilia ls wrong and disgusting
Other urls found in this thread:
>disliking the abuse of children
>rape is moraIIy wrong
who said anything about abuse?
Wow, so edgy.
Here's your reply, fagboy.
sometimes the majority outlook on things is actually the morally correct and superior one
>Being attracted to something means you're a rapist
Based feminist.
Kids are fucking disgusting. If you like kids it's like you eat shit. Ew disgusting. Everytime I see a retarded child in public I want to fucking barf everywhere. I fucking hate myself because I was born as a useless sack of flesh and only later was I molded into my adult form. I wanna kill myself imagining being a child again.
Nice try there, matey
Yeah it ultimately leads to abuse of children. If pedos are allowed to live then children will suffer
Back to Plebbit. Assuming that all pedos are rapists is simply stupid, you're on the same level as feminists who think all men are rapists.
The problem with people is they use the word as a blanket term for anyone who finds someone under the age of 18 attractive. They also use it synonymous with the term child molester. Not every pedophile is a child molester and not every child molester is a pedophile.
Yeah and while we're at it we can also kill off all hetero ugly men because their sexual orientation ultimately leads to the abuse of women. All men are rapists.
I'd gladly destroy all the pedophiles and rape advocates in this thread with my sword
Very few hetero men will rape women, most pedos will rape kids
Alright so at what % of rapists can we kill certain groups?
to take the child molestors seriously you have to assume anyone targeting young girls is potentially one.
not going to say this is you but Jow Forums usually says girls who do porn are sluts and black people who talk like gangsters are retarded.
so why does it suddenly defend child molestors?
CUTE would babysit/10
no one likes pedophiles. stop trying to justify your pedophilia fag. i'll burn you alive
What the fuck is up with all these pedos flooding the board, they're almost as prevalent as the faggots now
Check out the newfag. He doesn't even deserve a (You).
>my pp too small for actual mature females so lemme fuck kids plz
terrible b8 m8
here's your (You). now get out of here
>toastie roastie thinks she's in her prime
I used to be a pseudo pedophile until I realized it was just a product of my porn addiction. I can masturbate to normal porn, catch an orgasm and still admire a woman's beauty right after but I can't look at lolly, for instance, after I cum because it just looks so stupid. If it no longer arouses you after you cum, it's not your true sexuality.
Wow so edgy omg...
Theres no real debate here. Pedos are the biggest degenerates out there. Id rather spend my time with neo-nazis.
I'm not even a nonce but pedo threads like this are the biggest reddit filter, keep doing God's work OP.
The FBI must be working overtime
>Pedophilia is wrong and disgusting
okay, how old is she?
Even worse when people call drake a pedo for dating a 17 year old or people that care about drawings
I want reddit to leave this board. You normalfaggots disgust me.
the idea that a CHILD is into you somehow is so backwards it honestly makes me sick. You are obviously suffering some kind of psychosis. Pedophilia is wrong because youre psychologically and physically damaging someone who is in such a fragile state of life FOREVER. just because youre horny. Its selfish and foul. Why is this shit allowed to be posted here??
seething plebbitor kek
>heh, im so edgy, I fuck kids and browse Jow Forums.
this place has been widley known by people for such a long time, this isnt your "sekret klub" faggot.
>just because youre horny. Its selfish and foul. Why is this shit allowed to be posted here??
people are litterally conceaved because reproduction is a built in fetish, and when you bring someone into this world you sign them up for anything bad that could happen.
antinatalism 101.
Hi Trad Stacy alias Mahatma Kane Jeeves from YT! If that is what you think, how in THE HELL are you trying to push your incel friend Virgin Messiah, who is 33 years old virgin, to start a relationship with Tahlia, a child-like 17 years old girl? Are you retarded? BLINDED BY YOU NEED TO PLEASE YOUR FRIENDS, to support PEDOPHILIA? Would not wonder. After all, you seem to care about your own self only. You even flew to live with a man on the other side of the country, just before Christmas, even if you should've stayed home being available to your son. It all reminds me of the case when you were BEING TOTALLY BLIND to the horrifying animal abuse your friend fucked himself to, JUST TO KEEP THAT FRIEND.
oh wow, look the redditor used the word "faggot", tell me, how do you feel? i bet you're feeling really sorry, what if you offended some gay people?